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People refuse to pay their rent

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posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Thanks bro!

Yes, it very well could work, even in a good economy. Not as busy I’d presume.

I used to be a Realtor for 9 years. Felt that 08’ crash hard. But I felt it in August of 06’. Went into property preservation (foreclosures) pretty quickly thereafter. Did that for 7 years. First as an independent contractor. Then moved into the corporate realm of it. OPS manager over 35 people in the ‘Construction Services’ department.

Unfortunately, there is going to be a much larger need for this type of biz than the happy fun one I was doing. Inevitably, a lot of foreclosures are on the horizon. I feel sorry for all those that have it coming.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: Puppylove

Most landlords will work with you *if* you seek them out and tell them honestly that you have an issue, right now especially, it's to everyone's benefit to come to an arrangement and understandable and folks are having issues.

But it's not the landlord's place to come to you and ask you nicely if you need help.

edit on 30-4-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: zosimov

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

No one will make things better for you other than yourself. And you can spend your whole life blaming things on other people, but the world was far more metal just a few generations ago.

Ha ha what an awesome quote man.
All the best on reaching your goals!

Thank you!

It will be a grind, but it will be totally worth it to never allow myself to proclaim victimhood. The second you call yourself a victim you've admitted defeat, and passed off all ownership of your fate for someone else or nature to determine.

These times suck, and I really feel for people. I just see a different way of rising out of it. I personally see anxiety as a defense mechanism. Your body and mind are giving you every signal they can in a last ditch effort to tell you something is wrong. The ball is in your court to address it to the best ability at that point. Some truly do get dealt a trash hand, but I'd rather tell someone they can come out stronger than give them the condescending "it wasn't your fault". When you do that, you just told them they never had the power to change their destiny in the first place, and you're cheating them.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: KKLOCO

Inevitably, a lot of foreclosures are on the horizon. I feel sorry for all those that have it coming.

Unfortunately I do as well. I've seen a huge uptick in credit line offers in the past month. My credit union has also reached out to me by phone asking if I needed any credit lines, and they've sent bogus literature explaining interest rates are at an all time low, and now is the time to lock in a mortgage, lol.

This isn't new. In the early 2000's we introduced sweeping programs to entice first time buyers to live the dream of home ownership. It was incredibly successful, and we changed the landscape of an otherwise free market that had due diligence to protect return on investment as much as possible. Queue in 08'.

Now we're seeing the same practices. Instead of encouraging people to take ownership of their life and finances, we're incentivizing people to borrow rather than save in an environment that looks about as stable and promising as the great depression.

The mentality is this was a virus and "no one's fault". We were on an eleven year bull market, so we should have a speedy recovery. Well, if we were riding such a bull, why were people, small to large businesses, and even corporations screaming they were on the verge of collapse just a week in to a partial shut down? One would have to say there were still a lot of inherent problems baked into the cake we have right now. Vast parts of the country living paycheck to paycheck, businesses proclaiming next quarters projected earnings as income, and even local and state governments on the verge of shutting down.

We're ignoring everything right in front of our faces in the name of American Exceptionalism, void of any accountability. This house of cards can only stack so high.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I really believe that the collapse was going to happen even before Corona.
I think Corona is a perfect excuse to be blamed for the misery and suffering that is to come.
It will certainly add to it.

Here are some thing's I've observed.

People are not paying rent, even if they have the money. (This is crazy)
I'm not a renter or landlord, but I frequent architectural forums etc. Some of the posts shocked me.
Many people, not just one or two, believe that charging rent, ANY rent is unethical... They were calling for
rent strikes across the nation.

On another local forum, a man was in the process of being evicted, and had the rent money
but didn't want to pay it unless he was going to get his security deposit back. When people told him to pay his rent, he
gave every excuse in the book.

Yet another forum a landlord was exasperated. She had inherited a house, and instead of selling rented it out. The renter is refusing to pay and she
can't kick them out. Her mortgage is due, but she is not able to get mortgage forbearance (not sure all the details). The comments shocked me.
Many feel she is rich for having two houses and she should suck it up.

I think this trend will cause a lot of mom & pop type of landlords to get out of the game. That will leave only corporate type
of landlords, and we know what a big heart they have. (sarcasm)
In the end, I think a lot of renters are shooting themselves in the foot and they don't even know it.

Not saying I support the chaos; but if you do think about it -- rent is kind of unethical because it's not sustainable. The mere existence of rent is driving up the cost of living, and subsequently, less and less and less people can become owners because the cost to become an owner is driven up by rent and rich people owning all the property solely to make money off of you.

