posted on May, 15 2020 @ 11:17 PM
Yay! Tax dollars at work! Must be a "feel good" moment, for all involved!
Yet? It does nothing for the purpose they're doing it for?
Yay! Fireworks!
Other than some "stick time" for the pilots, for thier "retirement planning".
I know, it's "awesome" for the idiot of society... A few, Navy pilot's, (probably a few marine pilots get thrown in there), .3.. and "Air Force"?
God Da*n! They can fly together!!
They should be able to! That's what we pay them for!
Now? Put them on the ground?... Other folks, get paid for that.
Now, let me guess? They're flying, to "honor" nurses and "doctors".. On "the front lines", of this deadly, "invisible enemy"... Lol!