+2 more
posted on Jun, 26 2020 @ 08:42 PM
I lurked here for years before making an account. I might seem like a noob, but I don't feel like one. This is the best ufo forum on the web, and it
will be sad if it disappears.
So before it goes, I wanted to make a thank you thread, where we can say thanks to the top contributors who made this place special. Thanks to
everyone here, but an extra special thanks to:
mirageman, for the most epic Rendlesham threads ever, and many many other high quality threads. I can't wait for the books you will write if ats
closes down (because you will have some free time, I'm guessing).
karl 12, also for mind bogglingly good threads. Seriously, better stuff than what the "pros" put out.
IsaacKoi, for his tremendous work, I've only barely scratched the surface of what he has made available, and I discovered him through ats.
There are many others, but those are my top 3 favorite contributors. Thanks for all the great stuff over the years!
Anyone you guys want to thank? Don't keep it to yourself!