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Where'd All These Woke White People Come From?

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posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 07:39 PM
Things are NOT what they seem folks.

Wake up for real! We are under assault. Trump raised awareness to it and started fighting against the globalist takeover. They are pissed and they are trying anything they can to stop Trump from being reelected. They have great fear he is going to stop their globalist takeover of America in it's tracks. Call in the race war! The people can't get together long enough to realize what is really happening. I could go on, but you get the picture. Don't let them stoke the fires of a smoldering race war from the past. You are falling right into their trap!

What scares the controllers are if the common people join together and forget about the race war, etc. If the people joined together and realized these manufactured problems are meant to keep us divided and at each other's throats, then we would talk and have time to see where the real problems come from. These riots (NOT PROTESTORS) and things you see are the gov (politicians- the elites minions) orchestrated operations to bring America down to aid the globalist take over. Those "Open Borders" can't be enacted until we are brought down to the same per capita income and lifestyle of these other countries or "open borders" would be a disaster for them. Unless your goal was to concentrate the world's population into areas where viruses and wars would be more effective at reducing the population to 500 million.

So, parts of this post may seem off topic, but it really isn't as the race issue is part of keeping us divided and looking at each other rather than the UN orchestrated globalist takeover operation. This also requires us to vote Trump out before he helps us fight off these globalist/UN hostile takeover of RJR Nabisco... er America!

Our problem:
The less than 1% elite and politicians and their sell out to the globalist NWO.

We could resolve almost all our problems by sending average, but intelligent citizens to DC to remove the problems i.e. the corrupt sell out politicians, and their creations: oppressive laws, restrictive regulations, hidden chambers and their policies to undermine the people so we are weakened enough to accept what is coming, i.e the globalist UN takeover and world TECHNOCRACY governance! And we need to immediately arrest and prosecute the corrupt, and break up their illegal schemes.

Both sides are involved unfortunately but mostly the left because the world technocratic government will be communist like. Allowing for example corporations like Disney to force US IT workers to train their foreign replacements if they want severance pay. This happened across many corporations in the US. Congress passed laws and/or regulations incentivizing offshoring of jobs for tax breaks. They are trying to bring in millions of new foreign workers right now when 34 million Americans are out of work due to government restrictions when 98%+ of people with CV19 will survive, a majority with mild symptoms.These politicians who sold us out to remain rich and in control after the world take over are against the people and willing to undermine us at every opportunity.

When Trump decided to put America first which means the average citizen, they attacked and vilified him and haven't let up since. He has thrown a monkey wrench into the cogs of their plots to bring in a new world globalist technocracy. The TPP and Paris Climate Accords were part and parcel of this scheme. I won't get into all the details here, but suffice it to say it would loot America to DEVELOP 2nd and 3rd world countries. It makes no sense if you are truly concerned about global warming and resource depletion to oppress our economic opportunities and energy markets while the development of 2nd and 3rd world countries would massively increase resource demand and carbon usage.

This is not about race. Billionaires like Soros are funding the RIOTS, NOT PROTESTS. This war on anyone white was created. It is not the vast majority of white people that are racist and the problem. It is the white elite and politicians that have the power to make the policies that oppress and the forces to assist. Only 1.4% of whites in the US owned slaves. They also were 1.4% of a very small population. So, the purposefully misdirected anger at all whites serves only to complicate and defeat the black or minority cause. Just like this murder by Minneapolis police, we were all with the blacks and willing to do what we need to do to help stop this from happening again. However, the elite globalist's saw us coming together, protesting, taking action, and god forbid - talking. They can't have that, so they sent in agitators and propaganda ministers who fomented riots, burned small businesses including black owned uninsured businesses, and even shot at police with the hopes they could film the government forces retaliate against the innocent protestors.

Come on people wake up! Wake up and join together or we will all suffer badly when they roll out their infrastructure of the globalist new world's governance. You think you are harassed, oppressed, and run over now? You better realize what is happening, stop letting the controllers misdirect your mind, and make this country and world better for the masses!

edit on 5/6/20 by spirit_horse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

Easy to say when those of us who know exactly what you're saying is the truth, but the longer we seem to wait and show patience the more their zombie horde grows from the infection of the idiot box.

Seems like a no win situation. But the time will come when the sleeping giant awakens and we have seen it in a few cells that have repelled the zombie horde already.
edit on 5-6-2020 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: spirit_horse

Easy to say when those of us who know exactly what you're saying is the truth, but the longer we seem to wait and show patience the more their zombie horde grows from the infection of the idiot box.

Seems like a no win situation. But the time will come when the sleeping giant awakens and we have seen it in a few cells that have repelled the zombie horde already.

That is the truth!

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

You better realize what is happening, stop letting the controllers misdirect your mind, and make this country and world better for the masses!

But Bernie's not in the race anymore.

So we are stuck with 2 losers.

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: spirit_horse

The more people talking about it, in more places, the better.

I think the information front of this conflict is rough though. Total media control from the news to social media platforms to colleges to "scientific" journals, supplemented by automated, pseudo AI bots makes it difficult. They have created a sheen of decentralization, but it all goes back to the same core. All the better to convince people thats what decentralization "is." Its their achilles heel, imo.

