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The Pandemic's Devastation of the World Economy

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posted on May, 12 2020 @ 03:28 PM
We're a wealthy country, the United States, even thought there is too much poverty here.
We are concerned about what is pandemic shutdown will do.

Imagine the impact it may have on poorer countries.
I've already heard that stat aid to public schools will have to be slashed for the next year to balance the budget. And that is not a life or death thing.

What about other parts of the world?
What about parts of our own country??

The following article is from the LA Times, and gives pause for thought.
What have we done??
The economic devastation wrought by the pandemic could ultimately kill more people than the virus itself

The United Nations predicts that a global recession will reverse a three-decade trend in rising living standards and plunge as many as 420 million people into extreme poverty, defined as earning less than $2 a day.

Hunger is already rising in the poorest parts of the world, where lockdowns and social distancing measures have erased incomes and put even basic food items out of reach.

In Guatemala, villagers are begging for food along highways by waving pieces of white cloth at passing drivers. In Colombia, the hungriest hang red flags from their homes in hope of donations.

But there are growing fears that the United States and other wealthy nations — which are dealing with the pandemic on their own turf — will fail to heed the call to action.

“My big concern is that folks will lose their appetite for this kind of work, and there won’t be the political will necessary,” said Joy Portella, a U.S.-based health and development consultant.

Will wealthier nations and people even have enough to help as much as they once did?

What have we done???

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 03:38 PM
I think the issue, in my mind, is that the type of things that could really help do not foster dependence.

It seems like many are just waiting for government and corporations to do everything, but of course, they have their own ideas of "helping."

Its been one of my biggest concerns both here and abroad.. Food, ability to fix random (but important) things in a home, power for home medical needs..

They all seem "small" and unrelated to The Virus, except when the media can tie them in with ultra-fear, but they are critically important.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 03:38 PM
We've let ourselves be scared into a disaster worse than anything the virus would do. Now they want to unseat a president who would, if he had his way, step back and let the economy recover on its own as much as possible. It would be rough for a year or two, but it would come back pretty quickly.

If they manage to put their puppet dementia man in, then we're going to repeat the "glory" years of FDR which prolonged the Great Depression, and this will drag on for years, like the Depression did under Obama, only deeper and worse, and there may be no World War to pull us out, and that will be a mercy because that would be nuclear in any case.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe

What have we done???

We've created an authoritarian's wet dream fueled by senseless fear.

Part of me thinks a "post covid world" will be far more scary than the "post 9/11 world" could ever have hoped to be.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

Even the most wealthy countries will start to struggle with foreign aid commitments in the near future.
This will have a serious effect on the worst hit places who rely on that aid.

Not looking good.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe It is time to eradicate "cost of living", whereas a few have too much, while majority struggles worldwide. All a human being need is abundant on the earth and should be accessible to all. Food. clothes and shelter should be the basic provision to all humanity. Certainly, at least the, the knowledge and skills to produce it. Economy can be replaced, lives cannot. It was not an alien species that created the current form of economy therefore we can change it. Certainly we must!

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

In the book of Isaiah , God states that he will kill Leviathan , but , fill the face of the earth with fruit .

We ve begun towards a new future , one where food will be extremely abundant . It might be a very rough ride to that place however .

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

I don't think so.

If this is Biblical, I think it more likely we've unleashed the Horsemen. Plague rides with famine, war, and death.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 04:10 PM
Thank you, China.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 04:12 PM
The NWO/TPTB are resetting the whole Middle Class !! 😈

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
The NWO/TPTB are removing the whole Middle Class !! 😈

Spelling corrected.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

I don't think so.

If this is Biblical, I think it more likely we've unleashed the Horsemen. Plague rides with famine, war, and death.

Well there's an afterwards too .

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

Yes, but most won't live to see it.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 04:36 PM

The pandemic, which began in an industrial Chinese city but has since spread to even the remotest corners of the Amazon rainforest, has exposed the radical interdependence of the modern world — causing disruptions in everything from manufacturing to the global narcotics trade. Source

Anyway , this defines the problem , and don't imagine that western states and their middle even upper classes are somehow immune to collapse and famine .
edit on 5/12/2020 by Blaine91555 because: edited in source of quoted material

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: DoctorBluechip

Yes, but most won't live to see it.

not with those locusts getting busy

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 05:19 PM

The economic devastation wrought by the pandemic could ultimately kill more people than the virus itself.

That was the point of the pseudo-pandemic, behind which they have hid the real agenda. The thought of which scares most people into the submission they gave. Their bending at the knee in supplication to the globalist agenda, which will ultimately kill them, not now, but slow step by step into a dark draconian future. The sheep have also offered their children's future to it like lambs to the slaughter. The sheep were given so much by their ancestor's sacrifice and they (perhaps we?) have so timidly and cowardly handed over what was won for us. A toxic trade for a few more years of illusory freedom and liberty, but where are they both, where are liberty and freedom whilst you are locked down? Rightly, you, we, have lost them.

The ruling classes have stripped the sheep of their dignity and self-esteem, and they are clothed now in nothing but a shroud of shame, expectant hands held out for the crumbs that might fall from the ruling classes table. How low have the people shrunk? How cooperative in their own downfall? It is often stated that once you perceive the destination, you are able to perceive the path of the journey. Others will do the bidding of the ruling classes just so that they are not you, so that they do not share your fate or your impoverished position, but in the end, they will be their reward.