It's an exponential problem with no answer -- eventually the answer is going to be total control where the elite own everything and you cannot buy and it's renters only, or it'll be that people can't own more than x amount of properties. Maybe one per state or something.

Inherently it's too lucrative to own property; if you can afford to buy a 30 unit apartment building, you're an automatic millionaire forever because that earns you half a million a year for doing nothing. Keep in mind that every landlord raises rents yearly indefinitely.

I live in my current apartment for 5 years, rent went up 5 times; doesn't even have a dishwasher and the rent is 1200 a month. This crappy apartment that hasn't been renovated since it was built 1978 costs as much monthly as a $200,000 houses mortgage.

And you think that's ethical? A Rental is supposed to be temporary. A temporary rental is ethical. A permanent rental society is exploiting people. What you charge them in rent is just enough to keep them from ever being able to buy a house.

It's a debtors prison trap.

But hey; I'm not out there picketing we shouldn't pay our rent; I've never missed a payment or even paid mine late once. But it's definitely not ethical.

I could buy a house that's newer, nicer, with a 160-200$ value and have a mortgage of 850-1000 a month, have an extra bedroom and a pool for less than I pay for this 2 bedroom apartment without a dishwasher. Thing is; when you buy a house and you pay a mortgage, none of that money is wasted; it becomes equity which you can refinance and get cash back out of. Rent is gone forever and gives you nothing in return. Yet it cost MORE than a mortgage.

How can that be ethical? It's used to keep people poor.

You have to also account for the fact that this isn't happening in a vacuum. The cost of living on a property is driving up faster than the rate of inflation, but inflation is happening at the same time too. And also at the same time, the wages aren't really growing, and the ones that are, are not proportional to either of the cost of rent, or the inflation rate. So someones $35,000 a year job is actually worth less and less and less, while their cost of living is more and more and more and more, and inflation on all other goods.
edit on 30-4-2020 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 04:48 PM
People do not understand, their rent deferrment under this Corona pandemic is not their rent being paid, they have to pay it sometimes. This is going to be hard on landlords, I know many landlords and some people are not paying their rent and they never will. The landlords are living month to month and are actually not making a penny on the rentals, the cost of their loan payments and insurance coupled with the cost of utilities they pay is more than they get from rent. They bought these rental homes so when they retire, they will have supplement income, they will be mostly paid off and fixed up and they will have an income to subsidize their social securiity when they retire.. That really sucks for them.

The State run low income units have no problems with getting extra funding, but most people renting these apartments I am talking about are common everyday workers and they would not qualify for cheap rent in the low income housing. They are overextended just like the rest of the lower middle class....unemployment and the stimulus checks might help , but they are not enough. They would be working construction already, but they can't. Remember, lots of little contractors are in poor shape financially, and the people who would hire them are not going to start siding their houses or remodeling their kitchens if they do not know if their job is going to be there. Lots of landlords start getting small contractors to do work on their buildings, they will not have the money to do it if they do not collect the rent.

We are in Deep DoDo here, I am quessing we are in for a great depression again if our idiotic governor does not unlock some parts of the state that aren't having problems with covid. And even if she did do something in two weeks, I feel it would be too late.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: crayzeed

The problem is that landlords need to buy food as well.

Most landlords have savings accounts. That’s why they are called the ‘land lord’. Your average tenants do not.

No! "Landlord" is often not the owner, most in larger cities its just a job maintain the place for free to stay.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: American-philosopher

Fun fact. most of her "swat" team is made up of homeless (Nickleville Residents) people that are threatened to get kicked out on the street if they don't comply to her and the property managers of the "village".

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

That is insane, my own son is struggling a bit to get his rent paid. He is out of work but collecting unemployment. His girlfriend is working as she is an essential employee. They both pay rent and other utilities. He made a deal with his landlord to make smaller payments until he was able to get a job. Luckily, the guy agreed, at least my son is trying his best to pay rent. I think who don't want to pay rent, even if they can are arseholes!

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: Butterfinger

originally posted by: KKLOCO

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: crayzeed

The problem is that landlords need to buy food as well.

Most landlords have savings accounts. That’s why they are called the ‘land lord’. Your average tenants do not.

No! "Landlord" is often not the owner, most in larger cities its just a job maintain the place for free to stay.

Your property manager is not the landlord. Y'all are just calling him that. The land lord is the LORD of the Land, which is the owner. The king of the property.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 05:04 PM
I can't imagine withholding rent payments from my current landlord, or any landlord for that matter.

For me It comes down to respect and trust.