Even so, we can stop participating on their fields of choice. And always asking, "Is this real?" "Woke" and Agenda 21 nomenclature are nearly surefire calling cards.

I like this:
Stop watching the news, including local
Stop using sites like facebook, twitter, snapchat, instagram, google, etc.
Start gaining food/power/manufacturing self-sufficiency in your home

Plenty of alternatives for all of those.

Truly Decentralize All The Things. Their entire plan hinges on centralized dependency, from food to information, and making sure most are too caught up in political soap operas to talk about anything else.
edit on 5-6-2020 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: Serdgiam

While I agree with what you are saying?

It comes across to me as a form of pacifism and trying be tolerant and have a discussion with this group of radicals is possible.

Do you truly believe that if we just close our eyes and pretend by doing what you are saying that these people bullying the public will just go away?

I don't think now is time to sit on a fence and believe that remaining silent to the aggressors is a plan that those who wish to enslave us are going to listen to.

These people are Marxists and hate everything this country was built upon and are hell bent to destroy it. I saw an article today where they were outright saying that people should avoid their family. The family unit and it's make up is a threat to their ideology.

No fence sitting any more my friend. These people are beyond reasoning. Look at them trying to end the police? Are you armed? I hope so, because who are you going to call if you don't have a police department?

posted on Jun, 5 2020 @ 09:56 PM
i know exactly where they come from. a place of fear. they figure if they scream the correct narrative then they shall be spared. sing it with me......"we shall overcome" good luck mofos
edit on 5-6-2020 by AnrkE because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-6-2020 by AnrkE because: mlk is rolling in his grave

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: seeker1963

Im saying that the groups you are looking at have been inculcated for years by much larger forces at work.

Only way to win a fight is if supply lines remain operational, and folks have food in their stomachs. Given that these people control those supply lines and food chains for the vast majority of the population, perhaps you can see the issue?

Information & centralized dependency

They control both, which means a very different kind of fight. Its merely incidental that I also believe decentralization is "better" in the first place. Its also the only foundation from which we can actually have a chance. Another perk is that it has the chance of pre-empting the traditional conflict they wish to precipitate entirely.

Without that platform.. Its just a bunch of people swinging at targets dangled on strings.

And they know it, which is exactly why they are strongly encouraging violent or crazy responses from.. everyone. They need that response to succeed.

FWIW, Ive been fighting this and trying to prevent it for almost two decades. Thats a lot of time to think and observe.
edit on 6-6-2020 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 03:01 AM

originally posted by: seeker1963
No fence sitting any more my friend. These people are beyond reasoning. Look at them trying to end the police? Are you armed? I hope so, because who are you going to call if you don't have a police department?

Rapid Response Social Workers.

I don't know whether to puke or laugh.

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: seeker1963

Just to expand a bit.. Because this stuff is important.

The vast majority still think in terms of third generation

Note that the section for 5GW is nearly laughable in its incompleteness. It basically just restates a small portion of 4GW, with a lil tidbit extra.

So, most people are several generations removed from what kind of conflict is going on. And, that is leveraged and exploited by provoking the very response you are having here and now.

The manufactured "woke" folie a plusieurs began in earnest in 2012

"Woke" is a manipulation seed that has been driven deeper and deeper over the years, along with some others. To get it to really sprout, it required an extreme enough event (The Virus), followed by flinging people along one of the primary branches of manipulation associated with "wokeness" (race).

That is where we are now.

The stated goal is for everything to really get going in 2021. In order for that to work at all, they need enough people to keep being programmed along several branches, as well as ensure that they maintain the publics dependency on their systems. From addiction to extreme emotions to food and information.

Man.. Almost lost the link again.. Here is some Happytopia marketing for their endgoal (timeframe is 2021-2030). Its not communism.. Its not socialism.. Its not capitalism..

They seem to call it happytalism. I call it global corporate technofascism, and it will not be fought through any traditional means.
edit on 6-6-2020 by Serdgiam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: lakenheath24

That's not what "white privilege" means, though I assume you're being intentionally obtuse, as is the style these days.

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 06:45 AM
Is it not? Then enlighten me professor.

a reply to: wheresthebody

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 07:01 AM
My roots are in Eastern Kentucky. Its a white ghetto. most everyone is poor and the main industry now is making crack.

a reply to: HalWesten

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: lakenheath24

It's not about money, class or any variable that can change over a persons life. It's about other peoples reactions based on race.

The term is a little confusing, I know.

posted on Jun, 6 2020 @ 08:32 AM
If thats the true meaning, then its even more stupid than I thought.

It's so subjective and broad that anyone could interpret it a thousand different ways.

Racism is a fact, and its retarded that we still have to deal with it, but to blame it on what white people think is idiotic and lazy.

Perhaps one could give us a scenario so I can get some context because I could see any single thing I do or say as being construed as white privilidge. I mean, when I made rank, was that white privilidge?

a reply to: wheresthebody

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