a reply to:
Have you given some "Devil's Advocate" thinking to "Maybe they're right after all". This pot's been boiling for a long time, and the Chinese pointing
to a cultural revolution may not be far off the mark.
We've hunkered down behind the Blue Wall of professional policing, and what has it come to??
Hannity mouthing that more unarmed whites have been murdered by police, than blacks, only throws gasoline on the fires.
I"m one of those Whites who could be next. The Commies have a dread of getting a few more Cesceascue moments when their populace simply won't put up
with the existing command and control any more.
These moments deep sixed Rome in 474 AD. when the people invited Odoacer to become King of Rome, and put down their stifling Republican bureaucrats,
and get them out of the Capita Tax.
The Medicis waited until Florence invited them in to set up a new regime, and Florence blossomed, long after Charlemagne wiped out their Lombard
predecessors. Medicis saved the Lombard's banking ideas and financed Florence on short term interest, back by holding the Vatican's gold reserves.
When the Warsaw Pact lost Russian manpower and intel. Romania quickly tossed out their Commie dictator.
Byzantium chased the Goths out of Rome, setting up an Exharcate on the Adriatic, at Ravenna, the city of mists.
Now, can you get your head around that a lot of our problems come from a covert D.C. Exharcate, operating out of Foggy Bottom?? It's the old; "The
more things change, the more they remain the same", argument.
So maybe we are at a historical crossroads, where no more Praetorians, nor Centurions, will be tolerated. If our fiat money goes bust, and food is
exchanged for Gold, and only Gold, the present Covid shortages will be insignificant, to what's coming.
I think that the icing on this cake was an interview on Fox News a day ago, where Bernie Kerik, the former NYC police commissioner spoke eloquently of
the NYPD, as, "how can we possible do without our beloved Stazi"?
The entire former Warsaw Pact Countries are doing without Stazi, Vopos, and a basket of other secret police, the names of whom I cannot pronounce.
In 1972 I visited my uncle in San Rafael, CA. who had a retired NYC police officer as a tennant. I went round and round with that gentle old
grandfather type, over the need for the public to own and know how to use modern firearms. He was resolute that only criminals had any use for
firearms, san the NYPD. Well we all watched his NYPD follow along behind rioters and looter, through NYC. like mongrel curs, in blue tunics.
Here in Eastern Washington and the Idaho Panhandle, over the last week, armed citizens patrolled our cities, against any Antifa incursions. Our
Pacific Northwest is close enough to Canada that we can write checks on C.F. or Canadian Funds. If fiat Fed. Reserve Notes completely collapse then
all existing debts go bye bye. We can pay them all off using the legal tender law, with worthless Fed Notes. But to buy food and clothing you need
something the sellers will VOLUNTARILY accept in payment. So you pay off existing debts and mortgages, plus back taxes, and then re-finance your
properties with "CANADIAN FUNDS". Then you can still buy food and clothing and survive. The anarchists are riding on a wave of Far Left, "Soros"??
funding which stops cold if the money collapses, so they don't have anything to Re-Fi.
The Feds have already pledged most of the Public Lands in the West to the Chinese for loan collateral, so they don't have much left to raise new
currency schemes with. Without spare parts, who wants a big bad aircraft carrier, with no airworthy planes?? It won't matter because the Feds will
be raging against the revamped "Provincial" powers. Our stupid postage stamp States, were always only Grand Masonic Lodges, in a top down control
scheme. Only a few States like Alaska and Cali, are still Provinces, from those times before we grabbed them. Hawaii may go back to it's Royal
roots, Alaska should go back to Russia, after Seward's 100 year lease ran out back in 67. Texas, will stay Texas, and God Bless Them. Florida will
be in the wind, pardon the pun. as no real post hurricane help will come out of feuding Provinces.
It took from 474 AD to 880 AD for a leader like Charlemagne to reunite Europe in the Holy Roman Empire. And for 250 years or so, of that time, a
giant volcanic winter from Krakatau's mighty 530 AD blast, threw Europe into the DARK AGES. A precursor 450 AD blast is what screwed up Roman
Agriculture, and made that Capita Tax so horrible. The farmers finally realized as the fifteenth year of the famine approached that no bumper crop
could possibly dig them out of that tax burden, so they said later, and invited the Chief of the Goths, meandering down the Apennine Way to become
King of Rome and threw out an 800 year old Republic. Our own Republic is less than 250 years old, and since 1865, in Gen. Lee's words, it's been held
together at the point of a bayonet, but to what end??
Political Scientists, around the world, have guessed at about five or six Provinces, will erupt out of the ruins of our present established
Government. Everyone else has Parliaments, and Provinces, not our ridiculous bicameral legislatures. where one bought off Senator can stymie the will
of the entire nation. Like with Roma, there are just too many nooks and crannies for the hidden hands to throttle the public will.
Can you get your head around Orange Man Trump, as the newbie Romulus Augustus/Augustulus?? I'm 73, and am just sitting back to watch this slow moving
train wreck. If ANTIFA over plays it's hand, then we get a reprieve for another four years. Minuchin has cried out that we cannot do another
National shutdown, like we're just emerging from. Chances are Covid will come back in the Fall Flu Season, several times worse than this Spring's
But in Nov. how many Politicians are going to be thrown out on their ears, over their terrible mistakes in this Spring's epidemics?? And don't say
it's Trump's Fault, that I sent infectious seniors back into nursing homes? Here in N. Idaho, most cases were in nursing homes and senior living
centers. Our whole economy shut down over a handful of stray cases brought into our area by international Travelers. It was no more than a pinprick,
but now we don't have any Herd immunities, either.
We started America on Spanish Silver Dalers, or Pieces of Eight. We may start anew, by using "Canadian Funds", scribbled at the bottoms of our
personal bank cheques. There will always be somebody to come in and fill such a vacuum,IMHO.