Think about what has transpired over the last 6 to 8 weeks around the world. Populations have both condoned and participated in the use of tyranny as a means of protection. Such complicit acts were always going to occur, but I thought I would not see it in my lifetime, how wrong was I!

By reducing the world's human population you automatically reduce the problems besieging the world's human population. Planet resources that are becoming harder to extract and scarce become plentiful with a vastly reduced global population. It is not hard to see the concept. The rationale behind it is based on utility. Can you contribute more into the pot than what you take out of it? That has become the sum value of your worth. A big well done to you all!

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

The western world has been living off the backs of poorer nations for a long time. This might be their cue to take it back.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: toktaylor
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe It is time to eradicate "cost of living", whereas a few have too much, while majority struggles worldwide. All a human being need is abundant on the earth and should be accessible to all. Food. clothes and shelter should be the basic provision to all humanity. Certainly, at least the, the knowledge and skills to produce it. Economy can be replaced, lives cannot. It was not an alien species that created the current form of economy therefore we can change it. Certainly we must!

So says the agenda but the agenda behind the agenda is not so pleasant.
edit on 12-5-2020 by SeaWorthy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 06:07 PM
Rapid Deployment of Decentralized Systems

The foundation for rapid deployment is based on 3d printers, almost out of necessity. However, costs are examined within the confines of roughly 2 stimulus payments totalling $2,400us. It is also important to note that due to the nature of the decentralized framework, costs become less as more nodes are deployed. However, this is not necessarily taken into account in this post. Another important note is that the same platforms that enable 3d printing of plastics can *also* be used for CNC type work and general milling/subtractive manufacturing. Actually accomplishing this is a bit beyond the scope of this post though.

The first stage is to deliver 3d printing platforms to each individual community (depending on time & resource constraints) and then use that printer to build further items.. both for initial deployment and continued manufacturing. This would also require the design and dissemination of the files necessary, which can be done any way from to torrents.

The next phase would be delivering the basic requirements for decentralized power needs, however, items like brackets (easily overlooked, yet important items) can be printed. This is not necessarily a one-size-fits-all list, but would include solar, wind, and hydro for power generation alongside batteries for storage. The goal would not be to meet total power needs of a given area, but to supplement existing infrastructure as well as provide enough for general necessary items. Alongside this would be sending out things like LED strips en masse (cheap, ultra effective products). Items like refrigeration would be difficult to cover, but other electrical needs (like oxygen machines, CPAPs, general monitors) would only require relatively basic systems. Items like modern LED TVs use surprisingly little power, and would be relatively easily powered.

After that would be hydroponics and aquaponics systems, with the latter providing proteins in the form of aquatic livestock (like Tilapia, prawns, etc.), general crops, and medicines in the forms of things like green tea. Again, the idea wouldnt be a full shift of the food supply, but a supplemental decentralized system that is extraordinarily difficult to disrupt. It enables us to move essentials like food more easily from one area to another, should the need arise. A knowledge base would likely be necessary here, which could be accomplished through everything from focused message boards to ebooks sent out with the systems.

It probably would be prudent to initially focus on delivering these systems to the individuals & families with the highest levels of knowledge/experience in a given area, with a continuing focus on improving ease of use and accessibility while continuing to add nodes. If we look at using ~$1,000us on the power system, ~$1,000us on the hydro/aquaponics, and ~$500 on the printers, we can actually accomplish a great deal more than many might imagine. That isnt even considering leveraging the capability of the nodes to proliferate themselves. And, it is delivered in the form of actual tools that can be used to further maintain stability and meeting of basic needs even if traditional infrastructure begins to fail. While also building a framework that can easily cover areas that struggle without the need for widespread, national networks or systems.

One of the biggest strengths is that it is imminently scalable and in many ways, self-proliferating. Meaning, it is not necessarily required to establish a node in every single household. I would think that doing an efficiency analysis according to population density would be the best way to start, then actual manufacturing capability, then growth from there.

This would still likely require cooperation and participation from people and organizations who can bring large amounts of resources to bear, particularly when it comes to items like batteries and pumps (for hydro/aquaponics). They might not necessarily have any motivation to do this beyong helping people, which.. might be a problem. However, once enough nodes are established in the "home" region/nation, excess capability can be used to send it to other places worldwide.

It is not entirely without its downsides or drawbacks either, but my hope is that a post like this might inspire others to start thinking along the lines of how we might preemptively address many of these issues before they become insurmountable problems. Everything can be done through private industry, or with government involvement. But the biggest requirement would be actual participation and action from the population at large, instead of just worrying and talking about that worry, with regards to the possibility of hard times.

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

What have we done?

We didn't do anything. The damned Chinese let one of their modified coronavirus experiments leak from their lab just like the at least 4 previous lab leaks they have documented before and unleashed this crap on the globe.

Yes, they helped it spread with their paid stooges in the WHO by keeping those international flights going even after they blockaded Wuhan from the rest of China.

Lockdowns or not, the world's economies were doomed as soon as it spread. Put the blame where blame is deserved..... China's Communist Party

Sweden had no lockdown but its economy is expected to suffer just as badly as its European neighbors

edit on 12-5-2020 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

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