posted on Jul, 27 2021 @ 09:41 AM
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Pitkanen earned his PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Helsinki in Finland. His thesis was TopologicalGeometroDynamics (TGD). It had
its basis in world famous John Archibald Wheeler's GeometroDynamics. Wheeler's grad student Richard Feynmann won the Nobel Prize. And Wheeler
collaborated with Hugh Everett in the famous Many Worlds Interpretaion (parallel universes) theory. Wheeler wrote Pitkanen a congratulatory letter
saying that his thesis was brilliant. Matti has served as a referee on many international physics journals.
Very few people including advanced physicists understand TGD-physics. Matti lamented that due to its complexity and his shortcomings as a writer
(although he has written 18 on-line heavily-mathematical books of more than 20,000 words), it would require him to teach it in person. The membranes
in M-theory have been replaced by magnetic flux tubes. Like in Loop-Quantum Gravity, there is no need for extra dimensions. The TGD maths give the
same "elegant" solutions as in superstring theory.
A personal near-death experience in a hospital was a
Eureka! moment in that Pitkanen discovered that TGD-physics could be applied to a theory
of Consciousness. Then came TGD Quantum-Biology. It was during this that he became ostracized by his conservative Finnish colleagues. Reverse
time-travel, dark-DNA, and ESP/deja vu/ghosts/RV/NDE and OBE are possible in TGD Q-B. Consciousness is a "taboo" subject for physicists. It makes
them prime targets for "crackpottery" labels (much like a physicist believing in UFOs).
Matti once told me that it would take a community of young unbiased minds each with the mathematical genius of Ed Witten to invent a new mathematics
that could adequately formulate TGD. Current maths like Lie/Clifford/von Neuman algebras, quantum adeles, and p_adic can only approximate it. All of
this is discussed at length on the page.
As I said, remote-viewing has been historically inaccurate. That's why PEAR at Princeton was shut down. But there have been a few times when it was
100%. It's just unpredictable for reasons unknown. Throw into the mix that "views" might be manipulated by others (human or ET) and you have an
unreliable mess.