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posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 09:44 AM
Before Joe Bidens mind left all of us, he was a sexual predator of note.

The video above features one of the best body language experts I have ever come across, as he discusses Joe Bidens Tara Reade interview with MSNBC.

Is there anyone still out there who would knowingly vote for a senile, sexual predator?

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 10:31 AM

Is there anyone still out there who would knowingly vote for a senile, sexual predator?

Sadly, the answer is Yes. They'll vote for whoever let's them get away with rioting, burning, looting...etc. And we all know which side has been finding excuses for all this.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 10:47 AM
They’ll vote for Mao himself if it furthers their cause.

posted on Aug, 9 2020 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Damn 😐

I know it's just Dereks' opinion,

But damn 😐

I hope Derek doesn't dissappear or get covided


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