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George and Jeremy on Joe Rogan

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posted on Jul, 18 2020 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: Ectoplasm8

The most sincere and best part of this video was when Joe Rogan says "That's hilarious"
Not a single shred of evidence to back up anything said in the three hour conversation. Joe Rogan seems somewhat skeptical at times, but needs to come to a forum such as ATS and read some skeptical views before he interviews his guests.

I agree with 90% of what you guys say, not much evidence presented in the podcast..

I disagree though 10% because of the Navy Pilot and the Tic Tac ufo footage IS EVIDENCE
OF something... what that is >?>>? I don't know neither did the commander nor
does the air force, but you have to admit that is evidence of SOMETHING... SO
there are 'SOME' valid points AND evidence of something
NO ONE CAN EXPLAIN... but agreed most of the 3 hours it was Lazzars stories and
ALL speculation.. You can say the Navy/air force video is speculation but
it is at least evidence of 'something' unexplained..


edit on 18-7-2020 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2020 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: starfoxxx
I disagree though 10% because of the Navy Pilot and the Tic Tac ufo footage IS EVIDENCE
OF something... what that is >?>>? I don't know neither did the commander nor
does the air force, but you have to admit that is evidence of SOMETHING...
I can tell you what it's evidence of, it's evidence that eyewitness accounts can't be trusted. According to J Alen Hynek, Pilots were in the worst class of UFO observers he studied. How is the video evidence that we can't rely on witness accounts?

The pilot who made that video says the video shows the object didn't behave according to the laws of physics. Yet we can study the video and see he is completely WRONG about that, the UFO doesn't even come close to violating the laws of physics at any time. In fact the video is remarkable for how unremarkable the behavior of the object is, it really doesn't do much of anything, which makes it even more shocking the pilot would say it shows the laws of physics being defied.

Navy Pilot Who Filmed the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO Speaks: ‘It Wasn’t Behaving by the Normal Laws of Physics’

If it was obeying physics like a normal object that you would encounter in the sky — an aircraft, or a cruise missile, or some sort of special project that the government didn’t tell you about — that would have made more sense to me. The part that drew our attention was how it wasn’t behaving within the normal laws of physics. You’re up there flying, like, “Okay. It’s not behaving in a manner that’s predictable or is normal by how flying objects physically move.”

Watch the video, absolutely nothing like "it wasn’t behaving within the normal laws of physics" is confirmed by the video. It's shocking that despite all the explanation on the internet about the zoom change at the end, he still doesn't understand his own display, that it simply showed break of target lock followed by a zoom change, and this to me is the most shocking revelation of all:

Ergo, when the object kind of darts away to the left—
I was not aggressively maneuvering the aircraft in the manner that would make the FLIR pod would do that. But look: At that point, I did not actually see the object aggressively accelerate to the left, as the video shows, to actually prove that.
The video DOES NOT show the object accelerating to the left at all, if he understands what his display is telling him, but obviously he doesn't understand it. Am I the only one who find this completely shocking that he doesn't understand his own equipment? I don't think Fravor understood this either, since he seemed impressed by that "acceleration" at the end, but it really didn't accelerate, not the least little bit, if you understand the display and the zoom change.

So, it's time to stop talking about "credible" eyewitnesses as if that means we can rely on what they say, because if this doesn't prove to you that we can't trust what they say, you're not paying attention. We are talking about a pilot who I'm sure is highly trained at flying the aircraft, but he doesn't understand the technology he's using to make statements like what he said about the acceleration and "wasn’t behaving within the normal laws of physics". For once, we have a video to check his statement against, but the video does not confirm what he says, it proves him WRONG!

edit on 2020718 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jul, 23 2020 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Macenroe82

Sry, but Corbell is a hack just lifting already known info and acting like he's blowing minds. He wants to be the star and his poorly made docs put a lot of the focus on him which makes for a bad documentary. He's even worse on Rogan as he is never prepared, rambles off topic and when asked for proof either doesn't have it or says "it's in my movie". Yea, then bring some clips genius. You knew you were going on a 3 hour talk show and brought nothing! And the random F bombs like he's making some amazing point are child like. Learn to curse like an adult if you're going to! He's like most people in this field getting there 15 minutes but not saying anything new. The interviews on Rogan with Favor, Lazar and Knapp would have been much better without Corbell. We already have to deal with all of Rogan's nonsense ramblings lol that's enough.

