posted on Jun, 12 2020 @ 10:56 PM's gonna' be pretty funny when one of Minneapolis' largest employers, Delta Airlines, decides to shut their doors as a result of this!! Delta
has been itchin' to shut down MSP since their merger with Northwest way back in the early 2000's, and has had a full court press on shutting down this
hub since retiring the NWA brand in 2009. This will be a GREAT excuse!
BUH BYE...12,000 jobs!!! SEE YA...Major maintenance base! SIANORA...IT headquarters! LOL!! The loss in tax revenue alone will be staggering!
LOLOLOLOL *snort* LOLOL *smackin' leg* LOLOLOLOL!!!
OMG...I can't believe how stupid people are!!
Oh, and guess who is Minnesota's #1 employer??? Target! The same place which the looters love to hit, and now there's no cops! LOLOLOLOL!! OMG
this is funny!! Guess who's next on the list??? United Healthcare; do you think one of the biggest healthcare providers in the US is going to keep
their HQ there...with no cops???? LOLOL **choke-gasp** LOL *gag* LOL *snort* LOLOLOLOLOL!!
Together, those three employers represent nearly 75,000 jobs! 75,000 people who pay state payroll taxes, who pay land taxes, sales taxes, and all
manner of other taxes...and that's just the tax part. Now think about all the lost revenue from those people not spending money because they don't
have a job and move out of state!!!
It's SHOCKING how stupid this move is!!