The landlord is trusting me to live on his property without destroying it, harassing the neighbors, contaminating the building with a drug-lab-

WHY would I be so DISRESPECTFUL and not pay for this privilege?

It's not like the landlord is my MOM!!!!!!!!!!
edit on 4302020 by seattlerat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

Many people, not just one or two, believe that charging rent, ANY rent is unethical... They were calling for
rent strikes across the nation.

That's the sentiment of someone that's never owned anything, house, piece of property, maybe they've leased a car. I've had friends like that, sort of the drifter type, not much tying them down; the principals of communal living & socialism appeal to that lot.

NOTE that I'm not bashing them per se. I find that type of worldview sort of quixotic and amusing in a depressingly befuddled sort of way.

"Wouldn't it be so great if we all could live outside among the flowers and deer, untroubled by the cares of the World?"

These are probably perfect candidates for the TV show "Naked and Afraid", potential flower children or prospective members of the Manson [s]cult[/s] family.

Sort of reminds me of the scene in Conan the Barbarian, as he is seeking out the temple of ThulsaDoom, and he runs across some acolytes of a tripped out religion.

...time enough for the Earth in the grave

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

In this new situation, yes actually, it kind of is. It's not the typical situation. The landlords are in over a barrel right now. Unlike normal the power is not entirely in their hands and their hands alone. Our landlord let us know about the lack of late fees on his own. Has also done other things in the past, thus our loyalty through this. Had he been a hard ass before and now, I'd feel fully justified not paying him # rather than being loyal and paying ahead to help him through this.

A good landlord deserves good tenants and vice versa. The power is normally in the landlords hands, and tenants are expected to accept whatever they say. For once the power is reversed. The good landlords better damn well be treated with respect throughout all this, but as far as I'm concerned the bad landlords if screwed, deserve it. There's some really scummy asshole landlords out there same as the scummy tenants.

My point is, the situation is not black and white, and I hope that however things go, people get what they deserve.

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: Puppylove

The power is normally in the landlords hands, and tenants are expected to accept whatever they say. For once the power is reversed.

I think that is a myth, and quite the reason I have zero desire to ever be a landlord. Tenants have a lot of rights & protections under the law. This show on Netflix is amusing: Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords

edit on 30-4-2020 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2020 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Unfortunately I do as well. I've seen a huge uptick in credit line offers in the past month. My credit union has also reached out to me by phone asking if I needed any credit lines, and they've sent bogus literature explaining interest rates are at an all time low, and now is the time to lock in a mortgage, lol.

I have pretty high credit limits, and noticed they have all been raised. It's amusing. These companies are salivating at that fact that some will use the credit because they have to, others will just do it even if they don't. Interest rates have only one way to go, and that is up! Not touching it with a ten foot pole!

Anyone that is smart will pay any debts they have now to the best of their ability.

edit on 30-4-2020 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2020 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: Edumakated

My family has a second home on Martha's Vineyard. There are a few housekeepers that do exactly what you are talking about during the off season. Homeowners pay them to check on houses during the winter making sure no burst / frozen pipes, fallen trees, etc. It is a good hustle if you can build the client base and trust worthy.

C'mon Edumukated, you ever consider Air B'n B to make a little cash on the side with your property on Martha's Vineyard? That place is a major tourist attraction during the summer; I love the beaches there.

Just having read your opinion on matters, I have an idea what your outlook would be on such a plan...

posted on May, 1 2020 @ 06:30 AM
a reply to: SRPrime

ill try to go through a few of your posts points but ill start off with one of the more important aspects of why rent is getting higher for a lot of people but not all: property taxes go up that one every one knows about but a lot of cities/towns etc don't like to do "low income" housing or bulk housing for a variety of reasons but alot of it is NIMBYS who dont want their property values effected and or zoning restrictions (see sf for this one)

now on to your main post im sorry your rent has been raised every year for the past 5 years but it could have to do with property taxes going up . ive been renting out rooms in my house for the past 10 years and have not raised prices once as i do it mostly for social interaction and for "fun money" . when i bought the place property taxes were 800 a year now they are 2800 and i am WAY below market value for my area as its my way of giving back( my most expensive room roughly (600SQF) goes for 450 a month (with all utilities included from wifi to power and water plus i cook big meals once a week for every one) my cheapest is 200 a month is little more then a bedroom with a small closet mostly set up for people with kid/s but they get to enjoy the entire 4600 sqf house and 4.46 acres as long as they aren't trashing stuff and paying their bills i pretty much don't care what they do.

