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Great find on the moon, mars, and aliens!!! Repeat great find!!!

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posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 10:33 AM
still not convinced by the whole moon base thing but it does seem impossible so I will not write it off completely. I`ve posted some threads we have had on this before

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by dragonrider
Therefore, if you believe this, can you produce some information, links, or statistics to prove your assertion?

common sense

who's paying for this?

who's there?

where are all the supply rockets launched from?

I might remind you, that it is the responsibility of those presenting a theory to prove their theory -- not the responsibility of disbelievers to prove the theory wrong

common sense dictates a significant unlikelihood that this theory is remotely true

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 11:04 AM
common sense

who's paying for this?

Ummm.. you are, along with every other US taxpayer. And you dont even know it. Where do you think about 55% of the US budget goes when it is earmarked for "Black Projects"?

who's there?

We are, along with the Russians. Have been since the late 1950s.

where are all the supply rockets launched from?

They are not rockets, they are X Craft, propelled by Magneto Hydrodynamic propulsion systems, a technology conceptualized by Nikola Tesla as early as 1889 and developed by Thomas Townsend Brown in the 1940s-1950s, and implemented into the US inventory in the 1950s under Project Winterhaven. The newest generation of these X Craft include the TR-3B, the much sited Triangle or Delta UFO.

These craft are produced at Area 51, and operationally deployed mainly to bases in Northern Wyoming, Alaska, and Pine Gap Australia. These bases are used as they provide high lattitude launch points towards the poles, and therefore away from any orbital traffic, over sparsley populated areas.

I might remind you, that it is the responsibility of those presenting a theory to prove their theory -- not the responsibility of disbelievers to prove the theory wrong

A few threads you may be interested in reviewing in that case...

From conversations with certain members of the military, there is indeed at least one manned outpost on the moon. There was also an attempted manned mission to Mars in 1986 that did not succeed "due to causes not related to technology or engineering".... and immediately after that, approximately 90 billion dollars was rerouted to developing HAARP, an offensive weapons system...

common sense dictates a significant unlikelihood that this theory is remotely true

Which is most likely what the gov wants you to believe.

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by guest
common sense

who's paying for this?

Ehrm... YOU... and the rest of the tax paying, law obiding citizens.

who's there?

Us government in cooperation with alien species (or so the story goes) If you want to know more about this topic i suggest that you search the ATS website for info.

where are all the supply rockets launched from?

The US and her partners who supply the bases with what they need have technology far superior than the space shuttle... and thus use those vehicles to resupply those on the moonbase with whatever they might need.

I suggest that you run a search on the "alternative 3" stories...

I might remind you, that it is the responsibility of those presenting a theory to prove their theory -- not the responsibility of disbelievers to prove the theory wrong

common sense dictates a significant unlikelihood that this theory is remotely true

People are sheep... sheep that are programmed to do things a certain way... If you adhere to the rules that "society" lives by and don't try to open your mind and eyes you'll never see the big picture. The big picture is that we the people are being mislead any wich way they can to keep our minds focussed on trivial every day problems (a.k.a. our reality) and keep us from seeing that "big picture".

What do you think would happen if a large group would wake up to realise the truth... The people in charge would lose control... We might want to make demands on how we are treated, what discisions and agreements are being made in our names.

It's a very difficult and long discussion to make one see the truth of this world... especially for me because i'm just begining to open my eyes... and the things i see are hard to explain... other than seeing the disceptions by governments all over the world.

One good recent example is the iraq war... that was started as a war against terrorism... then became a war against WMD... neither basis for starting the war has been confirmed/proven to be correct and the people were following their leaders like sheep... following one after another. All in all we went to war under false pretences, we the people were decieved.

I'm trying to point out that this disception takes place on all kinds of levels in society. Why are you so sure that this disception isn't used for covering up something so potentially damaging to society (remember the sheep) as "Aliens are living on the moon".

There's nothing wrong with being sceptic, get as much information as you can about the subject... free your mind and figure out what you want to believe.

As for the subject at hand... there are SO MANY reports made by ex government [above top secret] personnel that point to this conspiracy, aswell as the fake (photos and film) Aldrin and Armstrong moonlanding. If you do some research you will come to see that the possibility of this story being real is more probable than not.

