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In the last 42 days, has your opinion changed on the covid-19 pandemic?

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posted on May, 11 2020 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: anzha

I think the virus, while a serious health concern, was completely overblown by the media and then co opted into a deliberate effort to bring down the economy to try to remove Trump from office and to push a greater agenda of bankrupting the country. We were duped into committing economic and social suicide and now if you stand up for freedom and your civil rights you're branded a threat and a danger to everybody's well being. Want to keep your business open to provide jobs and to pay taxes and serve the community? You get raided by government goons. Want to simply enjoy outdoor activities and have social gatherings? You get jumped on by storm troopers. With a mortality rate of well under 1%, just how deadly was this pandemic? Millions have had it and were either asymptomatic or had symptoms so mild( like myself) that no medical treatment was necessary. I had a cold back in November that I had for a week that was worse than Covid 19. It spread through my workplace with one unfortunate death and a few more serious cases but over a hundred got it. Now we can't get tested. They don't want the data skewing the officially sanctioned con job that this is extremely deadly. Social distancing, masks, those are security blankets with little real effect on it. Fear and ignorance is what this virus had going for it and what was used to control people.

posted on May, 11 2020 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: anzha

Mate there is no Corona Virus there never was .

Corona Viruses do not kill people at least not in the Fashion that this Virus is killing people .

What ever that is in NYC killing people is not a Corona Virus .

There is no Pandemic there never was, it was all manufactured by the Media .

posted on May, 11 2020 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: anzha

Nope. My opinion hasn't changed in the slightest.

Because my opinion is and was always based upon natural law and fundamental principles... not the fear mongering and propaganda of political (and greedy) critters were spewing. A few of us said from the gitgo that the fear mongering and propaganda were a greater threat than the virus. We were right.

The numbers don't matter. Not just because they are incomplete, inaccurate, and falsely inflated. But because our rights stand no matter how high or low the numbers are. Pretty much every Draconian measure imposed upon the people could have been recommended and suggested, and promoted and supported with the help of government -- not the force of government. We could have achieved the same slowing of the spread without crippling our economy, families, and society in the process.

The damage done by our "solutions" are far worse than the damage the virus could have caused.


posted on May, 12 2020 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: LanceCorvette
My original opinion was:

1. This it likely just another seasonal virus like we get every year or so.

2. When they started saying it was going to kill everyone on the planet, my spidey senses told me they were outright lying.

3. I said to everyone who would listen, the odds of this being a planet-wide humanity killing virus are nil. It's never happened before, likely to never happen, because that's not how viruses work.

4. I also said let's wait for some data to come in before we panic, it'll probably turn out to be no more harmful than the seasonal flu.

No, my opinion hasn't changed, and it turned out I was right on all four counts.

The response by govts. has nothing to do with the Wuhan virus anymore. It has not been for about the last month or so!

posted on May, 12 2020 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: Bob350

originally posted by: LanceCorvette
My original opinion was:

1. This it likely just another seasonal virus like we get every year or so.

2. When they started saying it was going to kill everyone on the planet, my spidey senses told me they were outright lying.

3. I said to everyone who would listen, the odds of this being a planet-wide humanity killing virus are nil. It's never happened before, likely to never happen, because that's not how viruses work.

4. I also said let's wait for some data to come in before we panic, it'll probably turn out to be no more harmful than the seasonal flu.

No, my opinion hasn't changed, and it turned out I was right on all four counts.

The response by govts. has nothing to do with the Wuhan virus anymore. It has not been for about the last month or so!

All about the election.. and grabbing big bucks.

If trump loses due to dim cheating, it will be fun destroying the new leadership.

posted on May, 13 2020 @ 07:19 AM
Yes, I've come to the conclusion that if you're healthy, have enough Vitamin D in your system and take normal precautions life goes on. I was originally very worried. Comparing Covid-19 to 1 flu season is a very narrow approach. We've had flu seasons with 70k plus deaths. Also, with this being a novel virus there is no considering that it doesn't seem so deadly to me.

posted on May, 13 2020 @ 05:43 PM
My opinion has changed a lot. At first I was confused by all the fuss about what was apparently just another flu, then the government here (Spain) confined us to our homes except to buy vital supplies. So I started working from home by zoom, that was March 14. Now many many weeks and several bottles of brandy(vital supply) later I can go out for a walk between 6am and 10am and evenings 8pm till 11pm. I'd realised in the middle of this that it was a bit more serious especially since some of my friends who work in hospitals here kept checking up on me. And now I've realised that regardless of whether it's a manufactured virus or not(personally I think not) is of no consequence, because when (not if) the second wave hits more people will die. The people who only care about making money, or losing their rights or refusing to wear a mask (selfish people in my opinion, sorry) are still going to be that way no matter what. I now believe that this virus is going to stay with us, a new deadlier flu so anyone who doesn't want to wear a mask send it to me because I'll wear it no matter how uncomfortable.

posted on May, 13 2020 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: anzha

For the last six weeks, on the two week mark, I have been asking whether or not ATS has changed its mind about the covid-19 pandemic. I originally asked what it would take to convince people to change their minds[1] about the outbreak and then later moved on to ask whether or not any of you had[2,3]. So far, it has been interesting: little to no one has changed their mind.

Yes. I have drastically changed my mind on the whole masks issue.

I tried shopping for masks the 1st week of February. I absolutely did not want to catch covid-19 and I figured masks was the only way to stop it.

But the stores were all sold out of masks the 1st week of February. Turned out the masks were on back-order and the back orders were on back-order. Masks were made in China. China was refusing to ship the masks to stores with orders in America.

And all I could think was my gawd, were sitting ducks for this virus in the U.S. We can't buy the masks. So there's no way to stop from catching it.

Then I was watching the news about New York City pandemic. And with the mask shortage, infected patients were forced to wear the same mask. I thought, how are they supposed to get well. They are exhaling covid 19 on their masks. The inside of the mask that they breathe thru is saturated with Coronavirus and bacteria and germs from their mouths. No wonder why they keep going on ventilators. They are forced to breath in filth on their contaminated masks and they are getting sicker.

Then I thought they would do better and their breathing would be better if they were outdoors without a mask. Sure enough, outdoor NYC hospitals began reporting the same thing. Those in outdoor hospitals did better with breathing.

Then I watched a re-run on
PBS American Experience on the 1918 flu.
Apparently, wearing masks became a requirement everywhere during the 1918 pandemic. Most wearing cloth masks. And it didn't stop anyone from catching the 1918 flu. The number of cases and deaths increased AFTER wearing masks was required.

So I changed my mind. Its like what happened with the 1918 flu. When masks were required, cases and deaths increased. Cloth masks don't protect anyone. And everyone is just breathing in all the germs and bacteria from their mouths on their masks making everyone sicker.

So Fark the masks. Won't wear them. If a store required them, I'll shop somewhere else and give someone else my money.
edit on 13-5-2020 by MapMistress because: Added link

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