posted on May, 12 2020 @ 07:24 AM
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Seems our hospitals are at their lowest level of admissions and have more available intensive care beds than ever.
If you check the ONS respiratory disease is killing around the same number of people this year as it was last. That includes covid.
However other deaths and deaths at home are undergoing a huge spike as people are avoiding hospital and NHS aren’t carrying out ‘elective’
treatments. Hospitals and a&e departments have never been so quiet. 4x as many free intensive care beds compared to last year.
We spent millions on new hospitals, brought the army in because we needed them built and ready so quickly, now have an additional 15000 beds
throughout the uk. How many have we used? A total of 30.
How’s that for some statistics.
edit on 12/5/20 by Grenade because: (no reason given)