posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 06:42 PM
in some ways you are right, if you consider that we evolve from everything around us, the reason so many people die of car crashes is beacause we
havent evolved enough to no be hurt by it, but if you have a look at statistics more people are surviving car wrecks then dying in them, and that is
the percentage!! whitch means we are evolving to car accedents, now as far as cancer and aids, well it is survival of the fitest and i think if nature
is evolving us through aids then thats pretty nuts considering to evolve faster we need a higher birthrate and with the advent of STDs the birth rate
is falling. Now with cancer, it is like i have said before a frm of evolution, in the way that our eating habits have evolved and the resut is us not
getting B17 like we should there for opening the way to Cancer.