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The Lost City Of Irem - The Place Where Giants Rest

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posted on May, 2 2020 @ 09:45 PM
Now I do not know why or for what exact reason I was taken to this place but it seems to me we got some interesting things below the sands of time.

I was taken to a desert by 2 watchers but I could tell they were not watcher but rather Djinn, we walked for several days well more like I was pushed along while riding on top of a camel. We came to a singular location at which I dug to find an odd pillar, upon pressing it a door slid open and the sand surrounding it began to run into the opening.

During this moment they directed me to come in and as we went down what felt like endless steps we came into a great big hall, with giant pillars of metal, as we walked across the tiled floors some sort of lights came on but none like I have ever seen. The entire hall was lighting up and reflecting the lights off the pillars there were writings all over them, the ceiling was shimmering and it looked like whole galaxies were laid out upon it.

The two Watchers/Djinn took me to a giant door at which there was a giant panel and a smaller panel in which it seems was a handprint outlined as if cast into it. Upon placing my hand the door shifted open and I went inside, the door then closed behind me and I was in a dark room it was at that moment a small path was lit up for me to walk to what only seemed like a giant circular platform.

As I walked to the center of it I heard voices whisper in a dialect which sounded Middle Eastern with bits of Latin mixed in, when I asked who they were they switched between my native dialect and English saying that they have survived many cataclysms and that they were originally the ones sent to watch over humanity.

When I asked them where I was they said I already knew and the word "Irem" came to my mind, but I have never heard of this word and when I confronted them about this they said "He is still clearly a child yet to understand his nature or what the world truly is". The female voice sounded reasonable and calm, yet the males said that we as humans have many trials to face in the coming years and that like before those of us who will survive will again be guided by those that came before man. So, I said to them that the ones that came before were Titans, Gods of Old, Angels, Djinn or whatever other beings that were here before us humans. The woman then said "Those only scratch the surfaces of history which you know forgotten and deem myths and legends whispered among the embers of cold nights", it was at that moment when the ceiling of this dark room began to slowly light up and illuminated these giant seats upon which I saw beings of great towering height. They then took turns of carrying a sentence in an order of the illumination; "We are the watchers, the ancient ones that were, have and will return to guide the world of man".

The female being who looked almost like us but wearing a luxurious toga like looking dress leaned in and said; "The time will come when you will be here in person, but for now it is time to go". She leaned back into her chair and lightly tapped the handle of the giant chair echoing a knocking thud through the illuminated hall, at that moment the lights began to go out and I noticed all other beings having odd masks one and some of those masks looked like Egyptian, South American and other depictions of Gods. While a few others seemed very human and the one thing I do remember before the lights went out entirely I looked up at the ceiling and saw a giant cherub chandelier dimming itself.

I find my dream adventures rather curious and interesting...
edit on 2-5-2020 by WanderingMrM because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2020 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I was warned in a dream that the giants are coming back!

posted on May, 2 2020 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I find it right out of Guild Wars 2.

Technically Tarir (The Forgotten City) in Tyria.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 03:25 AM
"Iram of the Pillars" - an ancient lost city, tribe, or region - is briefly mentioned in the Quran. It's also called "Irem." Some suggest it was once located in Aram - present day Syria - a region which indeed have deserts as in your dream.

Thanks for sharing.


edit on 3-5-2020 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 04:38 AM

originally posted by: mamabeth
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I was warned in a dream that the giants are coming back!

Sweet! I actually wonder how many of our myth and legends actually bare real facts

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 04:39 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: WanderingMrM

I find it right out of Guild Wars 2.

Technically Tarir (The Forgotten City) in Tyria.

Never played that title, didn't really have time for that many games.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 04:41 AM

originally posted by: MerkabaMeditation
"Iram of the Pillars" - an ancient lost city, tribe, or region - is briefly mentioned in the Quran. It's also called "Irem." Some suggest it was once located in Aram - present day Syria - a region which indeed have deserts as in your dream.

Thanks for sharing.


