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California doctors say they've seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus since lockdowns

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posted on May, 22 2020 @ 01:15 AM
California doctors say they've seen more deaths from suicide than coronavirus since lockdowns.

a “year’s worth of suicides” in the last four weeks alone.

"What I have seen recently, I have never seen before," Hansen said. "I have never seen so much intentional injury."

We can’t keep this up. I don’t really have anything else to add. I’m deeply saddened right now. er_impression=true

edit on 22-5-2020 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

Thank-you for bringing this subject to the forefront. A professor on CNN said there will be at least 70,000 deaths due to media and government-induced overreaction to Covid-19...with many of them being suicides. (That put a smile on the CNN interviewer's face! Disgusting.)

The LAW SUITS against governors and media who over-reacted to Covid-19, already number about 700, according to the DOJ.

I'm going to add that Washington Examiner article to my "Covid-19 Suicides" thread. Thanks again for finding and sharing it.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 01:44 AM
For some reason I think they will just attribute the suicides to "death by corona virus" on the coroners report...hell even indirect casulties from this virus are headline worthy in today's media right? a reply to: Isurrender73

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 01:48 AM
You ain't seen nothing yet.

Wait until that juicy unemployment runs out and people lose their houses, cars and bank accounts to negative interest rates.

That's right.

Negative interest rates are coming, you'll see..

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 01:49 AM
Might as well call it the because their frontpage has nothing but articles in that direction. This is the problem with media these days. It's rampant on the left but there's plenty of right versions of it. No one wants to repeatedly read a website that isn't in line with their politics. The news itself.. not as important. It's more like picking your spin on current events instead of the current events being reported for what they are.

The biggest culrprits being CNN and FOX of course but they're the prime example for all others to follow. How to get funding through views, dare I say a profit. Narrow the scope to a specific group that will religiously come back for more.

Right Now
2 hours ago
Make China pay compensation
3 hours ago
Analysis: States that reopened earlier haven't seen higher rates of infection
3 hours ago
Religious leaders weigh defiance if they're asked to close church doors again

Anti-China, pro-opening, pro-religion

Nothing wrong with these views but a spade is a spade, thus the propaganda about the suicides because of quarantine. We can't let that continue because we need the businesses to re-open who all happen to vote for the GOP because that's what most business owners do.

I don't necessarily think quarantines are warranted or needed at this point and I'm not against the re-opening of businesses, I'd like that and only stand to gain from it. Yet, it is what it is. Propaganda for a cause.
edit on 22-5-2020 by FlyingSquirrel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 02:14 AM
Turn the fking news off. If people can't even do that...……………..

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
You ain't seen nothing yet.

Wait until that juicy unemployment runs out and people lose their houses, cars and bank accounts to negative interest rates.

That's right.

Negative interest rates are coming, you'll see..

I keep trying to explain this point to people. The wave of crushing poverty that's about to break over millions and millions of people is # terrifying.

In Australia we have in the general vicinity of 120% household debt to GDP. That's more or less THE # HIGHEST ON THE PLANET.

The piper always gets paid...........

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 03:17 AM
Damn, the OP is heartbreaking. I wish a revitalizing wind upon the citizens of that country, so their spirits can be lifted up and galvanized in order to effectively fight and win back control over their own lives and livelihoods.

Wish I could do more than speak my heart to the wind. But this is meant to wound our spirits; to demoralize. We really are fighting evil incarnate.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

From the "only in America" file.

The suicide squad...

edit on 22/5/2020 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
You ain't seen nothing yet.

Wait until that juicy unemployment runs out and people lose their houses, cars and bank accounts to negative interest rates.

That's right.

Negative interest rates are coming, you'll see..

This one gets it. We have no clue the after effect of the Trillions we just printed. We were already on the cusp, surely this just kicked us over the cliff.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: myselfaswell

originally posted by: EternalShadow
You ain't seen nothing yet.

Wait until that juicy unemployment runs out and people lose their houses, cars and bank accounts to negative interest rates.

That's right.

Negative interest rates are coming, you'll see..

