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2 men charged in July 4 'attempted lynching' at Indiana lake

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posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 02:41 PM
Here we go again. You might want to strap in for this one...

On the 4th of July, an altercation broke out between a bunch of rednecks, a token black guy, a drunk, white woman, a bunch of liberals and a racist black dog.

ok... only part of that statement is true. The dog just followed anyone it thought might give him a treat for being a "good-boy".

Was that a stupid statement to begin with? You should read about the actual events and Yahoo TELLS IT LIKE IT IS! ????

First I'll give you the story and then I'll give you the facts as I understand them.

July 4th, at an Indiana Lake, a group of Redneck, Rebel Flag waving racists tried to lynch a black guy for invading their "Private Property".

Two men were charged Friday in an alleged assault against a Black man who was seen in a viral video being held against his will in the woods near an Indiana lake on the Fourth of July.

Sean Purdy and Jerry Cox are charged with various crimes, including confinement and battery against a 36-year-old Bloomington, Ind., man, Vauhxx Booker, according to the Indianapolis Star. Monroe County Prosecutor Erika Oliphant has filed two active warrants for the two men and says Booker will face no charges.

Purdy is charged with criminal confinement, battery resulting in injury and intimidation, all felonies. Cox is charged with aiding or causing criminal confinement, felony battery resulting in injury, intimidation and two misdemeanor counts of battery.

The victim, Vauhxx Booker, a member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission, posts the following in his Facebook feed, telling his story to all who wanted to listen... To his facts.

“I don’t want to recount this, but I was almost the victim of an attempted lynching. On July 4th evening others and me were victims of what I would describe as a hate crime. I was attacked by five white men [with Confederate flags] who literally threatened to lynch me in front of numerous witnesses.”

Booker said he and his friends were visiting a public beach on Lake Monroe outside Bloomington to join a gathering when a group of white men said they were on private property and began following them. Some of the men became belligerent. When he approached “sober seeming group members” to “see if we could smooth things over a bit,” the confrontation escalated.

Video posted to social media shows a group of white men holding Booker to a tree as his friends plead with them to release him. In the video, one man shouts at the camera, “You happy about this, you nappy-headed bitch? You and your five white friends?” As Booker’s friends leave, one of the men follows, shouting, “Those Black boys want to start it all.”
- Source

I walked into this story thinking "what a bunch of dumb, racist, retarded rednecks... Did they seriously think this video wouldn't get out? Going further, I watched the Yahoo video that showed a black guy being pressed up what looks like a small tree... "Not gonna lynch the guy on THAT tree", I thought. That's the moment things seemed a little sideways to me. Then the video breaks over to the 'concerned' Mayor of Booker's home town. As the mayor speaks his bleeding hearts fill - Which I always doubt when a politician opens his mouth... - He made it a point to talk about his "Progressive Liberal" city and how this pains him deeply since he knew the victim since day one of him being a mayor. "Righhhht", I thought. "Wonder when election time is coming".

Then I started pulling the facts, or what's supposed to be the facts that I can gather at this point.

- The property was not private.
- Booker apparently went in there and picked a fight and started throwing punches.
- No mention of "lynching" was on the longer video.
- No 'group of friends these 5 men were joining' where anywhere in the video.
- Booker does not appear to be 'being lynched'. It appears he was being restrained.
- The men following this group appeared to be doing so to assure they would get off of this "private property".
- White girl was trying to break things up.
- The red shirt one of the bubbas was wearing is not a Trump - Make America Great Again shirt.
- The black dog was following the 5 men out off of the property, not escorting them off.
- 2 men were charged with crimes.
- Booker was not charged with anything.
- Lot of BS being told.
- No rebel flags were caught in the video

My view...

- Seems like this group of liberals went there to really piss all over someone's 4th of July fun.
- Booker, the LIBERAL human rights activist (oxymoron?) probably planned this from the very start so he could shine in the spotlight.
- Recordings of the incident doesn't show the whole story.
- Booker didn't get charged for inciting this violence because he was black and this was definitely going to hit the media on a large scale.
- The only racist thing I heard from the video was "Nappy Headed B!&%#", which I gather was thrown more in anger than a racist slur.

