a reply to:
9/11 used to be a huge interest of mine and to some extent it still is. I agree though that we're getting to the point where its like beating a dead
horse, most of the conspiracies have been debunked. Now I know on ATS that's not going to be popular statement but its not less true. For example
Two planes are supposed to have collapsed the two towers, they fell in their own footprint
Well sorry but no, they didn't, thats just factually not true as this picture demonstrates
Part of the problem with 9/11 conspiracies has always been laziness (I don't mean this as an insult), you hear that the buildings fell into their own
footprint but they quite clear didn't. The damage was widespread, hell they even found part of the planes landing gear over 10 years later or
something crazy like that.
But a third tower also collapsed into its own footprint just like the two hit by planes, the only problem is that no plane hit it.
WTC-7 took a massive hit when the towers collapsed, year ago I wrote a
Massive thread
examining WTC-7 in more detail, it also did not collapse into its own footprint.
As you can see in this picture, the wreckage spread out onto the surrounding roads. In fact WTC-7 caused massive damage to WTC-5 which was so
extensive they had to rip that whole building down.
The BBC reported it had fallen, while it was still standing whoops! not withstanding standing that and its implications of collusion between the
reporting entities
Again a simple explanation. Basically what happened here was a local news station listening into the FDNY heard them saying that WTC-7 was going to
collapse so they where pulling out of the building. This was misinterpreted as them saying it had actually collapsed when picked up by the BBC. It was
a simple reporting error but when you dig into it you also realise that the FDNY where pretty much expecting WTC-7 to collapse.
Is it possible that their was supposed to be a third plane to render the narrative complete but it did not show up for the party.
This theory isn't new, the idea that WTC-7 was the intended target for flight 93
Its flight path was taking it closer to Washington and it's real target is unknown but it seems most likely that the target was going to be a
political target so probably the Capitol Building or the White House. If you look at the above picture it looks like the flight was heading towards
Washington. Its also been reported that it would have been extremely difficult to fly a plane into that building.
So what happened to this third plane ? It must have caused a problem to the narrative. Logically their should have been one in the air about the same
time as the others hit. ?
errr yeah...it was flight 93, the fourth plane that went down in Shanksville.
Anyway, like I said, yeah at this point its a bit of a dead horse but its still a very interesting topic I think and one that we should question,
there is a 9/11 conspiracy its probably just not the massive controlled demolitions false flag you might think it is, but its also not exactly 19 guys
with box cutters.