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Dr. FAUCI's National Institute of Health - N95 and Surgical Masks Were NOT Effective with H1N1.

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posted on Jul, 30 2020 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX
Covid does not even come close to Ebola. Its literally the same thing you have fought all your life, as it is a simple and smart virus that leaves well over 99% of its infected victims alive. I made that point, but you seem to believe the terrorist propoganda on the weaponized media so I'll just move along as your dead set on consuming terror rather than the common sense approach of understanding nobody life is in any elevated danger this year from Corona than every other year the Corona virus circulates. Your own experience in life proves it.

posted on Jul, 30 2020 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: SaturnFX
Covid does not even come close to Ebola. Its literally the same thing you have fought all your life, as it is a simple and smart virus that leaves well over 99% of its infected victims alive. I made that point, but you seem to believe the terrorist propoganda on the weaponized media

Actually, Imma just go with what the vast majority of scientists, doctors, viologists, etc say instead of right wing american internet nobodys

But you do you.

If I am wrong to trust an entire world of professionals all saying the same thing, well, awesome...we all get the sniffles, but maybe I staved off the common cold or whatever BS you are trying to sell
If you're wrong, pick out a casket..I'll still be safe because I am taking sensible precautions.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

posted on Jul, 30 2020 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: carewemust

Yeah, they are for catching the large particulate water droplets which contain virus. Masks are for lowering transmission by catching a large portion of droplets, reducing surface virus particles by approx 70%.

Since mask wearing has been mandatory in public areas for a few months, why are so many devout mask conformers contracting Covid-19?

posted on Jul, 30 2020 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Your wrong saying g the entire professional community is exclaiming the danger to your mortality. You hear only the same handful of alleged professionals profess their terrorism through their partnerships with the global engagement center, the propaganda agency created by Obama five years after he killed the Smith mundt act in 2012. I mean it's all there documented in my signature, and the agency is allocated money by the house since 2017.

Partnerships with medical and academic professionals and the media as well as NGO'S utilizing agents and operators for the purpose of influencing targeted demographics. I mean wtf!? You already knew this, you read this years ago, and I try to bring it up whenever obvious propoganda shows itself. But for some reason, folks, like yourself,and everyone else just looks away and whistles to the wind and just "la la la" to yourself and you try to pretend it is not real.

This stuff is codified into law, it's on the goddamn books! Why does nobody bring it up??? Why does everyone else just pretend it is not even happening?!?!

I tweet about it all the time to the local governments feeds to bring exposure to my community, but all I get is crickets. I'll send it to the governor and Senator Rubiotoo but I suspect that will achieve the same crickets. Oh whatam I saying, I have Geneal McCrystals ai bots calling me Putin's puppet to look forward too. That entire phrase infact is how the intelligence community is even being allowed to continue this horse # mockery. Countering foreign propoganda is the very justification in the writing.

And because reading more than a paragraph is too much of a mental challenge all I get from you is "word salad, the magic box says me be scared, so I be scared".

#ing mirror mirror on the wall huh?? And people actually contemplate why we keep repeating this # every couple thousand years. Holy hell , I finally welcome giant spacerocks kinetic salivation after all.

If the world really prefers to willfully zombify their minds, suppose we deserve every bit of what's coming. Maybe covid-19 is really just the dust that overrides motor functions and your free will to think for yourself. I suppose you also see nothing but a Hollywood coincidence that a movie about this tech just happened to become real 12 years later. ISIS was slayer, and the current purge is society.

Life just loves to imitate art.

edit on 7-31-2020 by worldstarcountry because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2020 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I'd guess it will be normal till next summer at least, until this thing burns itself (IMHO most likely scenario) or there is a vaccine,

After that you'll have some individuals who are decided that they better be safe than sorry the rest of their lives and it'll be normal to see a lot of folk wearing masks when they are out and about regardless of a pandemic.

Personally I don't think that should be considered "normal" we need to inhale and catch a reasonable amount of bugs - but if health care is being compromised by a serious one, it makes sense to mask up and provide a buffer.

In Asia the mass mask wearing phenomenon is more that the air quality is crap in the big cities, rather than fear of airborne viruses.

posted on Jul, 31 2020 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: SaturnFX
Covid does not even come close to Ebola. Its literally the same thing you have fought all your life, as it is a simple and smart virus that leaves well over 99% of its infected victims alive.

There's just so much factually wrong with your argument. First, based on the data about 96% of COVID patients survive. It is well known and documented that there is a range of longer-term medical issues post-infection in case that factors into your thinking. Also, no... COVID-19 has NOT been circulating every year and you cannot just lump all Corona viruses into the same bucket anymore than you can lump the staph that causes boils with the one that causes MRSA. It's intellectually dishonest and just wrong. But you can't be convinced.

posted on Aug, 1 2020 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: jtma508
no I cannot be convinced, because my exposure to the actual survivors confirm either little to no symptoms, or the equivalent of a nasty cold (which is caused by corona in 30% of cases before operation hypochondriac) that guess what, many adults would catch every so many years anyways.

Mind control man, it sure has been perfected.

posted on Sep, 19 2020 @ 01:15 PM
It's a mind crime against those of us that do not buy the masks saves lives idea, as much it is to those that do.

My social interactions comprise of eye contact and facial expressions. I tend to smile back as a reciprocating courtesy.

There's noone extending a smile to me but scared eyes as if I'm a predator out to do them harm.

It's extremely offensive.

posted on Sep, 19 2020 @ 01:50 PM
I have no problem with masks until they became a left wing virtual signaling tool. The reality is that about 95% of the masks I see including the ones I wear are pretty much close to useless. They stop some droplets, but I think just maintaining the 6 feet is really the big part of it all.

People also need to take responsibility for themselves too as in if you are over 70 and/or have preexisting conditions you need to isolate as much as possible until vaccination comes along. The rest should go about their lives with the social distancing changes in place.

One of the big problems with masks is that medical workers actually have PPE classes and are graded on a very exact practices of using it, but the rest of us just run around all willy-nilly constantly touching our masks and face every chance we get...I would bet with a mask on you touch your face 10X more than without one. You might as well as run your finger along every hand rail in an airport and then lick

edit on 19-9-2020 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2021 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
I have no problem with masks until they became a left wing virtual signaling tool. The reality is that about 95% of the masks I see including the ones I wear are pretty much close to useless. They stop some droplets, but I think just maintaining the 6 feet is really the big part of it all.

January 27, 2021

Today, our sinister overlords (probably CHINA) are pushing the need to wear 2 on top of each other!

Fauci says 2 masks:

And, it looks like those same sinister overlords have removed (or moved) the CDC Webpage that shows how few people who get Covid-19, actually from the disease.

edit on 1/27/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2021 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: carewemust

January 27, 2021

Today, our sinister overlords (probably CHINA) are pushing the need to wear 2 on top of each other!

Fauci says 2 masks:

And, it looks like those same sinister overlords have removed (or moved) the CDC Webpage that shows how few people who get Covid-19, actually from the disease.

I think a big plastic bag would be best.... Just saying.

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