Looks like these people went hunting to mess up someone's holiday and only one man was restrained for it while the others filmed it. White gurl was scared so she was probably biting her tongue and she even paid a few complements WHILE telling the truth... They shouldn't have been doing what they were doing... What was that? It wasn't in the video so they MUST be innocent.

I wish I could say there wasn't an angle in this just like I wish I could say racism doesn't exist. Whether or not these bubbas are racist isn't the issue here. In america you can believe or feel however you want to feel. What you can't do is go and hammer on those people for it because you need a reason for them to be jailed and made a public display of. I really believe that this is exactly what it looks like to anyone actually looking at the facts and only the facts. Someone went out there to do just that.

Wouldn't that make Booker the real racist here?

Judge for yourself. This is the video that was put out there. The first few parts are only snippets of the longer video behind them. This video shows what went down AFTER the altercation.

Deny Ignorance - ATS. Really think about this one before you comment. Don't take sides.. Go into it only looking for the facts with zero opinion until after you understand the facts. FACTS FIRST

edit on 17-7-2020 by StallionDuck because: spelling errors

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

I saw this earlier and thought they were all a bunch of imbeciles. Only way it could have been better is if it was Florida but it looks like they got Indiana to hold their beer that weekend.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:02 PM
I started to dig into this "Progressive Liberal" city the mayor was so proud of, when I saw that the video poster had more vids about this place. I found a few more videos about this incident, including a press conference calling for a Grand Jury to get involved:

- Oh man... This very start of this video says SO MUCH! I wont ruin it for you... Just the first minute is all it takes.

The dispature's call to the officer to investigate the incident. - Good info

- Maybe this was private property after all?

Other vids from this poster's feed about the area where Booker resides. Gives a little insight to his home town.

American Arms Gun Shop burglary

Homeless camp burns on N. Gates Drive Thursday

Second homeless camp burns Thursday

Vehicles burn overnight on Westside

Fire on North College damages structure

Emergency Rally for Peace

Video Feed

Sounds like a stand up place. Sounds like your typical Progressive Liberal city.

edit on 17-7-2020 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:03 PM
Not enough actual facts to make a call, just a bunch of dumbasses doing dumbass things.

If Booker started throwing punches first then the guys had every right to restrain him and he’s lucky he didn’t get his ass beat as a result. If that wasn’t the case, then no one deserves to be restrained by anyone else for not doing anything.

What’s up with the private property aspect? Just the white dudes being drunk or was it along a border of private property?

IMO- too much hearsay and not enough legit facts. I don’t trust anyone right now with this crap, on either side. It could very well end up both parties are equally to blame because people do stupid sh!t all the time.

Pretty sure I heard someone say “I know”, after the woman said “You instigated this!”, but frankly, I don’t care enough about it to go back and watch 8 minutes of dumbassery.

People need to find hobbies that don’t involve being dumbasses.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:06 PM
My impression is a bunch of leftist retards causing the usual #e especially the big one (who I assume is booker).
Only difference is when these liberal clowns start they expect people to not react but people have had enough and so we will react as this bunch of people did.
I don’t see any racism.
Lynching is being hung from a tree........those saplings won’t hold that fat clowns weight for one and where exactly is the rope.
Once again this is agenda driven bullish!t.
I don’t see any violence.........I see that booker being restrained not battered and considering the size of the lads he should have been in a pretty bad way, I didn’t see any blood.
The black dog showed no aggression either

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: Drucifer

.... Not enough actual facts to make a call

....but frankly, I don’t care enough about it to go back and watch 8 minutes of dumbassery.

The 8 minutes of dumbassery might shed some light and give those facts you're not looking for.

The video posted later - the press conference sheds light on what I think shows that this was all premeditated on Booker's part. Come to find, he was also a BLM rep. He wants to be Hastagged #I lived.

Says a lot to me.


Pretty sure I heard someone say “I know”, after the woman said “You instigated this!”

That could also count against them in a court of law.
edit on 17-7-2020 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: EverythingsWrong

I was almost the victim of an attempted lynching.

In a court of law, his words could be used against him.


Then again.. After watching the Press Conference, Booker isn't very bright and might be a 'victim' of a lack of education.
edit on 17-7-2020 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

If there is so much racism going on in the country, how come so many feel the need to pull a smullett and fake it?

