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The CDC just released a revised document with a DRASTICALLY lower COVID-19 death count

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posted on May, 2 2020 @ 11:09 PM
Good News from the CDC yesterday..

On Friday 5-1-2020, the CDC equated the Wuhan coronavirus to the seasonal flu.

The COVID-19 hospitalization rates are “similar to” those in the 65 and older category during “recent high severity influenza seasons.”

And the COVID-19 hospitalizations for children 17 and under is MUCH LOWER than the seasonal flu hospitalization rates during recent influenza seasons.

The COVID-19 is LESS DANGEROUS to children than a typical influenza.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: trollz

White House coronavirus task force to be disbanded by the end of this month.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: carewemust

The gatewaypundit is not a valid source of reliable information....I hope you know that. It is a far right, very low credibility, opinion based site....think of it like CNN for conservatives just less credible.

The claim the OP made has been debunked.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Or maybe we dodged a bullet and slowed this thing down dramatically. We've never done anything like the last two months. Time will tell, but I think it's too early to know.

Actually it is not too early too know that the premise behind this thread is faulty. The data per the same CDC shows 68,000+ deaths.

I am glad this was posted however because it shows all the arguments that everything is classified as a COVID-19 death are patently false. It also show that the lock downs have reduced deaths as a whole as well.

Here is another data point from the CDC relative to excess deaths. Notice the huge amount of excess deaths beginning in April. The excess deaths are consistent with the reported COV-19 death numbers. If you also consider that the lock downs have reduced other deaths and that deaths as a whole had been decreasing at a 3 to 4% rate, it goes to reason that there are likely more COV-19 deaths than are being recorded as COV-10 deaths.

Excess Deaths CDC - Graph loads near bottom of page

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: sligtlyskeptical

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Or maybe we dodged a bullet and slowed this thing down dramatically. We've never done anything like the last two months. Time will tell, but I think it's too early to know.

Actually it is not too early too know that the premise behind this thread is faulty. The data per the same CDC shows 68,000+ deaths.

I am glad this was posted however because it shows all the arguments that everything is classified as a COVID-19 death are patently false. It also show that the lock downs have reduced deaths as a whole as well.

Here is another data point from the CDC relative to excess deaths. Notice the huge amount of excess deaths beginning in April. The excess deaths are consistent with the reported COV-19 death numbers. If you also consider that the lock downs have reduced other deaths and that deaths as a whole had been decreasing at a 3 to 4% rate, it goes to reason that there are likely more COV-19 deaths than are being recorded as COV-10 deaths.

Excess Deaths CDC - Graph loads near bottom of page

Also these are all numbers for provisional deaths, Meaning they are not counted until the death certificate filing notice gets to the CDC. Death certificates can be delayed up to 4 weeks, although most within 2 weeks.That is why the numbers are different from the link provided in the OP. The data has been updated to reflect the additional death certificates that came in..

Bottom line folks that are downplaying the deaths, saying they aren't real, that everything is counted as COV-19 are basically non-thinking fools.

posted on May, 5 2020 @ 08:33 PM
These CDC numbers are scary imho....

NOT corona statistics....


posted on May, 8 2020 @ 03:11 AM
This is sad. US Taxpayers paid $660 Million Dollars to treat only 82 Covid-19 patients.

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 11:22 AM
Of course I can't " prove " it but all I can say is with 100% genuine belief, I had this thing in early September last year here in Adelaide, South Australia. Working with a young fella who I swear nearly stopped breathing a few times from his persistent ultra dry cough & as he was weak & of no real benefit to the labouring job we had been tasked to do in a very small & enclosed townhouse yard, I sent him to go lay down in another yard.
2 days later I honestly thought I was dying, such was my sh*thouse state.Not much of a cough but was sweating puddles in 15celsius with bone chattering chills, ached all over, mega lethargic, mind was scrambled & was an effort to keep my head up & eyes open. Am fairly fit & rarely crook at all but this was by far the worst I've ever been. Just managed to drive home 30km's after knocking off lunchtime, crawled into bed clothed, wrapped in doona & heater cranked full bore & came good in 3 days allbeit I & my room stank & I looked like i'd been basted in a funky oil whilst I lay near comatosed.
Believe it or not, makes no difference to me , I'm just sharing what I feel was my encounter with this " thing ".

posted on May, 8 2020 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: sligtlyskeptical

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Or maybe we dodged a bullet and slowed this thing down dramatically. We've never done anything like the last two months. Time will tell, but I think it's too early to know.

Actually it is not too early too know that the premise behind this thread is faulty. The data per the same CDC shows 68,000+ deaths.

I am glad this was posted however because it shows all the arguments that everything is classified as a COVID-19 death are patently false. It also show that the lock downs have reduced deaths as a whole as well.

Here is another data point from the CDC relative to excess deaths. Notice the huge amount of excess deaths beginning in April. The excess deaths are consistent with the reported COV-19 death numbers. If you also consider that the lock downs have reduced other deaths and that deaths as a whole had been decreasing at a 3 to 4% rate, it goes to reason that there are likely more COV-19 deaths than are being recorded as COV-10 deaths.

Excess Deaths CDC - Graph loads near bottom of page

The UK has a very recent study that includes antibody testing of the general population.

Their conclusion is that 0.75% of people who have had coronavirus COVID 19 have died from it.

Of course their conclusion was how deadly COVID 19 is with a 0.75% death rate of people who catch the virus, meaning 99.25% of the people who catch the virus do not die.

Another recent study shows that 80% of people have nothing at all to fear from the virus.

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