Part of me is tempted to actually go looking for it! I've never read the Quran but I have had what I would call several experiences where after research that they were Djinn, Demons and what not.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 09:19 AM

Watcher (Aramaic עִיר ʿiyr, plural עִירִין ʿiyrin, [ʕiːr(iːn)]; Theodotian trans: ir; from the root of Heb. ʿer, "awake, watchful".[1] Greek: ἐγρήγοροι, transl.: egrḗgoroi; "Watchers", "those who are awake"; "guard", "watcher"[2]) is a term used in connection with biblical angels. Watcher occurs in both plural and singular forms in the Book of Daniel (4th–2nd century BC), where reference is made to their holiness. The apocryphal Books of Enoch (2nd–1st centuries BC) refer to both good and bad Watchers, with a primary focus on the rebellious ones.[3][4]

Watcher (angel)

They are associated with fallen angels in the book of Genesis and Enoch.

Genesis 6:1-22 -
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Giants are the offspring of the fallen angels (watchers) in the Book of Enoch

Book of Enoch The Watchers
Chapter 7 1 And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms 2and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they 3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed 4 all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against 5 them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and 6 fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.

In your dream.

. . . humans have many trials to face in the coming years and that like before those of us who will survive will again be guided by those that came before man

Considering their giant cannibal human hybrids (one of their contributions to humanity) were thought to have perished in the great flood as punishment form God, I wonder what guidance they will have for human survivors of the next Biblical disaster?
edit on 3-5-2020 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Added extra comments

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 09:26 AM
Something I know. In the bible it turns out the first century Jews triggered a long term top level Leviticus 26 curse. And per the book of Hosea it's supposed to be two thousand years long. It would seem the curse is about to end in the 2020s. I would say it's about time entities like the watchers and "old ones" would be awakening. And the veil is thinning.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Not from the religious base I understand but VERY, VERY COOL INDEED.

This would make the great basis for an adventure story or a science fiction, fantasy or even religious parable.

Very nicely remembered.

I have never dreamed of giant's but have had what many here would call a cross between an OOBE and an NDE were one night I 'woke' three time's outside my body, we live well above sea level but these three time's I found myself in the same house were I was living at the time BUT it was completely under water and though the street light's outside were still on I could see the ripple affects on the ceiling of the room, the first time I was just outside my body and forced against something that seemed to be pulling me - I was stronger and walked slowly through this water and force of suction that seemed to be trying to swallow me back to my body which appeared as a dark shape under my blankets on my bed, I woke gasping for breath and feeling delirious then fell back into unconsciousness, the second I was outside the house and could see far above as if in a crystal clear ocean the surface of the ocean from beneath but weirdly I could see through the wall of the house - I could still see the wall but it was not an impediment so I once again walked back to my body waking again gasping for breath as if I had stopped breathing, the third time I seemed to be in some kind of swirling dark vortex in the water that distorted my peripheral vision but I paid it no heed and walked against the powerful current once again back out of this vortex, back through the wall and back into my body waking once again waking gasping for breath this time I was awake a little longer than then drifted off into a more normal if fitful sleep.

I have also experienced plenty of sleep paralysis episodes - many like to call them night terrors and they have a medical explanation you are awake enough to feel your body but your brain has not yet caught up so the handbrake that keep's you from enacting your dream's and sleep walking was still on so to speak - however I was able to move and my sleep paralysis would always be accompanied by a hot sensation and it felt like something was trying to suffocate me, I was always strong enough to move and the moment I started to move - very - very slowly in these sleep paralysis episodes it would Jolt me awake and I would almost fly out of bed.

Back at the same time I had some pretty weird dream's, you mention giant's, well there were these three guy's in once piece white space suit's sitting on a lunar type surface on white chair's looking for all the world like living versions of Abraham Lincoln's statue from the Lincoln memorial in the US, there helmet's were Conical however and more proportionate to there suit's making them appear perfectly proportioned with there wide shoulders, there visors were like elongated oblong's top to bottom with rounded corners and were completely black while the top of the helmet was almost flat but with a slight dome, I was actually the guy in the middle of these three giant men OR I saw what he saw and heard what he heard - you translate in dream's OR you don't since they were not speaking English yet I understood perfectly, there was an apparatus before them looking exactly like an old Cathode Ray TV set but with no glass around the tube and it was so high definition on the screen it appeared almost three dimensional, on the screen was a fourth figure similarly attired to these three and he said this "Star Fleet on Sea Bed" as if reporting in, the only difference is that around the rim of the top of his helmet were it became a flattened dome were what appeared to buckle like decorations so his suit was not exactly the same and I got the distinct impression he was reporting to them so they were his seniors, strange dream floating over the lunar surface away from guy's on white cubic chairs.

