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What It’s Like to Go Into Lockdown for the Second Time

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posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: anonentity

Well, have fun with that. So glad the “latest cluster” there was identified and you know that it came in on freight. I guess you guys might need to close every orifice of your country for the next...well, forever, since y’all won’t ever get herd or any immunity. If you guys keep your borders cinched down tight for the next ten years, when you do open back up and one person brings the virus in, guess what? It’s gonna spread through your society again.

You can’t eradicate it by locking down and masking up.


Every govt action so far is pointless.

We'll eventually get herd immunity, when 80% of the population have either had the virus or an immunization

Well no, your country won’t get herd or any immunity, because you’re locking everyone down and trying to eradicate the thing. Right? You went 100 days without a new case! And then BAM some frozen meat or something or someone on some freight from somewhere slipped through and you had another outbreak.

So y’all are gonna have to wait for a vaccine. Because your country can’t get 80% immunity if no one is allowed to get the virus.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

Many indicators that the number is actually ~20%, but all the same.. Plenty of regions arent even close.

Vaccine salespeople are pretty clear that vaccines wont stop any of the measures either.

Lockdowns, social blackmail, etc. arent really about The Virus though. Much bigger plans are in play.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

I hope i am not an ignorant dolt. But the Indiginous population of this country has grave yards full of people that copped it during the Spanish flue epidemic. They are also manning checkpoints to make sure it does not spread, as long as you have food, you can wait it out, if you get fooled into thinking that a life is dependent on going through supermarket shelfs buying unnecessary junk then you were #ed long before this epidemic hit.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: anonentity

Well, have fun with that. So glad the “latest cluster” there was identified and you know that it came in on freight. I guess you guys might need to close every orifice of your country for the next...well, forever, since y’all won’t ever get herd or any immunity. If you guys keep your borders cinched down tight for the next ten years, when you do open back up and one person brings the virus in, guess what? It’s gonna spread through your society again.

You can’t eradicate it by locking down and masking up.


Every govt action so far is pointless.

We'll eventually get herd immunity, when 80% of the population have either had the virus or an immunization

Well no, your country won’t get herd or any immunity, because you’re locking everyone down and trying to eradicate the thing. Right? You went 100 days without a new case! And then BAM some frozen meat or something or someone on some freight from somewhere slipped through and you had another outbreak.

So y’all are gonna have to wait for a vaccine. Because your country can’t get 80% immunity if no one is allowed to get the virus.

The intention was never to eradicate the virus. I don't even think that is possible.

We went to flatten the curve and instead, this was so effective that it had stopped the instances of new infections in the community (except under managed containment, we were still getting those). This outbreak was a community transmission, probably from a refrigerated freight source, and we are dealing with that, too.

Also, it appears that this is a new strain. Possibly more similar to the one that is afflicting Victoria in Australia. There has been a suggestion that this strain is more infectious but the epidemiology isn't in yet.

edit on 16/8/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

#. So, again- you all are going to have to stay locked down and close your borders for...maybe forever. A new strain of it, you say? So you got such an amazing handle on the first (?) strain, and then this little
problem with the frozen source, which you’re getting a handle on,’s a new strain. Sh!t! Y’all never got the chance to get herd immunity on that first strain, and BOOM, now those a-holes from
Victoria sent over a mutated new strain?

You better hope they get a vaccine soon, unless you enjoy being trapped inside and isolated from other humans for years on end. And hopefully they will be able to get the vaccine to cover all the mutations that are happening even as we speak. Damn wait...even the flu vaccine is a crapshoot every year since it also mutates...

You all don’t care for travel anyway, right? Lucky thing NZ folks don’t have any desire to travel nor do they need imports or exports.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555

That whole process is self defeating IMO.

Instead of it spreading through people out but being careful, it will be spread by the excess number our authorities coming into contact with the public.

You can't stop it. All you can do is slow it down some, but people will still get it. All lower numbers meant at the start is that it would be worse later on.

The main purpose for it is psychological. Get it now, or get it later; unless you go off grid and wait it out.

This needs to stay visible for the folks who have to read a couple times to really absorb.


posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: KansasGirl

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: anonentity

Well, have fun with that. So glad the “latest cluster” there was identified and you know that it came in on freight. I guess you guys might need to close every orifice of your country for the next...well, forever, since y’all won’t ever get herd or any immunity. If you guys keep your borders cinched down tight for the next ten years, when you do open back up and one person brings the virus in, guess what? It’s gonna spread through your society again.

