posted on Jun, 17 2020 @ 05:44 AM
Sleep Paralysis: Since your dreams may involve you moving and walking around, your brain shuts down communication to your muscles during REM, or
dreaming, sleep so you don't actually move and walk around when you should be in bed.
Some individuals who experience sleep Paralysis end up believing they are being held down by a force, a spirit, a demon, even aliens.
This is my story about experiencing sleep paralysis.
So a few days ago I finished work At 6pm and since I was working from home I decided to lay on my bed. I was tired.
Now, I am going to explain it in what I consider factual terms after having experienced it and understanding the experience after it has happened.
So in my eyes what occurred was this:
I laid on my bed and covered myself with my blankets. I was tired and I ended up falling asleep and started dreaming.
What I dreamt was this:
I was awake lying on my bed trying to get to sleep.
That was the dream I was having. Like the movie inception. I didn’t know that I was dreaming being awake and trying to get some sleep. I thought
that I was awake and trying to get some sleep.
Next thing you know I think that a spirit like a ghostly spirit has entered my room and is now wrapping itself around me and holding me still. Holding
me legs, holding my arms, holding my body, holding my head still. It is ridiculously hard to even move my body parts a little bit. Maybe a little bit
of hand movement. I can try to yell out or talk but it is quite difficult. I am also so very, very comfy in that position even though I do not like
that I have the thought of being held in that position by some ghost! Since I am so comfortable in that position I know that I am going to go to sleep
and have a dream and then a dream happens, and eventually I wake up from that dream. But then I get the feeling of the ghost coming back and holding
me on my bed and it’s super annoying and horrible, and I fall into another dream, and I eventually wake up from that dream but the ghost comes back
and holds me again and I can’t move, and I am trying not to fall back asleep again (even though in actual fact I am dreaming this the whole time),
and I’m struggling to stay awake and try to wake myself up if I do fall into a dream. I’m trying to do something to make sure that if I do fall
asleep I will wake up. I feel like I fell asleep with my phone in my hand so I am trying to speak and say “hey Siri set an alarm for 1 minutes
time.”, “ hey Siri turn on the flashlight” and yet nothing happens because Siri is a horrible AI. I try those things multiple times. Nothing
happens. I think I even manage to slap myself on the cheek but all I hear is the sound and I am not waking up. I try calling out for my Mum and dad to
help me, repeatedly, and have a vision of them walking past my room. ( even though I don’t live with my parents anymore), and I have a vision of my
dad walking into my room and looking at me thinking wtf is going on... and I’m still calling out “ help me dad, help me, I’m being held down
help me”.
And it is then that I am in such a panic and distress that I actually wake up, realise where I am, and that I was dreaming it all like inception.
I’m angry and posed off and I know it was just a nightmare and I certainly aren’t going back to bed for a few more hours.
So there you have it
I think perhaps some people who experience being held down like that may inception themselves in their dreams.
Obviously I can’t speak for everyone who has experienced sleep Paralysis but damn it’s not a nice feeling.
I have experienced it before with the ghostly presence holding me down and trying to wake back up and you just get so comfy you end up falling back
into a dream, and then you think you actually DID wake back up but that turns out to be a dream too. I swear it’s like you inception yourself a few
times sometimes.
Crazy. Anyways. Thanks for reading. Have a good day