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Secondary iosolation and weaponization of Covid-19 what are the odds?

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posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 02:27 PM
I was thinking too much as I usually do today and I began to wonder. With all of the labs that now have the isolated contagion on hand what are the odds of it being isolated and batch grown to use to suppress certain members of society? Like for instance churches, Red States, seniors who might be more concervative, any groups determined to be trouble for the deep state globalist cabal. It should be pretty straight forward to do such a thing in any moderately funded lab anyplace worldwide at this point. If it can be done is it being done? How would we know if or when it happens? Has it already been used to create spikes in incidents of the disease or even death in populations targeted? Chaos is spreading with the fear but that makes it more likely wouldn't you think this is likely happening?

edit on 8/16/2020 by machineintelligence because: entry error

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence

China likely already has it pre-engineered and ready for shipping.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 02:47 PM
The fear of the virus is already doing those jobs.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: machineintelligence
Has it already been used to create spikes in incidents of the disease or even death in populations targeted? Chaos is spreading with the fear but that makes it more likely wouldn't you think this is likely happening?

More like has the virus' spikes been modified in the lab to begin with!
When you hear the big shout from mainstream scientists saying that this was a natural event, and impossible to be done in a lab...even though in the preceding years the viral lab in Wuhan was trying to do just that...(and not just Chinese scientists while Zhengli-Li Shi, (batwoman) was part of the experiment) she has been seen as working for the Chinese military.

scepticism hangs heavily in the air.

Zhengli-Li Shi, did also talk about something she did re that virus in 2019, which is strange, since she was already involved with the experiment in 2015/16.
edit on 16-8-2020 by smurfy because: Text, link.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 04:06 PM
Lying about the seriousness of a common flu virus is the weapon.
Stalling the inevitable awakening of society to a bunch of punks rigging and extracting wealth for their own family and friends is the purpose.
As a bioweapon it is a complete joke. Might as well pump soap into the water supply so everyone gets diarrhea. I'd be willing to bet more old or unhealthy people would die than the scamdemic.

We need a vaccine for scumbags causing social unrest intentionally.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence

That’s certainly in the realm of possibilities of what some covert agencies would carry out if it suited their purposes.

I don’t think they’ve done or will do it with covid-19, however. I don’t think it’s even remotely as dangerous or deadly as they’ve got folks screaming about.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 04:35 PM
I was told by a rather wise person it can be turned on somehow but not off????

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence
I''s already happened

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 05:32 PM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
Lying about the seriousness of a common flu virus is the weapon.
Stalling the inevitable awakening of society to a bunch of punks rigging and extracting wealth for their own family and friends is the purpose.
As a bioweapon it is a complete joke. Might as well pump soap into the water supply so everyone gets diarrhea. I'd be willing to bet more old or unhealthy people would die than the scamdemic.

We need a vaccine for scumbags causing social unrest intentionally.

I like the way you used the word 'common' there.
The 1957/58 'flu outbreak in the UK was new, there was no vaccine for it, although a vaccine was made fairly soon, it was called Asian' flu/influenza A subtype H2N2. it wasn't 'common' did a lot of harm over the world, and millions died, I was only 11 at that time and I got the virus, and spent two weeks in bed, with blood flying out of my nose all that time, I was never treated by the time the 'flu had passed, but I remember it well, I could hardly stand up, weak as water, children it seems were the lucky ones. Thing is, the disease did kill people in itself, but just like this virus, many more died from underlying conditions, that gave rise to the like of pneumonia, and heart trouble.
So, no, it was no joyride for me, and I probably gave it to my mother, and she was very ill...but we soldiered through anyway until it passed.
That 'flu was considered to be a 'reassorted' virus, a mixture of Avian 'Flu, and human 'flu. I don't know if that analysis has been reconsidered since, or if it should be.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: machineintelligence

This virus keeps getting more infectious.

Could be from a GOF this virus was given so that it gets stronger over time as it mutates.

It could also be from the release of the latest upgrade to Covid-19.

A lot of things about this virus make me think it was designed by humans.

Compared to other strains, D614G produces more viral copies in the respiratory tract and spreads more efficiently from person to person.

