I know its long but it is interesting nonetheless, I am most interested in hearing those that openly admit their leftist leanings and the reaction and
or rebuttal of this article.....interesting...I have just posted parts and ones in which I think or I wish to have a answer to.....
jump in!
Defining the American Left - David Horowitz
Behind the posturing, two real issues are at stake. First, in compiling a comprehensive encyclopedia of the left, is there a legitimate rationale for
including the full range of American leftists from radicals to moderates (all currently mislabeled "liberals")? Second, is there a rationale for
including Islamic radicals like the aforementioned terrorists along with Americans who disapprove of terrorism (or, like Berube, who disprove of
terrorist tactics while locating their own strategic enemies in the environs of Pennsylvania Avenue)? Obviously, the second question is the one that
has really got the leftists' goat, so we will address it first.
In fact I have made a detailed and lengthy case for including Islamic radicals in a database on the left in my most recent book, "Unholy Alliance:
Radical Islam and the American Left." I even included in this book a lengthy portrait, "The Mind of the Left," which traced the continuities in
radical thought from the generation of Stalinist intellectuals, like Eric Hobsbawm (an icon of the academic left), through Professors Noam Chomsky and
Todd Gitlin, who hate each other but also share a common hatred of America (by which I mean "actually existing America" and not some fantasy of an
American future shaped by radicals).
What the heck is a mislabeled liberal?I guess we will see
In fact I have made a detailed and lengthy case for including Islamic radicals in a database on the left in my most recent book, "Unholy Alliance:
Radical Islam and the American Left." I even included in this book a lengthy portrait, "The Mind of the Left," which traced the continuities in
radical thought from the generation of Stalinist intellectuals, like Eric Hobsbawm (an icon of the academic left), through Professors Noam Chomsky and
Todd Gitlin, who hate each other but also share a common hatred of America (by which I mean "actually existing America" and not some fantasy of an
American future shaped by radicals).
Now this scares me, "Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left." Not even I thought them in league, sure they capitulate but open
As a not unimportant footnote, my conclusion that the left is currently defined by its anti-American and anti-Israel agendas was recently confirmed by
an academic leftist, Andre Markovits, in an insightful essay, "The European and American Left Since 1945," which appeared in the leftist magazine
Dissent. But radicals like Berube can't be bothered to actually read anything that ruffles their feathers, let alone be concerned about the fact that
their entire political focus since 9/11 has been in getting our terrorist enemies off the hook. (Doubters can consult the archives of The Nation, The
Progressive and any number of leftwing sites on the Web to confirm this.)
Now this I can see
People who support the redistribution of income generally; people who support the redistribution of social resources on the basis of skin color;
people who support the relentless expansion of the state; people who are so intolerant they refer to Republicans as "Nazis" (as, for example, Bill
Clinton, Rep. John Lewis and Senator Byrd have all done) and who can find nothing wrong with university faculties that are 90-95 percent on one side
of the political divide – such people are not liberal under any reasonable definition of the word. They are left.
On the other hand, they don't want to be identified as "left" because they don't want to be burdened with the history of their political
"mistakes." In particular, they don't want to be accountable for their support for or appeasement of our Communist enemies during the Cold War. Nor
do they want to be accountable – the case with leading Democrats – for their protection and support for anti-American radicals like Cynthia
McKinney and the 60-odd socialist members of the so-called Progressive Caucus.
They prefer to refer to overt socialists and anti-America radicals as "liberals" so people won't think of the disasters created by socialists and
anti-American radicals when they think of them. Of course they then complain, when conservatives respond to the radical ideas of liberals, that
conservatives have maliciously given liberalism a bad name.
Well lately I use turdblossom, as it seems to get them
But what if they had been successful in other campaigns? If the nuclear freeze movement had prevailed over its conservative opposition, it is very
possible that a billion people in the Soviet bloc would still be under the Communist heel. If leftists like Berube and Kennedy had been successful in
obstructing the effort of America and Britain to liberate Iraq, Saddam Hussein would still be in power, Iraqis would still be disappearing into
plastic shredders and mass graves, there would be no democracy movement in the Middle East, and the world in general would be a more dangerous
Great Read IMHO
Defining the American Left