I keep trying to explain this point to people. The wave of crushing poverty that's about to break over millions and millions of people is # terrifying.

In Australia we have in the general vicinity of 120% household debt to GDP. That's more or less THE # HIGHEST ON THE PLANET.

The piper always gets paid...........

My thoughts are essentially the US is sheltered from the most severe side of the negative impact. Afterall, United States is generally considered the Piper. So if they lead the way into a new way, maybe we can get through this with minimal damage. But if no action occurs and we remain in the same system, destruction is the only result.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

We've been saying it since the scared NBA decided to play without fans, a move that dominoed through the country. Shutting down will hurt more people than it will help. As always, we were right. Now we have all these Captain Obvious doctors and other "professionals" telling us what we knew before hindsight was a factor.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

This isn't even surprising. Back in March it took me 3 days to get through to my therapist's office to settle up my final bill (life situation bettered and depression causing meds finally not necessary any longer). The secretary asked if I needed to see my therapist and I said no I'm good There are at least 8 therapists in their practice. She said thank goodness because they were being completely overwhelmed and inundated with calls from new patients even though they were being limited to video sessions (our state closed everything early). If they were getting that many new calls back in March just imagine how many since then. I feel for those unable to get professional help!

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: Isurrender73

Sometimes I wish I was wrong. This is unfortunately exactly what I have been saying for months. The 'cure' is worse than the disease.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: Taupin Desciple
Turn the fking news off. If people can't even do that...……………..

Some people enjoy have the bejesus scared out of them. They enjoy being terrorized, and they have been terrorized during these last several months.

It's no wonder suicides are increasing.

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: myselfaswell
I keep trying to explain this point to people. The wave of crushing poverty that's about to break over millions and millions of people is # terrifying.

Same here. Time to give up trying to explain, mate.

Most folks are not in the slightest bit interested in the economic cataclysm.

So... basically... # 'em.

And # the donkeys they rode in on. They deserve everything they get (or rather won't get).

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 04:36 PM
Newsom doesn't care, the pro stay at home people don't care. They really don't. I've actually had people on social media say the suicide rate going sky high is worth it to prevent them personally from catching the virus. That people who committed suicide were probably going to do it anyway so it doesn't really matter. Yes, really I had a Huffington Post "journalist" write that on an answer in Quora to one of my questions.

Know what I don't care anymore about the people in California, Michigan, Kentucky, Pennsylvania because the people they elected to Govern them don't give a rats patootie about them anyway, not as individuals who may be suffering, they only care about the good of the collective (socialist/communist ideology).

In my state, they just freed us.

So my grandchildren will be educated, unlike those in California etc. who may not be educated for years to come (until there is a cure/vaccine).

My grandchildren’s classmates will no longer worry about staying home alone at tender ages while their parents work because day care and out of school care camps are reopening. My grandchildren’s classmates who were abused by frustrated and isolated parents can now be seen by people outside the home and saved from abuse.

So what do I care about California’s, Michigan’s, Kentucky’s, Pennsylvania’s children etc., since they don’t care about their own children and say it is totally worth it to lose some children, because it saves the people’s lives who catch the virus and only have a 99% chance of surviving, if they aren’t already on deaths door in a nursing home etc.

Let their children remain uneducated with the wretched online “education”, that for our children, was not an education at all, it was pathetic. Let their children be beaten and locked at tender ages in their homes alone while parents work - if the Democratic Party Governors don’t care, why should I.

Of course Newsom, Whitmer, Wolf, Beshear think it is so worth it that their people commit suicide in record numbers, and people die of preventable illnesses in their homes, and become mentally ill because of isolation.

If people in their states are ok with all this suffering to save the 1% of healthy people in their state who actually catch the virus - well that is what states rights are about, isn’t it.

I don’t care anymore, why should I? The people in our state have been restored to liberty and freedom.

Maybe it is time to bust up the Union and let each of the states go their own way, let the states with Democratic Party leadership have their iron fist dictators, and let the rest of us choose freedom and liberty.

