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Bret Weinstein’s Black Intellectual Roundtable

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posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 08:47 PM
Some of you may remember Bret Weinstein’s name; he was the teacher from Evergreen State college who was forced out of the school after an e-mail he wrote was strewn as racist. The school annually had a day where all black students and faculty would stay home for the day, if they chose to do so, in order to show the rest of the school how integral those students and faculty were to the daily workings of the college. The year Bret was chased out, it was decided that all the whites would stay home, not by choice, by direction to do so, to reverse the annual event. Bret suggested that this was going against the idea of creating equality. IE- Forcing one group of people to stay home due to the color of their skin Vs. choosing to stay home due to the color of your skin. The ordeal lasted several days and at one point, the school made the police stand down and let the students chase Bret around the parking lot with baseball bats.

I came across him on his second visit to Joe Rogan’s podcast, which was right after George Floyd was murdered and the protests/riots started picking up, along with all the defund the police talk. Bret had actually predicted that this would happen 2 years prior, after he was chased out of Evergreen. Both his visits on the show were really great and I recommend them to anyone interested in the topic.

Bret has his own podcast (as does his brother, Eric, who had a great one regarding Epstein) and decided to get together a group of black intellectuals to discuss the current issues. As someone who looks at this current “movement” with a tilted head and raised eyebrow, it’s been really refreshing to hear these people openly talk about issues within the black community. You will hear no one calling for reparations or defunding police in this. They address the harder to talk about issues like black on black crime, black crime in general, lack of fathers in the black community, pretty much everything. I’m not finished it yet, but I thought some of you here who are also saying “WTF?!”, would enjoy it as well.

And if you’re interested in his Rogan podcasts, here they are-

1st appearance after Evergreen-

2nd appearance-

At the end of the second one, he goes into the coronavirus and shares a lot of ideas that are similar to those expressed on ATS, namely that it was created in a lab, with actual data on why he believes it was.

If you take an interest in Bret, be sure to look up his brother Eric as well. Eric’s been on Rogan’s podcast a couple times and his most recent visit, he was calling for Pelosi to step down after her “Come to Chinatown and have a great time!”, idiocy. I saw one of his tweets the other day where he was calling for Fauci, the CDC, WHO and various politicians to step down due to their improper handling of the virus. He met Epstein once and theorizes that Epstein is a construct of one or more intelligence agencies. Really interesting stuff.
edit on 16-7-2020 by Drucifer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 10:06 PM

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: Mark08

I certainly see a moron somewhere on this page, just not in the videos.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: Mark08

What is?

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 02:13 AM
Bret has been a real light in the dark for me recently. A calm reasoned approach, and he usually has fantastic guests on his podcast who offer some equally interesting insight.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 07:24 AM
I need to go back and listen to the last hour of his most recent Rogan podcast again. He was talking about some major conspiracy regarding pharmaceuticals that he stumbled upon. I wasn’t able to follow it clearly because I was distracted with other stuff. But Joe’s reaction to it seemed like it was a BIG deal.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 08:17 AM
I gave this a listen yesterday and though he had too many guests on his panel the responses were certainly interesting and the arguments well founded. Actually Chloe Valdary did make a request for reparations but not in the way most think; her idea was to incentivize investment in black communities and creating opportunity for businesses (which Trump has done to some extent with opportunity zones). What became apparent to me was the causes and solutions are complex and will be generational in nature. There is no quick fixes for any of this.
edit on 17-7-2020 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: Assassin82
I need to go back and listen to the last hour of his most recent Rogan podcast again. He was talking about some major conspiracy regarding pharmaceuticals that he stumbled upon. I wasn’t able to follow it clearly because I was distracted with other stuff. But Joe’s reaction to it seemed like it was a BIG deal.

Yeah, it’s definitely an interesting discussion. It’s been a couple weeks since I watched it, but the issue is essentially with the mice being used in labs for testing, which primarily come from one place. It’s a known issue and there’s zero care behind it, which is GREATLY skewing results in drug testing. It’s certainly worth an ATS thread in itself. If I have time this weekend I’ll make a post for it, it’s going to take me a bit to break it down due to my lack of knowledge in the field and I’d prefer not to misrepresent Bret’s words.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 08:23 AM

originally posted by: DeusInAbsentia
Bret has been a real light in the dark for me recently. A calm reasoned approach, and he usually has fantastic guests on his podcast who offer some equally interesting insight.

Same here, my friend. In all this chaos and having it politicized as much as it is, it was like an “A-ha!”, experience to hear him talk. You really couldn’t ask for a better protagonist in the context of all this “You disagree, therefore you are racist.”, period.

There’s a lot of videos on YouTube shot by his students during the Evergreen fiasco, after he was first confronted with his “racism”, but before he resigned. He was regularly returning to the school to try to talk to the opposing students to meet a middle ground. It’s really astounding to listen to it go down. One moment you’ll hear rational discussion between the two parties and the next he’s being yelled at by someone and when he tries to respond, the person yells at him “I AM NOT SPEAKING TO YOU!”’s such an odd display of falsehood.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 09:02 AM
I've watched a few Rogan podcasts. He seemed high, but still did a good interview. Actually, IMO, if he was high it added to the subject and made it a better interview.

As much as I've heard of Joe's podcasts, it took a buddy of mine to make me watch a few, it was worth the watch as it was both informative and entertaining. It's hopeful to know people are watching pod casts like this with Joe Rogan.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
I've watched a few Rogan podcasts. He seemed high, but still did a good interview. Actually, IMO, if he was high it added to the subject and made it a better interview.

As much as I've heard of Joe's podcasts, it took a buddy of mine to make me watch a few, it was worth the watch as it was both informative and entertaining. It's hopeful to know people are watching pod casts like this with Joe Rogan.

Joe's great at what he does. He doesn't mind asking tough questions and will poke the bear if he thinks he's getting BS'd. He also has no problem bringing on someone who has been cancelled and asking them for their side, which is exactly the scenario with Bret Weinstein. Alex Jones was another one, who has been on twice. Joe doesn't give a sh!t about cancel culture, aside from discussing it and it's dangers.

He recently signed a deal with Spotify, distribution only, $100,000,000. They have zero say over his podcast.

He often claims "I'm just a moron caveman, I don't have answers.", but the guy is very intelligent. He can certainly form opinions on things and has enough brain power to see through something, I just don't think he wants anything to do with the responsibility of having answers for the situations he discusses.

posted on Jul, 18 2020 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: Drucifer

My local university just got 23 non negotiable demands from blm and I just had horrible flashbacks of evergreen.

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