Didn't know where to post this as it makes me more sad than mad.
But what is wrong with you mankind?
Why the always fighting throughout history?
What is wrong with us that we'd do our utmost to protect wild animals from being hunted/shot, to reduce peoples ability to shoot them, while pushing
to arm ourselves better to hunt and kill our own kind?
Because that is what the majority of weapons we own are for world wide. To kill other humans. Wether for self-defense or offense.
This is 2020. We have a space station. We have RC toy cars on other planets. We're all connected via computer devices of varying shapes and sizes. We
can communicate with the entire world in the blink of an eye.
An age of technological and information wonder like never before in our history.
And yet do we advance the species with it? Nope we make instragrams, and twitters and facebook and googles and forums where we can argue all day long
and force our stupidity onto others.
Despite our technological advancements we're still warring, we're still looting, we're still rioting, we're still making new gangs and using force to
push our ideologies on everyone else. Despite knowing we're al sharing the planet, we still want to take what we want from others. We'll lie, we'll
scam, we'll con, we'll terrorize.
But I'm a good boy. My team is the good one. My glorious supreme leader is a better than you supreme leader. You don't want to live like me?
Then I MUST HATE YOU!!! Because you know walking away and minding my own business would be too hard.
My life won't be complete unless you think, act and live like me.
But oh don't you dare try to do it back. Don't you take away my freedoms and rights...
You give a human a $10000 PC, literally capable of designing a space ship, and they will use it to post a tweet about how much you suck, and go
looking for some nasty tabloid level crap to feel better about their own miserable existence instead of using that tech to improve their life.
We turn away from our own sins while we point out others to them. We lie and want to be lied to.
We don't elect the smartest people, we elect the richest old numb nuts or other power hungry fool. We know they're corrupt, we know they lie, we know
their job is self serving,. And we pay them to do so. Then complain about it. And then do it again and again in another few years.
It genuinely seem mankind as a whole just loves being miserable. That bad is good. Maybe it's just part of being a living creature. It's in our genes.
We cannot help but be self destructive. After all, nearly all life is about eating or being eaten.
We seem to be biologically wired to reject anything different to us on some level, despite all being equal. Maybe it's just a learned thing.
Maybe nature versus nurture.
But you're a good person, you're happy? No you're not. Everybody hates something. Even me.
We all justify the things we do. Plenty of criminals who feel no remorse because they can justify why what they did was right.
We've all got our sins. Just because you've not shown yours to any one doesn't mean it's not there. Plus if you put a spotlight on others short
comings it means less likely people are going to pay attention to yours.
That sweet Christian man who served at the soup kitchen and attended church once a week, he was a good man. Until he killed his business partner.
That sweet woman who rescues whales, and is saving the planet? she was a good person, until she murdered her husband, because he caught her having an
affair, and well, murder sure is easier than divorce, plus he was probably gonna get the kids...
You were a good person, up until you got swept up in a mob mentality that allowed you to feel justified to riot and loot. I'm owed these Nikes, I'm
owed this 55 inch TV. Because reasons.
We're all good boys until we're not. You're a good person, until you get on that website and tell some random person how much you'd like to commit
violence against them because they wrote words you didn't like.
Sure we do good things, but we're not good. We have moments of being happy, but never be always happy.
In the right conditions even the 'best' of you would sell your mother for the last Twinkie on earth.
Even the best person has lied, or done wrong to someone else. Lost their cool, punched someone.
Someone got the last pack of toilet paper before you? ooooooo don't you just want to punch them in the face?
Seriously, why are we this way? Why are we so self destructive and vile to each other? 1000's of years and we've barely evolved.
Two 'World Wars' and we'd gladly have a 3rd tomorrow. We learn nothing. We just come up with newer, better and shinier ways to screw each other.
We'll support war when it's our team doing it, and call it a war crime when the other team does it.
We all do crap things, and we all tell ourselves we're right, it's good, because it's in our benefit.
Do you do good because good? Or do you do good because it allows you to post on Facebook and get a huge pat on the back... selfish.
Do you post on ATS because you have something of worth to say, or is it because you just need to say something snarky too get your S&F fix?
But yeah you're a good person...
At least that's how you and the girls of your bookclub will view it when you tell them about it later. Before sh*t talking each other every time one
of you leaves the room.
You'll take that scholarship you need because you wouldn't get in on your own merits. Who cares if it denies someone that worked hard to get their.
You deserve it clearly, because you were born, oh and something bad once happened to someone else a long time ago.
But of course you're a good person.
Hell you invent a cure for cancer and aids and someone will try to engineer it into a way to give people cancer and aids.
So yes, it makes me sad. Why are humans such pieces of crap in the grand scheme of things? Why is it impossible for us to have peace and get along?
Why can't we seem to get along and work together.
Heck we even glorify crime. In film and TV. We turn villains into heroes. We make monsters cool. We think a serial killer wearing someone elses face
while they chainsaw down teenage camp counselors. Such fun! LOLZ.
We're ashamed of ourselves. We find ourselves gross. We act like everyone but us poops.
Why can't 'all men' be truly equal? Why do we always gotta have more than the next person?
Are we just all mentally ill? Is being truly intelligent beyond us?
Why do we seem to revel in misery? Are we just stupid?
Yep makes me sad. I see an infinite possibilities for mankind. But I just cannot see us taking any of those paths.
We'd rather kill each other for oil, in the name of some sky fairy and engineer new ways to screw each other than say put that time and effort in
becoming immortal....
Maybe we're just stuck with going around in circles and there's nothing we can do about. Life by it's very nature is just suffering.
Because you humans sure make it feel like hell.
You make me sad.
Come at me, be offended by what I write. Wish me ill for not thinking like you. Give into the dark side. You'll feel much better if you do.
Show your friends, make them hateful and angry too.
Put your blinders on and run wild. Maybe you can get your hate #trending.
Just be sure to selectively misquote and change the context to make it fit you. Show me you're the boss.
After all I'm sure you're a good person. And if you think you're right, well then you must be.
edit on 21-8-2020 by AtomicKangaroo because: i
vant to drink your blood.