D614G, otherwise known as the "G" mutation, first appeared in January and has since become the dominant strain, usurping the original "L" and "S" variants.

In a Facebook post, Malaysian Health director-general Noor Hisham Abdullah said the D614G mutation was first detected in July, and studies would likely reveal that any existing vaccine is ineffective against the mutation.

'10 times more infectious' D614G coronavirus strain detected in Malaysia

edit on 16-8-2020 by LookingAtMars because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: machineintelligence
I was thinking too much as I usually do today and I began to wonder. With all of the labs that now have the isolated contagion on hand what are the odds of it being isolated and batch grown to use to suppress certain members of society? Like for instance churches, Red States, seniors who might be more concervative, any groups determined to be trouble for the deep state globalist cabal. It should be pretty straight forward to do such a thing in any moderately funded lab anyplace worldwide at this point. If it can be done is it being done? How would we know if or when it happens? Has it already been used to create spikes in incidents of the disease or even death in populations targeted? Chaos is spreading with the fear but that makes it more likely wouldn't you think this is likely happening?

I remember a similar theory about HIV-AIDS in the early 80s. The theory goes that HIV was a bio-weapon President Regan had engineered to take out drug users and homosexuals specifically. I never believed that one back then, but having read a newspaper article around 1978 about a virus weaponized by the military to attack the human immune system, I had no doubt HIV-AIDS was man made by the time those other theories circulated.

Seems that COVID-19 is following a similar pattern regarding ideas about what these bio-weapons were meant to do once released. From a military point of view, I think they would have wanted to develop a disease that would spread quickly, kill many (or at least disable many), and have no effective treatments or quick vaccines. Of course they have to invent it first before they can then create their own defensive measures (ie vaccine, etc) to then purposely release it. If my above speculations are correct, then this one wasn't ready to be released on purpose, yet. Otherwise, I doubt that the final finished version would be so specific in it's targets as certain members of society, not enough casualties that way IMO.

edit on 17-8-2020 by MichiganSwampBuck because: For Clarity

posted on Aug, 18 2020 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: machineintelligence
I was thinking too much as I usually do today and I began to wonder. With all of the labs that now have the isolated contagion on hand what are the odds of it being isolated and batch grown to use to suppress certain members of society? you dare to show any proof that the " supposed bug" has been isolated ??? Because , they NEVER isolated it in China or any country .

Ever hear about Koch's postulates ?

Nobody has Purified and isolated it , the devil pop's up from the details....which most people are not so interested to even find out, now days ,sadly.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

Kind of hard to make a vaccine when you do not have the target strain of the virus isolated isn't it?

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: machineintelligence

Modus operandi is to inject people with toxic substances, to harm people and pump up a lot $$ to organized medicine, so after getting most of people believing that they have the isolated virus strain, it`s really easy to just go and do it...just make all the wacko scientist with their white butcher jacket`s develope their "solution" to the "problem" a vaccine that some believe could save humans from this virus they dont even have. People then demand the "solution" to the problem and inject the coctails in to their body

This is also why covid-19 will be here for looong time. As i sayed earlyer, covid-19 is not caused by virus.

It`s a scam on every angle.

All they have is unidentified sample of...something, and that something can be so many things really, like just normal cell debris from cell detoxification process. So when ever people get in contact with something toxic , the same body process start or should start allways and bingo! it can create this mysterious sample which those idiots claim to be novel coronavirus.

It`s really a dream come true if you think it from TPTB side, all they have to do now is get people in contact with toxic things, or EMF radiation and bingo! you got covid-19 positive result from test sir, put your mask on, start socialist distancing, lock yourself in home for few Months...

There is no valid science in the super super dangerous Wuhan coronavirus if real science would look it with magnifying glass, same was with HIV.

The medical sector science has been hijacked to serve the agenda of shadow goverment,at least the majorety has. There are scientist that see the lies now, as was when HIV lie was made also.

The ridiculous covid-19 test are junk science. And even interpretation of the results, because positive result dont mean you have covid-19 disease. They fool on every damn thing there is, and it seem to be rather easy.So positive covid-19 should not even been marked as a know the trackers that show how many cases pop up . And the ridiculous covid-19 test give every other day positive and then negative results LOL ...back and forth..

edit on 20-8-2020 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

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