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Now that Trump says Mask are patriotic will people wear them?

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posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: Jaellma

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: TXRabbit
Still waiting for the Clorox drinking

That's would be silly, we know injecting bleech is a far more effective solution.

Actually he said it best here...

It's bizarre that in our timeline now the POTUS sounds about as intelligent as homer simpson.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Steely eyed Trump is my favorite Trump

If this convinces even 12 people to wear masks it will be worth it. It's better than nothing - like what we're getting used to

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: Bluntone22

You realize....non mask wearers are missing the point?

Don't wear one. It's not to keep you from getting it...but YOU....passing it to US.

Stupid people. common sense.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: Cancerwarrior
I could'nt care less if Trump wears a mask or not.

I think its silly to wear one and far more detrimental to my health breathing in my own waste than the possibility of contracting C19.

30,000 people died of the common flu last year.

Why was nobody wearing their masks during the Flu "pandemics" that regularly occur every year?

I'll tell you why, its because the talking heads on TV did'nt tell anyone to do so. Like sheepdogs steering the herd.

No time in history has the government mandated a mask during any pandemic, but this time it's different, and nobody seems to want to know why that is.

I will wear a mask if I have to go into a place of business where its mandated. I also have a giant hole cut out in the front of it so I can breathe and take it off as soon as I'm inside. Think about that for a second. You can make a mask out of anything, whether its a piece of lace, or your girlfriends skidmark stained underwear. That alone should tell people that its not about health, its about control, pushing fear and compliance with the rules no matter how silly.

In 1918, masks were mandated by several cities- ece9a701dc_story.html

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: wheresthebody
Have there been enough americans sacrificed to moloch already?

It's never enough.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:07 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

Honestly, in my mind's eye now, whenever trump is on the news, all I see is Sarah Cooper lip syncing whatever it is he is saying. It's hilariously refreshing.
Love her.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: Drucifer

originally posted by: Cancerwarrior
I could'nt care less if Trump wears a mask or not.

I think its silly to wear one and far more detrimental to my health breathing in my own waste than the possibility of contracting C19.

30,000 people died of the common flu last year.

Why was nobody wearing their masks during the Flu "pandemics" that regularly occur every year?

I'll tell you why, its because the talking heads on TV did'nt tell anyone to do so. Like sheepdogs steering the herd.

No time in history has the government mandated a mask during any pandemic, but this time it's different, and nobody seems to want to know why that is.

I will wear a mask if I have to go into a place of business where its mandated. I also have a giant hole cut out in the front of it so I can breathe and take it off as soon as I'm inside. Think about that for a second. You can make a mask out of anything, whether its a piece of lace, or your girlfriends skidmark stained underwear. That alone should tell people that its not about health, its about control, pushing fear and compliance with the rules no matter how silly.

In 1918, masks were mandated by several cities- ece9a701dc_story.html

There have been many "pandemics" in far more recent history.

1.5 Million people worldwide died of Tuberculosis last year.

Funny how nobody was wearing a mask during that "pandemic", doncha think?

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:13 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

He also says they cause problems.

So its a complete and utter mixed bag really where his feelings on the matter are concerned.

This is what happens when Trump uses words.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:19 AM

The World Health Orgnaziont now admits COVID can basically not spread unless you have active symptoms! Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is 'very rare,' WHO says Government responses should focus on detecting and isolating infected people with symptoms, said the WHO's Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove.

So if the whole point of wearing a mask, is to stop asymptomatic carriers from spreading it, but the virus only spreads if you have active symptoms, then why the hell are people still complying with this bunch of bullsnip?

After all, if I have to wear one of these muzzles to protect everyone else health, then I should be able to slap a cigarette out of your mouth, or knock a bag of MacDonalds out of your hands as well.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: Bluntone22

You realize....non mask wearers are missing the point?

Don't wear one. It's not to keep you from getting it...but YOU....passing it to US.

Stupid people. common sense.

If we don't have it, how are we going to pass it on? I think your missing the point.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: panoz77

How do you know you don't have it?

As apparently according to your POTUS, to some, its nothing more than the "sniffles"?

It's prudent to wear a mask for the time being under the correct circumstance like whist in public transport or in large groups of people imho.
edit on 21-7-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:50 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: panoz77

How do you know you don't have it?

As apparently according to your POTUS, to some, its nothing more than the "sniffles"?

