The "OWO" and the NWO are just different stages of the same thing. If it was just about money, then you would perhaps be right. But it's not. They
already control the money. They don't have to worry about money. They ARE the money. Do some research into the creation of
private federal
reserves. There's plenty of threads in ATS about it anyway. Money is just a vehicle to keep nations and people controlled. I don't mean money as in
paying for a loaf of bread, heck, we've been doing that since the baker didn't want to get paid in pig's jowls. I mean money as in debt. Almost
every nation on the Earth, including the US, is in the thrall of massive foreign debt. Tow the line, or your country collapses. Simple. You think race
riots are bad; ask a 90 year-old about the Great Depression.
The NWO is the next phase. Don't deceive yourself into thinking that everybody's concerned about the NWO. They aren't. That sort of thinking comes
from hanging around ATS too much (guilty party right here). Go down to Wal-Mart and start telling people about the NWO. You'll be gifted with a nice,
new sleeveless, buckled jacket in about 30 minutes.
The pieces are set and soon the finishing move will be made. They don't want to control the cash. They want to control the
people. How will
they do that? By fermenting wars and setting puppet states and puppet religions against one another until the big one comes. They want to reduce the
world's population by 80% not because we don't have enough resources, not because they want to have all the goodies for themselves; that's
bollocks. It's because that many people are easy to control, and they will be BEGGING for a New World Order, and begging for a new Messiah to save
them from their misery. "A third part of the Earth and a third part of the seas."
Once people have satisfied their monetary hierarchy of needs, they don't want any more and they start looking for other ways to enrich their lives
spiritually or creatively. Basic human nature is "good". Also, people only live for about 75 years. Thus, there is only one, plausible explanation
for such megalomaniacal madness driving this plan, a plan which men have worked on
knowing it would not come to fruition in their lifetimes,
and the explanation is that forces which are not human are behind it. That there is a greater, dare I use the word "cosmic", agenda behind it
The battle is not for the Earth. The battle is
for your soul. Good luck and (*thumps
bible*) Jesus protect you.
[edit on 2005/3/15 by wecomeinpeace]