Another weird THREE dream's I had as a younger man began with me as a man whom lived on another world on an island that in the dream I would liken to about the size of New Zealand, his people were under a strict curfew and there were other people from somewhere else on there world who had arrived and seized control from the peaceful agrarian inhabitant's, these other people ALL looked identical to one another but otherwise other than the fact they were all very pale grayish skinned with black eye's and dark hair they looked almost like this young man's people.
He and his people were living under a regime of terror and fear as the invaders were doing whatever they wanted as they searched the planet for something, He and his people were an ancient race that looked like human's but were far more intelligent and so along with a few other conspirators he set out to build a small one way craft - it was a suicide mission for whomever took the flight but once in orbit this small craft would be equipped with some kind of transmitter that would send out a distress signal telling of there world's occupation to some other source, in the extremely vivid dream I was working on building this transmitter but though at the time I was studying electronic's in the dream the component's I was using were completely unfamiliar but I knew them exactly in the dream so different electronic's to our's with the basic technology and principles being the same.

The second of these was years later the hostile entity's had left but as a parting gift they had put a device into our planet, we could not stop it as it burrowed toward the core of our world - which was an ancient world and no longer geologically active and there it would detonate destroying the entire planet, we were working as a society in a race against time and I was only one of many team's working to build ship's from the fragment's of our racial knowledge - our ancestors had once been a peaceful galactic force before turning there back on the stars and returning home to there world's of which ours was just one and becoming agrarian society's but even though the hostiles had looted and destroyed much of our history due to our advanced mental capability's we were able to build rudimentary ship's, not as advanced as our ancestors had once had but good enough and in that dream we were just finalizing the building and selecting children - only a handful of adult's as the journey to potentially safe places in other galaxy's was going to be very long even at the velocity these craft would travel them, at last we launched, there were no flames just white shard shaped space craft like a swarm of bird's flying into the sky in all direction's away from our world, We looked back and time inside the craft was slower than outside so we watched in tears as our world exploded, before it did I got a good look at the planet tiny polar cap's that seemed to just be swirls of cloud, a blue globe with tiny green island's forming long curved and circular archipelagos' like the rims' of half sunken craters poking out of the planetary ocean.

The third I was an old man, we came down on a planet much like the earth but it's sky was Greenish and our enemy was already there probably having seized the information from our ancient archives that must have listed habitable planets, something paranormal happened to us, perhaps the soul of our entire world but we fought back and took the planet with power like god's even though we were mostly just kid's except me.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Another dream years later that had nothing to do with these but was probably too much cheese and too much science fiction.

I was in an ancient pyramid, it looked Egyptian and unlike the GIZA pyramid's that it resembled this one had hieroglyph's within, there was a false doorway but it was not false though the archaeologists had ignored it thinking it was ceremonial, I seemed to remember thing's while there and reached out touching the rock in a specific patter, no buttons just touching in this pattern and the rock dissolved as if it was an illusion turning transparent then completely vanishing, behind it was a metal door and a small panel I touched this panel and the door opened revealing black metal corridor's and I walked down one of these remembering, this was a pyramid shaped black craft that had been damaged in a battle with another race and I had the human's in there primitive society bury it, I walked into the control room there were no instrument's, no ornamentation just a black dais and upon the dais was a control rod similar to a pilot's joy stick that resembled a black snake like a black striking cobra, an ancient priest, looter or somebody else lay before it on the floor his body turning to dust as I walked by, I did not touch the control stick as it was electrified to kill anyone that did as had the hull once been before the power had drained over thousands of years, there was still enough jolt in the stick to be lethal though and enough power to get some of the system's working, I touched the side of the dais which was obsidian black like the rest of the chamber and the ship's structure and immediately the dais lit up as did the wall behind it with computerized display's and views that despite the lack of cameras could see outside even in spite of the stones that buried the ancient ship.