You can’t eradicate it by locking down and masking up.


Every govt action so far is pointless.

We'll eventually get herd immunity, when 80% of the population have either had the virus or an immunization

Well no, your country won’t get herd or any immunity, because you’re locking everyone down and trying to eradicate the thing. Right? You went 100 days without a new case! And then BAM some frozen meat or something or someone on some freight from somewhere slipped through and you had another outbreak.

So y’all are gonna have to wait for a vaccine. Because your country can’t get 80% immunity if no one is allowed to get the virus.

The intention was never to eradicate the virus. I don't even think that is possible.

We went to flatten the curve and instead, this was so effective that it had stopped the instances of new infections in the community (except under managed containment, we were still getting those). This outbreak was a community transmission, probably from a refrigerated freight source, and we are dealing with that, too.

Also, it appears that this is a new strain. Possibly more similar to the one that is afflicting Victoria in Australia. There has been a suggestion that this strain is more infectious but the epidemiology isn't in yet.

Hail hydra

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: chr0naut

#. So, again- you all are going to have to stay locked down and close your borders for...maybe forever. A new strain of it, you say? So you got such an amazing handle on the first (?) strain, and then this little
problem with the frozen source, which you’re getting a handle on,’s a new strain. Sh!t! Y’all never got the chance to get herd immunity on that first strain, and BOOM, now those a-holes from
Victoria sent over a mutated new strain?

You better hope they get a vaccine soon, unless you enjoy being trapped inside and isolated from other humans for years on end. And hopefully they will be able to get the vaccine to cover all the mutations that are happening even as we speak. Damn wait...even the flu vaccine is a crapshoot every year since it also mutates...

You all don’t care for travel anyway, right? Lucky thing NZ folks don’t have any desire to travel nor do they need imports or exports.

We are in precisely the same situation as the USA, except that the epidemic there is out of control (in comparison to either Australia or New Zealand).

Also, the mutated strain seen in NZ may not be from Victoria, it may be that both NZ and Victoria have the same mutated strain, via the same path (refrigerated imports), from a another source.

You simply fail to see that we are trying to reduce the number of deaths from this virus. Flattening the curve, or even eliminating it from particular regions for as long as possible, does that.

Doing 'stuff all', and talking about vaccines or herd immunity, both of which are unlikely to have any appreciable effect in the time frame of years, doesn't do that, does it?

So, the USA currently has 167,253 dead from COVID-19, is creditably estimated to have 300,000 dead by December, is unlikely to have a vaccine by then, and also won't have herd immunity for years. And you are suggesting that we should do what that country does?

Nah, sorry.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: KansasGirl

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: muzzleflash

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: anonentity

Well, have fun with that. So glad the “latest cluster” there was identified and you know that it came in on freight. I guess you guys might need to close every orifice of your country for the next...well, forever, since y’all won’t ever get herd or any immunity. If you guys keep your borders cinched down tight for the next ten years, when you do open back up and one person brings the virus in, guess what? It’s gonna spread through your society again.

You can’t eradicate it by locking down and masking up.


Every govt action so far is pointless.

We'll eventually get herd immunity, when 80% of the population have either had the virus or an immunization

Well no, your country won’t get herd or any immunity, because you’re locking everyone down and trying to eradicate the thing. Right? You went 100 days without a new case! And then BAM some frozen meat or something or someone on some freight from somewhere slipped through and you had another outbreak.

So y’all are gonna have to wait for a vaccine. Because your country can’t get 80% immunity if no one is allowed to get the virus.

The intention was never to eradicate the virus. I don't even think that is possible.

We went to flatten the curve and instead, this was so effective that it had stopped the instances of new infections in the community (except under managed containment, we were still getting those). This outbreak was a community transmission, probably from a refrigerated freight source, and we are dealing with that, too.

Also, it appears that this is a new strain. Possibly more similar to the one that is afflicting Victoria in Australia. There has been a suggestion that this strain is more infectious but the epidemiology isn't in yet.

Hail hydra

Wasn't that led by some numb red skull but was just fictional?