Guess what? The states that opened before us a few weeks ago, have had their number of hospitalizations go down and deaths go down and that is what I expect for our state too. But the media has refused to report on good news, they just won’t, CNN MSNBC ABC NBC CBS NYTimes HuffingtonPost etc prefer to terrorize and traumatize the population with their news and anything that doesn’t traumatize people isn’t news worthy to them at all.

If this seems callous, so is the attitude of Newsom, Beshear, Wolf, Whitmer toward their people. I’m simply following the example of these wonderful Democratic Party leaders who have shown us all what life is like under Democratic Party leadership for the people they rule with an iron fist. This all tells me who has no real compassion for the people even though the claim to have the market cornered on compassion.

No thanks, we need to rid the nation of those states who don't want liberty and prefer to be ruled by ruthless Dictators who only care about overall society (socialism/communism) and don't give a rats patootie about individuals and individual suffering.

edit on 5/22/20 by The2Billies because: format grammar

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: FlyingSquirrel

A CBS source for you, predicting this happening.

Coronavirus pandemic may lead to 75,000 "deaths of despair" from suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, study says

By Serena Gordon

May 8, 2020 / 1:50 PM / HealthDay

COVID-19 has directly claimed tens of thousands of U.S. lives, but conditions stemming from the novel coronavirus — rampant unemployment, isolation and an uncertain future — could lead to 75,000 deaths from drug or alcohol abuse and suicide, new research suggests.

Deaths from these causes are known as "deaths of despair." And the COVID-19 pandemic may be accelerating conditions that lead to such deaths.

"Deaths of despair are tied to multiple factors, like unemployment, fear and dread, and isolation. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were already an unprecedented number of deaths of despair. We wanted to estimate how this pandemic would change that number moving forward," said one of the study's authors, Benjamin Miller. He's chief strategy officer for the Well Being Trust in Oakland, Calif.

This is real, very real. It's not a partisan issue, so why wrongly try to make it one? Suicide is hardly a partisan thing after all.

The shelter orders were always about leveling the curve and never about saving lives. The same number of people will die from this virus as would have otherwise, it's just being spread out. Now add to that the increase in the level of starvation worldwide and the cure may well be worse than the disease. In fact that's a given at this point.

A couple of months from now when the real impact hits, people get evicted and creditors try to collect and hardworking people either become homeless on the streets, or couch surfers and it's going to be bad. Much worse than it is now.

Sitting at home, savings wiped out, pantry bare, months behind on bills and with no way out when its over, will destroy many people. People who have never asked for or needed any help in their lives, will suddenly be standing in lines at food banks.

Actions have consequences and poorly thought out actions can wipe out countries economies for years. We've just scratched the surface. The worst is yet to come, but not far off. People who have money, the winners, need to start preparing to share their homes with family or friends, the losers.

10 people out of 730,000 have died here from the virus. 1 in 6 businesses are predicted to fail and that is rising. 65,000 people lost their jobs, including thousands of the highest paying jobs that keep the economy afloat. The hospital beds were never anywhere near full, in fact the hospitals were nearly empty and yet the economy and many peoples retirement and futures were wiped out, so they were not overwhelmed.

In fact medical workers are among those who are in danger. An acquaintance who is a surgeon and owns a practice and clinic here, tell me that they are down by 75%, and he's letting his people take all their paid leave and vacation time early to help as much as he can. 60 minutes, a Liberal bastion, did a report last week I think it was on how the rural clinics and doctors are going belly up. After this is over some rural communities will have to drive all the way to a large city for medical care. That will also result in needless deaths.

Propaganda? Nope! You have your head buried in the sand for partisan reasons about a non-partisan problem. Not everything is about politics and most certainly not the topic of this thread.

edit on 5/22/2020 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: Blaine91555

My hospital was losing almost $1 million a day. A day.

All management/executives took a 20% pay cut, all assistant management positions were cut, they were asking people to volunteer for unpaid leave because people were going to be losing 1/3 of their hours.
edit on 22-5-2020 by OccamsRazor04 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2020 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

This is why we elect people who are supposed to be above knee-jerk responses to things, and lead us in a right direction instead of us following our own instincts. Our leaders have failed us miserably. Both sides and in the middle.

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