so acting like all land lords are some rich slum lord scum gets irksome as ive pretty much lost money doing this all while mostly spoiling the hell out of my tenants and mostly getting taken advantage of when all i do is try to help people get back on their feet or move on to bigger and better things

my tenants leave here one of two ways statistically either they end up getting their own place/moving out of state or they crash and burn and the one that got arrested for trying to kill her bf but that is a statistical aberration

of the 40 or so tenants ive had in this time only 5 have paid rent on time every time with out having to pester them. roughly 15 paid it but late but at least talked to me those i didnt have a problem with , 10 paid late and tried to avoid it assuming it didnt matter because i owned a home i must be "rich" those people often got told politely to leave and leases not renewed , the other 5? those were the ones that actually made me not wanna do this any more and ive actually stopped renting rooms for periods of time over the years.

some highlights of the gems i have cohabited with : the couple that moved in and immediately had a box (like big old box) of oxy delivered to the front door as they intended on being drug dealers that's an automatic fail and cops took them away day 3 never even got paid ,"the norwiegan guy" his gf and their dog they lasted a while and i had sympathy as i had befriended him over the years but they absolutely trashed my house his dog gave birth and he never cleaned it,one of the puppies died and it was not noticed for 3 frigging days ( i was on vacation) and by the time i got them out of here they had caused roughly 25k worth of damage to my house they took off to colorado but couldn't go after them as there was no point in garnishing his wages through the courts as he owes more then 85k in back child support for a kid he had back east so they get priority the old no blood from a stone so to speak

"A and G" a couple that lived with me for 2 years were basically married until A decided he would rather be with my other tenant J. got caught cheating on his wife and "eloped" w J until it almost ended in a double murder in my house ,now they always paid their bills if not late some times but he would work on my cars for me and mostly kept chaos limited until his freshly made ex decided to break into my bedroom while i was on vacation with the goal being getting to my firearms so she could kill her ex and the new girl lucky for me and A and J i had stored them with my neighbor for my vacation ,and keep in mind these were some of the ones i LIKED .and when i met them(A and G) they were sleeping under a semi trailer in winter in montana in a jury rigged shelter.J had left an abusive relationship with her ex who broke both her kids legs (kid was 2) and having a home was a condition of her getting custody back ,she tried to seduce me and i said no so she went after A , all mostly decent people minus the murderous attempting G being intentionally vague as i know A reads this site and may even be a member me and him are still cool and i was the witness for his actual marriage to J

now the current set? there is Johnny and his missus plus their adorable toddler (she sings songs while doing the dishes and cleans up my house at frigging 3) now johnny is ridiculously useful hes patched my roof and helped me do maintenance on all of my vehicles and helped keep every one alive when the power went out and it was neg 20 ,he got the generators set up and chopped a cord and a half of wood and tended to the fire for 4 days to again keep us from freezing to death (we gave the only electric heater powerd by the generators to his room due to his wife being pregnant and them having a child) i slept in a room that was 20 below with only comforters and my dog to keep me warm ,now his wife who will not be named is a clean freak she keeps the common areas spotless but drives every one insane by moving every ones stuff to where ever she thinks it belongs and is some what of a "mother hen" to use a polite term but she also directly lead to the death of my dog 2 months ago by leaving a tub uncooked macaroni (her kids arts and crafts project) out where my dog could get it which caused his stomach to rupture and killed him after being told to move it repeatedly and me moving it on top of the fishtank twice so that cost me roughly 4k in vet bills and the death of pretty much the only reason i wake up these days so been kind of a wreck lately ,and i cant exactly "flip out" on a pregnant female .she also absolutely hates the other tenant and they have almost come to blows 3 times in the 2 months they have all lived with me.

the other tenant is 18(M) we will call him jeans isdumb as rocks and has not paid anything since he moved in(right at the start of pandemic) and was sleeping in his car tell the cute coffe barista that spoiled my dog asked me to take him in and because of the corona virus issue i cant legally get rid of him despite him bluntly saying hes just not gonna pay me for his room all the while irking and provoking and traumatizing aforementioned pregnant female (highlights being talking about his 14 year old meth addled ex,asking to be able to take their child out on adventures unsupervised,and beating off in the frigging living room and when female tennant walked in on it asked her to make him a snack while not stopping beating it) so he for sure is getting nuked as soon as i legally can and this is just the cliffs notes version of what i can say and stay in line with T and C , now shes retaliated by putting wheat in his food stores and his shampoo (hes a celiac) Peeing in his Hooka(tobacco) pipe and throwing away his gluten free food and leaving a pair of her panties in his car so his sort of gf (the aforementioned cute barista) broke up with him. and this is just 2 months of my experiences with these two groups Johnny and his wife and kid +future kid may get to stick around but they too are not paying rent because other tenannt Jeans isnt payin. 2BC