It's prudent to wear a mask for the time being under the correct circumstance like whist in public transport or in large groups of people imho.

What if I told you I was tested and negative? Would that suffice? So again, if I don't have it, why should I be forced to wear it? If you think you need to wear it, then feel free to protect me from you.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

It used to be that this forum was about denying ignorance, but when it comes to this plandemic, most of you are eating up the narrative, even if there's no logic behind any of this. Do you put on a condom so your neighbor doesn't get his wife pregnant?

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: Cancerwarrior

originally posted by: Drucifer

originally posted by: Cancerwarrior
I could'nt care less if Trump wears a mask or not.

I think its silly to wear one and far more detrimental to my health breathing in my own waste than the possibility of contracting C19.

30,000 people died of the common flu last year.

Why was nobody wearing their masks during the Flu "pandemics" that regularly occur every year?

I'll tell you why, its because the talking heads on TV did'nt tell anyone to do so. Like sheepdogs steering the herd.

No time in history has the government mandated a mask during any pandemic, but this time it's different, and nobody seems to want to know why that is.

I will wear a mask if I have to go into a place of business where its mandated. I also have a giant hole cut out in the front of it so I can breathe and take it off as soon as I'm inside. Think about that for a second. You can make a mask out of anything, whether its a piece of lace, or your girlfriends skidmark stained underwear. That alone should tell people that its not about health, its about control, pushing fear and compliance with the rules no matter how silly.

In 1918, masks were mandated by several cities- ece9a701dc_story.html

There have been many "pandemics" in far more recent history.

1.5 Million people worldwide died of Tuberculosis last year.

Funny how nobody was wearing a mask during that "pandemic", doncha think?


That doesn’t negate the fact that masks have been mandated by the government previously.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: panoz77

How do you know you don't have it?

As apparently according to your POTUS, to some, its nothing more than the "sniffles"?

It's prudent to wear a mask for the time being under the correct circumstance like whist in public transport or in large groups of people imho.

What if I told you I was tested and negative? Would that suffice? So again, if I don't have it, why should I be forced to wear it? If you think you need to wear it, then feel free to protect me from you.

Oh, now it makes sense. If you test negative once, then you can never get it at all, thus, will not be able to infect others.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: panoz77

Have you been tested and you are negative?

Depending on where you work that may be a daily thing now.

If you don't want to wear a mask don't wear one, i would simply encourage you to do so, after all its everyone that's being asked to do so, and its hardly a yellow star on ones shoulder, just a mask for your own protection and others.

Best to keep the R rate down mate, its the only way to travel if we are honest, quite literally.
edit on 21-7-2020 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: deadlysyn

Thats would depend on the neighbor.

I wear a mask beacuse its prudent and may retard transmission of the pathogen if im infected and dont know.

Quite simple really.

Out of all the inconveniences going around right now, i dont see the wearing masks being in the top 10 if im honest.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

How do you know you don't have it?

Because the CDC, the WHO and the NHI have admitted that asymptomatic carriers passing it on is "extremely rare".
If you had it, you would more than likely have symptoms. And if you're wearing a mask, why do I need one? They only work one way I guess?

As apparently according to your POTUS, to some, its nothing more than the "sniffles"?

My sister got it back in March. She said that's exactly what it was like, with a little diarrhea thrown in the mix. And I hate to break it to you, but if you live in the US, Trump is your president too.

It's prudent to wear a mask for the time being under the correct circumstance like whist in public transport or in large groups of people imho.

And IMHO its totally unnecessary, detrimental to one's health and pushes a political agenda.

I took many an OSHA class on respirators and rebreathers with my line of work. Nobody knows more than OSHA when it comes to mask wearing. Employers can be sued for issuing the wrong kind of mask for a certain type of work. Even the M95's can only filter substances .3 microns. These virus droplets are approximately .1 microns. And they do nothing at all to filter any exhaled air.

Simple math and common sense can work wonders.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: Cancerwarrior

Extremely rare but not impossible, so you dont know then.

Call it as you feel it mate, choice is a thing, then again so is the COVID 19 pathogen, and its still around im afraid.

You are after all your own person.

posted on Jul, 21 2020 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: Drucifer


That doesn’t negate the fact that masks have been mandated by the government previously.

Nor does it condone the fact that they are suddenly mandated now.

The Spanish Flu still killed millions worldwide. So tell me again why they work to stop the spread of disease?

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