posted on Jun, 28 2020 @ 07:59 PM
I dunno,
the price index is in flux all the time, in a pandemic, it would be all over the shop, and the 'basket' means nothing.
GDP also means nothing if nobody is, or cannot, buy a product like motor cars, of any description...witness the thousands of cars sitting in
aerodromes everywhere, while you can still buy a car, probably well discounted...if, you have the money.
So, basically in this pandemic, you have the same situation as the banking crisis..too big to fail, while those who seemed big, will fail, and are
failing, and there is the need to understand that there is not really a shortage of the 'little basket' product and so far, we can't even blame
'global warming' on this virus.
Governments otherwise will encourage use of products of the GDP, Trump for instance would like us in the UK to buy American 'bleached'
chicken...Jesus, that's not the first time he has used the word 'bleached'