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: StallionDuck

If there is so much racism going on in the country, how come so many feel the need to pull a smullett and fake it?

Rhetorical, I know but I just have to say it... Cause there isn't and reparations or free money needs an excuse. Maybe some people need to feel something in life to survive each day so they go around making their own issues so they can rise above something that was never really there in the way they want it to be.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: StallionDuck

If there is so much racism going on in the country, how come so many feel the need to pull a smullett and fake it?


1.) It makes them feel speshul. It's the flashing neon sign for others to know they're lousy people to begin with if that's how they want to gain attention.

2.) Stirring the pot is apparently fun for these losers.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:37 PM
I can't tell what happened in the scuffle with booker. But the three men appeared intoxicated. The biggest guy in the group was the worst of it and appeared to want a fight. Screaming about them being liberal, invading them, and something about the black guy having white friends.

OP said this wasn't private property and is there evidence booker started the initial fight?

I have a deep feeling alcohol played a role in this pointless affair.

Who goes in the middle of the woods to troll partying rednecks? Was this just a random encounter between two groups?
edit on 17-7-2020 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: Drucifer

I agree with insufficient facts. Without video evidence i cant just assume booker was throwing punches based on one groups statement. Who had at least one angry drunk guy in there.

Especially when the angry drunk dude kept coming up on them to scream at them. It makes it seem like he was the aggressor.

But why would anyone roll up on a group of people partying (probably drinking) on the fourth and try to start stuff. That's why i don't get.

Is there a video of the first confrontation?

edit on 17-7-2020 by blueman12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:46 PM
I didn't know Jerry Springer was doing shows "on location".

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 04:27 PM
What evidence or 'facts' is there that this Booker person was going in there to stir the pot? Does he have a history of doing that?

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: strongfp

Do these "rednecks" have a history of lynching people?

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Doesn't answer my question. They were acting like the fools from what I saw. Following and yelling and screaming.

There's more to the story before recording started. But from what I saw it didn't look like a lynching, it just looked like a bunch of idiots holding some guy up against a tree, the question still stands, was Booker looking for trouble? Seems like this thread has already made the decision that he was, and he deserved what he got.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: Drucifer

I agree with insufficient facts. Without video evidence i cant just assume booker was throwing punches based on one groups statement. Who had at least one angry drunk guy in there.

Especially when the angry drunk dude kept coming up on them to scream at them. It makes it seem like he was the aggressor.

But why would anyone roll up on a group of people partying (probably drinking) on the fourth and try to start stuff. That's why i don't get.

Is there a video of the first confrontation?

Well, I’ve had to throw a few people out of home or band practice space in the past when they started fighting and when I was drunk, I know I was ranting just as much as the drunk dude, I just never felt the need to bring up their race or hair type, I just go right for the intelligence and hammer on that. Some of those people I’ve followed to their car or to the street corner to ensure they were gone and thoroughly had the idea they weren’t welcome.

So if Booker went out and pissed in their cheerios or worse, started throwing punches, I can see how the drunk guy would be following them out. I really can’t comment much on his bringing up Booker’s hair or his white friends, he was pissed and drunk and people say stupid sh!t when they’re drunk. Sure, the comments can be true, but in today’s climate and context, it’s not going to be taken any other way but racist. It’s not like he was saying it in a “Hey sir, just so ya know you have nappy hair and white friends. Just wanted to inform you of these facts and have a great day!”, kind of way, they definitely came out of his mouth with the inflection of an insult.

As for why people roll up and start sh!t? Stupid people do stupid things. Conversely, why would a few guys single out a black person and threaten to lynch them? Same reason.

This one is a sleeper for me. Bummer if everything went down as reported and a shame on the accusers if it’s not. Either way, this situation isn’t helping anything right now.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Looks like there will be an investigation. Hopefully all the facts of the case will come out.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck
Looked like a whole lot of drunk people being drunken fools to me. And I mean all of them. Every person involved in that white and black.

edit on 17/7/2020 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 09:48 PM
Forth of JUly!
Independence Day!

And stuff. Yeeha!

edit on 7/17/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)


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