I seemed to know how to work the systems on the ship and recall the battle it had with a saucer like craft - though it had won being for all intent's and purposes a war ship it had been badly damaged hence I decision to have it buried and hidden from both my enemy's and from the native primitives whom were not ready for it's secret's, yet for some reason the ship terrified me as if I was looking at an evil or at least very bad history I wanted to remain buried.

Dream's are powerful thing's, they can shape our destiny, make us great AND make us fool's but if taken as just interesting they are sometime's very intriguing.

They are also as in your dream a great basis for a novel sometime's.

In my opening piece I said I have never dreamed of giant's but in fact that is not true, I have seen a grumpy white bearded and haired giant guy a dressed in that same one piece white robe I was wearing on that ship in other dream and sitting on a chair similar to the three space guy's on the moon, he was angry with me and said I was his son - but no worry this was NOT God he was in an all white place but not very brightly lit and seemed as I say GRUMPY and I felt no recognition toward him - oh and his face changed into that of an old jaundiced looking man with no teeth laughing, creepy.
edit on 3-5-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767
Just remembered, it was a very long time Ago I had these dreams but that one with the pyramid ship, there was another reason I had sealed it away inside a pyramid, it was radioactive and I wanted to protect the primitive people's as well as it would have killed them, I had contained it as best I could but with the damage to the ship the energy was deadly inside it but by the time of the dream it had become safe.

posted on May, 3 2020 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Not doubting you one bit but I have to say that the fact that you mentioned Djinn and Irem but haven't read anything in the Quran, where both of those words come from, seems a little strange. Irem meaning the Garden in Heaven, also sometimes thought to mean the Garden of Eden.

If you convert the Quran to the Bible, Djinn and Watchers would be the same thing. The fallen.
edit on 3-5-2020 by StallionDuck because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

In my opening piece I said I have never dreamed of giant's but in fact that is not true, I have seen a grumpy white bearded and haired giant guy a dressed in that same one piece white robe I was wearing on that ship in other dream and sitting on a chair similar to the three space guy's on the moon, he was angry with me and said I was his son - but no worry this was NOT God he was in an all white place but not very brightly lit and seemed as I say GRUMPY and I felt no recognition toward him - oh and his face changed into that of an old jaundiced looking man with no teeth laughing, creepy.

Interesting, it matches closely with my visions, however God appears in different shapes and forms to us, even the ones we call "ugly" and "terrible looking". So I think a bit differently on who He was in your vision. I personally don't have any prejudices on God's hugely different appearances to us, good or bad. By the way, I fully believe the veracity of your visions.

On a different note, I find your other OBE/NDE stories true and very interesting, fit for a book or a movie.

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: StallionDuck
a reply to: WanderingMrM

Not doubting you one bit but I have to say that the fact that you mentioned Djinn and Irem but haven't read anything in the Quran, where both of those words come from, seems a little strange. Irem meaning the Garden in Heaven, also sometimes thought to mean the Garden of Eden.

If you convert the Quran to the Bible, Djinn and Watchers would be the same thing. The fallen.

I have experienced many odd things since I was 15 and to this day for almost 13 years now, the closer I get to the ripe age of 30 I begin to wonder what it is all for.

I've never read the bible or the quran, rather the fact of looking up the entities via the internet and referencing of what I saw. So I find it interesting that all religions speak of the same beings but each gives them a different name...

posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: mamabeth

The natives say the white sky gods will return. Maybe 'planet x' is coming like scientists have been insinuating.


posted on May, 4 2020 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: miri2019

I would regard my experiences of this type as dream's and leave them at that, I see no practical value in them to the day to day living of life in this world were we are right now and if anything to dwell on them would only serve as a distraction BUT given the vein of this thread I decided to share them though as I say they were a long time ago - still for a dream to remain so strongly in the memory it has to be vivid and real feeling and these most certainly were.

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