So, it has been bugging me lately that myself, and all other people i know do not have any personal family history, maybe a story from max 200 years
ago, and even that is rare.
No memorabilia from those that came before us.. Who are we?
I think it`s intentional, some force is keeping it that way...
Something is making us demented.. As a species.. How can we know what we should be, and where we should go, when we have no clue from where we are
Sometimes i do not even notice this.. But sometimes i stop, and be all like what the hell is going on, what is happening, who is in charge of this
operation.. Like an Alzheimer patient..
Somewhere is a playbook. We are pawns. It is not normal to forget your roots, your family..
No wonder we have gotten to this point.. Practically swallowing the gun of the man and begging to be put out of our misery..
But this is where they want us to be.. Where they have always wanted us to be..
And in case you are already too sick to understand.
We should have written history of our families going back hundreds if not thousands of years.
We should know the stories of long dead relatives, and have items that belonged to them.
We should have the skulls of our ancestors lined up in a wall and not forget about them.
It's racist these days to ask someone where they are from.
But it used to be a very American thing because we had such a tradition of being people from everywhere. It was a common thing to ask someone where
they were from as in "Where are your ancestors from?"
These days, you aren't supposed to do it because if you are asking someone who is of a minority persuasion, they've made this into some kind of racist
attack when it isn't. It's just very American. We all have families who came from other countries, and that question is and has always been a small
way of allowing a personal celebration of that heritage.
For example, my maternal family came from England. I know much less about my paternal heritage. I know they are old Pennsylvania Dutch on grandma's
side and my paternal grandfather's name supposedly originated on the Swiss/German border although there is a castle in Scotland spelled the same way
as my paternal surname too. However, my grandfather was illegitimate in a time when that simply did not happen. We don't know anything about his
paternity at all. His surname and that heritage would actually be my paternal great-grandmother's.
So I'm either Scotch-English (+unknown) or German-English (+unknown).
My maternal grandmother did a rather extensive genealogy tracing the family back through to our trip across the pond, so I know quite a bit about them
and their heritage and history.
a reply to: solve
I began researching my family history in the late 70's. Back then, information was a bit scarce, and what information existed was sometimes hard to
obtain. I made phone calls, I wrote letters, I spent a lot of time at libraries looking at microfiche I had ordered. I am still doing research as I
have time.
Today, there is more genealogical information available than ever. Today you can accomplish in hours what took me years. There is a renewed interest
in family history and also using DNA to track family lines. However, most people I know have little more than a passing interest in their family's
Not everyone is a historian just as not everyone is a doctor. It takes a certain mindset to spend years sifting through old documents and family
anecdotes. I do think genealogical research feels a bit sanitized these days because the emphasis has changed from family history to family lineage.
There's a difference.
I do think our history as a species has been horribly convoluted by special interests and PC, but family history is easier to find now more than ever,
with the caveat of more inaccuracies the further you go back.
The Mormons have a great resource for genealogy ... And if you wish to participate in only the genealogy and not the religion, you are welcome. It
cost virtually nothing beyond your time and can be done online.
Most of our relatives back beyond great, great, great, are likely European immigrants. Yet there are resources to find that info too.
You will have to exert effort to come by the information you seek.
I know there are places i can look up information,
My point was the fact that it is unnatural not have the information readily available in your home as it should be. Not just names and dates, but
written personal accounts and experiences so that one might get an understanding who they were and what they were feeling.
It is not normal to just not care, and not keep a codex.
This is a sign of the sickness.
originally posted by: glen200376
a reply to: ketsuko
It isn't bloody scotch! That is another name for whiskey.
It's Scots or Scottish.
When will these Americans learn?
They're not flats; they're apartments. It's not colour; it's color.
I have some stories and pictures from my great grandfather, also this wicker basket that he made for my great grandmother.
I have written some stories, one can get an idea about the person who wrote them.
My family history is fragmented at best.
I am the last male to carry the family name, which is a pseudonym adopted to dodge the lawman.
I hear tale there is a John Wesley Hardin and a Clyde Barrow in the mix.
I think a lot of our lost family histories stems from the loss of being close within families. Those of us fortunate enough to actually know and spend
time with our great-grandparents were regaled with stories of their own great-grandparents and tales related by them of the stories told to them by
their own great-grandparents.
People are for the most part waiting longer and longer to have children and in most cases by the time they do the great-grandparents have already
passed. My children were lucky enough to have heard stories at the knees of their great-grandmother but while my grandchildren still have 2 sets of
great-grandparents living they get to spend very little time with them due to distance and finances- the only time they see them is when I travel
halfway across the country to pick them up and take them to visit them myself. It is sad!
If you want to know who you are and where to go, stop looking to the past or others.
The delusion and denial of so many has buried realities that many cannot deal with so things get forgotten, twisted and hidden and replaced with lies
and convenient alternatives.
Dementia comes (imo) from filling a mind throughout life with fantasy, entitlement and wishful thinking and it hides the truths and facts.
No wonder poeple lose control of their thoughts and minds when they get older. With all that rubbish bouncing around up there it becomes hard to know
what is what and who we are.
That's why dementia mainly affects the elderly but I think it has become more commonplace in younger people too.
It's a culmination of "brain fuzz" confusing and disguising original truths.
Stick to honesty to ourselves and others and although the truth can hurt and often does, it's better than losing control.
When I paid Google to take my DNA (23 and Me), I was surprised that I am 3 percent African. Now I can proudly exclaim my strong and wise African
heritage. Sadly another surprise was that I am 20 percent or so Swiss. This was very depressing since I am sure the bankers of Switzerland probably
funded all kinds of slavery which enslaved my proud black ancestors.
You're showing your ignorance,take the new knowledge that you have learned,don't fight it and save it for future reference.
I know I ain't bloody scotch,nothing to do with American spelling.
It's Scots or Scottish not bloody scotch.
I can trace half of my family back to
604 AD - not even joking.
The other half
1600's, everyone died of the black plague except one person brought over to the US as a slave.
Yes, in a weird way slavery saved my family lineage.
There is a theory that all the statins the doctors are dishing out is causing Dementia .
the Annals Of Internal Medicine reported that 20 per cent of those on statins suffered a significant side effect – muscle pains, stomach complaints
and memory disturbance – far higher than the one per cent that was first suggested by drug companies.
It's racist these days to ask someone where they are from.
I don't think it's racist at all - I think it's just completely nonsensical.
We are spirits that have come from dimensions, galaxies and places we can't possibly remember while confined to this maddening physical plane. How can
anyone thus answer that question honestly? At best, they have vague memories they can't properly trust about a few past incarnations, or they can
recite the third-hand-information (and thus invalid, even if true, because they can't confirm it) about their bodily statistics.
Why would anyone want to know about something so temporary and thus the least important thing we carry around, instead of our actual selves?
How is a soul born? According to my knowledge, it technically never is - it's just given 'illusion of separation from the Cosmic One' at one point -
and it thus did exist even before this momentous event, so it wasn't really 'born' even then - and then it goes on a cosmic adventure, a journey
through incarnations and planets, astral, causal, mental, etc. worlds and planes, galaxies and nebulae, histories, forms, planes and modes of
existence, vibration frequencies, friends, foes, smiles, faces..
..then it joins back to the Cosmic One - although it was never -truly- separate to begin with - and continues the 'unified existence' as it did
How can anyone answer 'where are you from' honestly, knowing all this?