posted on May, 1 2020 @ 06:46 AM
continued: so acting like landlords aren't experiencing problems during this is kind of irksome ,my house is paid off but i had to pay the property tax (2800) and i know both sets got their stimulus checks as they got mailed to the house,jeans works and Johnny is getting unemployment which means weekly he gets enough to cover his two rooms hence why i am irked they just are flat out refusing to pay thinking that rent is canceled because of all of this , Johnny and co decided to go on vacation the day rent was due and have not come back from AZ yet but i feel they will actually come through but jeans is def getting booted if not the cops called for various things he pulled ,so i think i can actually get things figured out with them but with the dog issue and the inter tenant war i am about at the end of my rope with this set im just glad they haven't tried to kill each other yet ,but when they leave this will be the end of my "low income rental" experiment and while i know im probally an extreme case with the stuff ive had to put up with over the years vs normal landlords.

those that treat all landlords like greedy people to me at least irks me as ive delt with stuff i can barely believe even happens in real life let alone to me all while just trying to help my tenants over the years it hasnt all been bad ,

old lady tennant jules got nursed back to health after her car accident and now owns a sailing company in mexico

Kurtis and his wife bought a home and a buisness and had 3 kids

A and J are happily married got her kid back and had one of their own and are on the verge of owning their own home

Trevor works at one of the most sucessfull car dealerships in the western united states under a pseudonym and owns his parents old house since they passed

the young single mom who fled a abusive relationship i helped get sole custody of her kid is doing mostly good but thats an entire 14 post rant i wont bore all you with

byron beat his addiction and is now a counselor in another part of the state helping other addicts kick their habbits

and the hot young lesbian camgirls that used to live with me just invited me to their wedding that will be happening in October pandemic allowing so over all i like to think ive done more good then bad but im about at my limit with the shenanigans i have to put up with and REALLY wish id turned this whole experiment into a reality tv show 6 years ago as it probably would have made me very rich.

so dont act like landlords dont have their own issues to deal with with all of this as were not all sitting on piles of money riding this out fat and happy or are just out to scam the next set to get rich or bleed them dry like the member i originally replied to as it really pisses off the ones that actually try to do good

sorry for the rant but it was semi cathartic for me to actually get to vent about this as i pretty much been bottling alot of this up since my dog died

posted on May, 1 2020 @ 07:05 AM
I don't know... I haven't been able to afford "rent" or "mortgage" since I was divorced (8+ years now) and no longer on a double income. My income just never was enough despite that I've always worked since graduating college so... I should of eventually gotten to that stage right... but I never did. I'm not some lazy no good person who didn't work. I've always worked hard, but I've always struggled. Always... so consider that... despite not being lazy and always being responsible and always working hard I never made enough to be comfy.

I have noticed that getting into a place to rent now is very difficult with the new rules on the amount of income you have to make to even get in. 2 and 1/2 or 3 x's the rent required. They won't even allow you to pay for a year up front in full if your income doesn't qualify and you have to give proof with the paystubs. Being a Mom with 2 kids who needs a place with hopefully 3 bedrooms is pretty impossible b/c I don't meet the income requirements so I've been unable to get in. I was even willing to sacrifice and go with a 2 bedroom or 1 bedroom... but nope... still didn't qualify.

So when Covid hit... well it didn't matter anyways b/c I was already homeless and had been for a long time.

I guess my point is... the problem was here before Covid... but suddenly now that alot more people are suffering through it the world wants to give a #... wait... why didn't u care before ? I mean this isn't a new problem. Its just becoming glaringly obvious to folks who have ignored it for so long.


posted on May, 1 2020 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk
a reply to: JAGStorm
Before I moved to Kentucky six years ago I lived on the SE Texas Gulf Coast. After major natural disasters there is often a suspension of rent and utility payments. Once they get the lights and water back on for most people all of those payments become due almost immediately and those who didn't bother trying to make some sort of arrangements to pay start scrambling for their lives and the results are never pretty.

Yeah, suspension of payments doesn't make sense, without a mechanism for handling the missed payments when the suspension is over. Typical government knee-jerk without thought of the consequences.

Meaning, their monthly payments, when resumed, should go up by some minimal pre-determined factor - 30%? 20%? 10%? - until the missed payments are caught up - and of course people are free to pay more to get caught up quicker.

But just having everything due all at once makes no sense - unless you're in government I suppose.

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