Knapp is legit and has done some great work but also seems to be enjoying being the "UFO reporter" now and the attention it gets him. I can at least give him a pass on that as he deserves to have some fun as he gets older and has put in a lot of solid work in the past.

posted on Jul, 23 2020 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: Arbitrageur
The video DOES NOT show the object accelerating to the left at all, if he understands what his display is telling him, but obviously he doesn't understand it. Am I the only one who find this completely shocking that he doesn't understand his own equipment? I don't think Fravor understood this either, since he seemed impressed by that "acceleration" at the end, but it really didn't accelerate, not the least little bit, if you understand the display and the zoom change.

I don't believe for one second that Fravor genuinely thought the zoom was an acceleration. (I also don't believe it's footage from the 'Nimitz incident' at all, and never have, but that's a different matter.) And if Fravor is wilfully lying, it puts matters into a very controversial perspective, as well as potentially the whole Nimitz affair itself, and arguably the credibility of the entire TTSA circus.

But Facts hardly matter anymore, Arby, you know that. So long as there are enough people prepared to suck up the bare-faced lies, the snake-oil cowboys will continue to ply their trade to fresh newbies coming onto the scene all wide-eyed and wallet-packed... whilst a previous crowd of dissatisfied punters will ride off into the sunset.

Ufological recycling - it's the name of the game. This new Rogan interview is NOT aimed at people like us.

There are plenty of still-unexplained UFO cases from the past 70 years to chew over. Nobody needs the current trend of modern ufology as a new pseudo-religion fighting an unknown "THREAT", with TTSA as the Church and the ubiquitous Corbell and Elizondo as budding Messiahs. Even Knapp himself has been reduced to the role of a nodding disciple alongside a crowd of ex alphabet-soup veterans, confidence tricksters and an ageing punk rocker.

posted on Jul, 26 2020 @ 04:46 PM
For those on the fence about the Lazar story then this might change your mind.

If you've been told Bob never changed his story then spare 7 mins of your time. Because he did.

posted on Jul, 26 2020 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: mirageman
Yes of course he's changed his story, a lot, but Lazar supporters who say Lazar never changed his story don't have good memories or else they never listened closely to what Bob said to begin with, and are just parroting what they heard someone else say that Lazar never changed his story.

I knew already about many changes in Lazar's story, but that video does a nice job of contrasting two different versions of Bob's story!

By 1997 he was already making changes discussed in this old article by a physicist from 1997:

if we’re talkin’ aliens, then I want to know

In early interviews he would just talk about his vanished birth certificate. Now, when interviewers ask about his vanishing records, specifically mentioning his birth certificate, Lazar smoothly glides over that issue and just talks about his employment records at Los Alamos, at the same time leaving the impression that his birth records were indeed erased. Why is he not interested in clearing up this misapprehension?
So by 1997 he already wouldn't talk about his vanished birth certificate anymore, I suspect because there were public records that could prove he was lying about that. But I think this is the reason we see the huge contrast in Bob's story in the video you posted:

I have discussed Lazar with a few real physicists (who hadn’t heard the story), and they usually just start laughing. But then what do they know…they’re just real physicists with real Phds.
When real physicists saw bob's explanation of physics which they knew from many experiments already performed was completely wrong, it was obvious Bob was pretending to be a physicist, and didn't know much at all about real physics except tidbits he picked up here and there and cobbled together to make it sound like he knew what he was talking about. The author of that article is a physicist by the way, one who actually did his masters work in gravity.

The part I quoted is the tip of the iceberg, but the link goes into great detail point by point about how nonsensical the old explanations from Lazar (seen in the video) were. So, that is probably WHY Lazar doesn't tell those tales anymore, and changed his story to say he doesn't know. He probably realizes there are real physicists out there who will hear what he says, and recognize it for the complete nonsense it is, proving he was never a physicist, because what he said about the physics of how the alien ship worked is nonsense from a physicist's point of view! Sounded as good as the Turbo Encabulator to the layperson though, I suppose.

Good find!

posted on Jul, 27 2020 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

Do you honestly believe that you are watching the complete video or at least the part with "unconventional aerodynamics?"

I thought you were smarter than this.

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