posted on Jul, 13 2020 @ 03:35 PM
It was 4th of July night, nearing 11pm and I'm chilling with my family watching " Independence Day". I've seen the movie a few times so I'm not
focused on the TV but I was focused on the sky right out the window as I laid on the couch.
The sound of Los Angeles fireworks that must have been smuggled from Hell were occupying the night sky along with the glitter they awe over. Suddenly
the sky was owned by something else...some serious what in the actual fuhuck is this.
A red ball of light/fireball appeared from almost nowhere it seemed. So I'm just peeping it while I'm still laying down trying to figure out if its
some kind of firework. As it got closer and clearer in view I was sure it was no firework. I notified my family and we all watched it from the window
slowly moving through the sky. My wife thought it was a Chinese missile or rocket. It looked like a fireball meteor to me.
It began to curve and move into a different part of the sky and continued on until out of sight. For a minute there it really felt like a meteor was
about to fall directly onto L.As lap. We were pretty confused but it was still utterly beautifully terrifying. Then things got more gorgeously
Another fireball meteor thing came out of the exact same direction as the previous one and moved in the same manner. Though snuggy and comfy in my
robe with my babies, I got up this time and went outside to record. I see how people have crappy videos/pictures of things they see that do no justice
to what was actually experienced.
Did anyone else see something like I described in the Los Angeles sky around 10:54pm on July 4th? It was so dope and erie. Lowkey biblical.
Whats the best way to upload a video to share?