posted on May, 7 2020 @ 08:40 AM
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I agree with Zaph, you couldn't run them both simultaneously. But then again I dont know if the P-8's generating capacity is uprated over a standard
737NG anyway. I know the E-7 Wedgetail has uprated generators, you can see the bulge in the cowls where they sit. I suppose you could add a second
generator to each engine but that would require a custom gearbox pad and more bulges. It might be possible to use the APU inflight with a higher
output generator, that would be efficient as you only turn it on when you need it. However most APU's have an operating envelope for inflight starts
and operation which aren't as high as the operating altitude for many of these missions. Thats one reason to go to a larger airframe like a
767/A-330/787, they have bigger motors that can more easily run bigger generators.