posted on Jul, 11 2003 @ 03:03 PM
If I am not mistaken, for which I might be, but according to ancient Egyptian writing, the word used for or describing 'pyramid' is :Mer" or
"M'ru" which is in correlation to the Hindu/Sanskrit writings for Mt. Meru of India, which is today called Mt. Kailasa, in Northern India. Mt.
Meru is called "The Naval of the World." Even the Bible speaks of the Hindu Mt. Meru, but calls it Eden. Genesis 2:15. This gives the describtion
of the location of Eden/Mt. Meru. Flavius Josephus also supported the idea that Mt. Meru is Eden in his writings in "History of the Jews",
The Babylonian word "Sumerian" is derived from Sanskrit "Su-Mer" further being ""Su-Meru", meaning "The Great Meru."
Mt. Zion which equates to "Si-Yoni" is just another name of Mt. Meru. Sanskrit for "Si-Yoni" translate or means: SI = bound or fettered to; YONI
= the womb, uterus, vulva, place of birth, source, origin, spring, produced from the fountain, etc.
I write this because I noticed that the foundations name is the MERU Foundation.....any correlation 'cainecrawford'?