I wonder if there's a real-world analog of some group or nation that have their tentacles everywhere and are led by some authoritarian bloke?

edit on 16/8/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

New Zealand could close its borders permanently ,the place is not over populated, In fact the borders are basically closed now. Just about every food item is made here, along with serious quality goods.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

The news is very clearly being manipulated. They didn't do any worse than any other comparative numbers area but lost no businesses and didn't destroy freedom.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy
a reply to: chr0naut

The news is very clearly being manipulated. They didn't do any worse than any other comparative numbers area but lost no businesses and didn't destroy freedom.

They did worse than China!

In a country with a far lower population density and far smaller population.

And they lost no businesses? What about those where the owner is dead?

Sweden suffers record plunge despite lighter lockdown - The telegraph

Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale - New York Times

Sweden Business Confidence1996-2020 Data - Trading Economics

Sweden Economic Outlook - Focus Economics

Sweden's Relaxed Approach to the Coronavirus Could Already Be Backfiring - Time

edit on 16/8/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: KansasGirl

New Zealand could close its borders permanently ,the place is not over populated, In fact the borders are basically closed now. Just about every food item is made here, along with serious quality goods.

But where would the US get it's millitary guidance tech if Rakon were out of the picture? China? Russia?


edit on 16/8/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Shush or they will realize that theirs a rocket launching facility on a certain peninsular.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: KansasGirl

New Zealand could close its borders permanently ,the place is not over populated, In fact the borders are basically closed now. Just about every food item is made here, along with serious quality goods.

But where would the US get it's millitary guidance tech if Rakon were out of the picture? China? Russia?


LOL indeed.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

No no no, theres no such thing as a curve.
That's more propaganda talk.

Graphs are abstractions of data sets, they aren't real and it is impossible they are very accurate.

There is no way to know any of these statistics. Exanple: No one has asked me anything or tested me. If I am not in the data set well I personally know for sure it isn't telling half the story.

These words and terms are used by the propaganda machine to confuse and cloud the truth.

"Flatten the curve", it is just another half truth twisted into a complete meaningless statement that has no bearing on reality.

Then right after that they lie and claim a vaccine is even scientifically possible which it isn't. We would have to make hundreds, then thousands of vaccines for every mutant strain out there - and I believe there are perhaps millions of strains it mutates so fast.

Corona has always had a tendency to mutate rapidly, so the virus that infected you may not be the one you're now spreading to others - it mutates as it hijacks cells.

That's why there is no vaccine for the other Coronas (aka the common cold) because it's impossible with this current methodology of vaccine preparations.

That's why I tell ppl just eat the honey lol. A recent article I saw showed they found over 3200 antigens in a random mediocre batch of honey. And another (with mid quality honey) showed there were over 5000 enzymes present including the enzyme in soap that kills Corona (honey is like washing your insides with soap than).

These people are hiding all of these facts.
There's no such thing as a curve in this context, there will never be a viable vaccine, and honey is the only safe and effective proven treatment that will kill the entire infection within days.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

Lipase is the enzyme in soap and honey that breaks down the virus chemically.

Honey has over 100 other routes of attacking this virus and lipase is just one of the guns in the massive arsenal.

If people just spent a few hours googling around they'd begin to see this is all true and being actively covered up - mostly by completely ignoring and never ever addressing it.

Not 1 piece of the entire Covid hoax has been true. They lied at every single step and with seemingly each breath.

This has become the premier mind control operation in history. It is absolutely unprecedented. 911 was actually smaller than this.

The NWO is here but no one sees it yet because it's still surfacing as we speak and few can see the big picture because most facts they are fed aren't true.
edit on 8/17/2020 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

We dont know how China did.

We cannot trust anything they say about anything.

Those Chinese politicians lie just as much as American ones.

These ppl lie to the public Every Single Day.

posted on Aug, 17 2020 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: muzzleflash

I’m with you. They can’t know deadly it is or even how infectious it is since according to them, there are so many asymptomatic people.

Have you looked into where the money in the coronavirus stimulus packages is going? Music programs and museums, airlines, all kinds of stuff that has nothing to do with this virus.

They will just keep telling us that “It’s getting more infectious!” “It’s mutated and the strains are getting worse!” as soon as enough people question things, then suddenly it will start mutating new strains that are even “more deadly.”

posted on Aug, 18 2020 @ 02:52 AM
a reply to: dug88

check out Aberdeen in Scotland they are in lockdown 2.0

Scottish gov have test and trace in place if the first line of defense fails
and that is ourselves by self isolating.

Aberdeen seems to be under control now at least

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