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Our natural ally against bacteria since ancient times. Bacteriophage.

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posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 10:56 PM
Our natural ally against bacteria since ancient times. Bacteriophage. Tired of getting sick of Bacteria infection making you puke, growing Tumors, and mass stomach ache? Get Bacteriophaged. This is a virus that is anti-bacteria.

The question is? What would be the anti-virus since Coronavirus? Has to be something. The Virus helps stop the planet from being flooded by deadly bacteria. What would stop Viruses other than them not having hosts and die off? Heard about UV light or different temperature.

Phage Therapy
edit on 21-4-2020 by makemap because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 11:50 PM
Soap destroys the membrane that the virus lives inside

a reply to: makemap

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: hombero
Soap destroys the membrane that the virus lives inside

a reply to: makemap

It appears that a virus can only live inside a body, so soap and water, disinfectants, masks and gloves are a waste of time and money.

Many doctors who refuse to be silenced have stated this.

Bad Bacteria and toxins (our food supply ect) is a Killer, a virus is the cleanser.

edit on 22-4-2020 by Jamie2018 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 02:35 AM

originally posted by: Jamie2018
It appears that a virus can only live inside a body, so soap and water, disinfectants, masks and gloves are a waste of time and money.

No...just no.

Viruses have a protein shell that makes possible for them to survive outside of host cells. This shell also has special proteins that allow the virus to penetrate the host cell membrane. Without them a virus would not be able too infect anything.

Those shells can contain lipids. Soap dissolves lipids destroying the shell.

Disinfectants like alcohol (acids, heat, UV radiation) denaturate the shells, break up proteins, esentially killing the virus.

The purpose of gloves and masks is to act as a barrier between the virus and your cells.

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: moebius

Where is your source? - Mainstream I suppose, my source is Alternative, so it's just a useless "My Dad can beat up your Dad argument.

Go with what you believe and the future will tell who is right.

That will be me.

edit on 22-4-2020 by Jamie2018 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 01:54 PM

originally posted by: moebius

originally posted by: Jamie2018
It appears that a virus can only live inside a body, so soap and water, disinfectants, masks and gloves are a waste of time and money.

No...just no.

Viruses have a protein shell that makes possible for them to survive outside of host cells. This shell also has special proteins that allow the virus to penetrate the host cell membrane. Without them a virus would not be able too infect anything.

Those shells can contain lipids. Soap dissolves lipids destroying the shell.

Disinfectants like alcohol (acids, heat, UV radiation) denaturate the shells, break up proteins, esentially killing the virus.

The purpose of gloves and masks is to act as a barrier between the virus and your cells.

Thank you for the perfect description of a Pleomorphic Bacteria when it in its 2nd life-stage and already morphed into viral contaminate size.Which is precisely what Covid-19 is.Billions have the Pleomorphic gut bacteria insitu ….so yes we are dealing with a Pleomorphic living bacteria masquerading in a viral size and environment causing havoc in the bloodstream.This Pleomorphic Bacteria in its "Covid-19" form can be transmitted in ways viral sized particles are transmitted and once its fluidic conduit like a saliva droplet disappates the LIVING BACTERIA INSIDE A LIPID FAT SHELL drops down like a fine viral sized dust made up of LIVING BACTERIA... it can be transmitted in traditional bacterial transmission methods....the Covid morphed 2nd stage Pleomorphic Bacteria enters the body in viral size and then it agitates the insitu related bacteria already inside your stomach and forces them to all immediately morph and flood your bloodstream in a catastrophic cascade event.

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