But these are my thoughts on the matter... Everyone to their own...



posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 11:44 AM
Geez that's funny...

I almost posted the same thing as DR... LOL

Wasn't intentional... i wrote my comment at the same time DR did...


posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 12:28 PM

Plate 115, Apollo 16, 16-18918 has to be blown-up to clearly see the large oval-shaped object inside a crater. N.A.S.A. has no scientific explanation for this object that does not fit into the natural terrain. Apollo 13 NASA NO. 13-60-8609 shows a large circular glowing UF.O. hovering over a very dark Moon landscape, definitely not natural. N.A.S.A. LUNAR ORBITER 5 Photo HR 1033, taken on the hidden side of the Moon, clearly shows a huge cylindrical shaped object appearing to be parked on the Moon with front section in an opening on the side of the crater at Mare Moscovience. There is so scientific geological explanation. Apollo 15 photo 1512640 shows a reported mining operation at the Hunboltd crater. 3 domes are shown inside the crater Archimedes.

Has anyone found these other photos and confirmed these reports?

The Zetans have been analyzed by government psychologists to be, in ways, similar to Nazi scientists...technologically very advanced and materialistic, intellectual geniuses, yet lacking the kind of compassionate emotions and spiritual desires common with most people in our Earth nations.

This is an interesting statement, because it is consistent with abductee reports of the Greys/ Zetans as operating through a "Hive" mentality. The Nazi reference is intruiging because reports from the Dulce base puts the Greys as the worker class, doing the 'grunt work' in the genetics experiments (with the Reptilians overseeing the entire operation). Supposedly the Reptilians are the real source of fascism.

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 12:32 PM
Mr. Freeze,

Sorry, I got offline right after I posted that so didnt even see your post on this till just now. Indeed, scary, but great minds think alike.

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 12:40 PM
Found something about Tyrantor

System Originally Used on Tyrantor

This Awareness indicates that the city of Tyre as having become a base for the Tyrantians, who began to set up their system there. This Awareness indicates that in a recent Plain Truth magazine, an article stating that the present day system which is presently discussed--whereby the mark or number of each individual is to be tatooed upon their hand for identification, and electronic-fund-transfer being used in lieu of money--that this system was originally used in the city of Tyre--whereby entities hands were marked and they were identified in this manner, and the central bank in Tyre kept track of them and their service, their work and their earnings with this mark. This Awareness indicates that this essentially has been brought from the planet of Tyrantia and its neighboring star systems to the earth, and there is the attempt at this time to implant that system upon the earth

The source site has a great deal of information, surf around it a little bit:


posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 02:34 PM
MKULTRA: i went looking for the photos you quoated. i couldn't find any of them. i did find one that's close to the last one. the humboldt crater. it's taken from the same mission, so it's just as good really.

here's a version of that image that's about twice as large

[Edited on 13-7-2003 by jra]


posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 06:39 PM
Great link, i have read the conversation with the astromomer before. That radio transmission has always bothered me a little. If an astonomer radioed back that aliens and ships were watching him, why would they be so worried about setting the mirrors in place? Kinda wierd that they asked "is the uproar with the UFOs over?" Wouldnt you be more curious about the aliens and space craft? Does anyone know what specifically the astronauts were doing there? Just my view. I dont think the idea of moonbases is as impossible as some believe.


posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 11:50 PM
ok well i finaly sat down and read through the whole part on the moon. it is really interesting, but it lacks any proof what so ever from what i can see. now i do believe there is other life out there. i'd find it hard to believe that there wouldn't be.

but i'm a little unclear on a few things. this is supposed to be an official document from the "Department of Interplanetary Affairs" that got de-classified? i've never heard of the Department of Interplanetary Affairs befor. are then apart of the government? how did a document that contained this sensitive material get de-classified exactly? or am i just confused? is this just somebody writing about a supposed top secret file? the style in which this was writen does not seem like something you'd read in an official document. especialy when using all caps to emphasize something important. that just doesn't seem very professional to me, (but i shouldn't talk i'm a horrible writer
). and one thing that irritated me was that the person kept calling the far side of the moon the "dark side" of the moon. surely this person should know better then that?

but all in all it still was interesting.

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