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Memories of Atlantis

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posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 12:01 PM
Ever woke up from a dream so real that you realized it wasn't a dream but reality?

So, it turns out that some of us stuck around since the Atlantian times down here!

But... WHY?

Fore scorn and odd years ago but to be precise 11,620 years ago Atlantis sank below the waves caused by what one can only explain as a mass detonation of ice sheets that slid into the oceans of the world. This was no accident but more of a result of war and the hubris that the once advanced nation so proudly was involved in.

The survivors mostly split off to South America and another place that became Egypt, the temple that bared the remembrance upon its walls no longer stands unfortunately. The only things remaining is a library located safely away from human hands...

So why did a few Atlantians remain and chose to reincarnate constantly?

Is it to relive the glory days in hopes that the Gods of Old will return again and Atlantis will be rebuilt?

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 12:05 PM
We don't deserve it

a reply to: WanderingMrM

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

Fore scorn and odd years ago but to be precise 11,620 years ago Atlantis sank below the waves caused by what one can only explain as a mass detonation of ice sheets that slid into the oceans of the world. This was no accident but more of a result of war and the hubris that the once advanced nation so proudly was involved in.

So you had a dream. Could that "mass detonation of ice sheets" have happened as the result of a comet or asteroid instead of "war and hubris"? And pray tell, what is "Fore scorn and odd years ago."? I have this awful feeling you have mangled beyond belief the phrase "Four score and even years ago." meaning 4 x 20 + 7, or 87 years ago, i.e.: 1776 "our forefathers brought on this continent a new nation" from Lincoln's Gettysburg address.

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

As for dream's plenty of time's, as for Atlantis I do not believe in just one but many around the world that are mistakenly linked to Plato's/Solon's Atlantis Atlantis - but for that one I truly believe the best explanation we have had so far is NOT the marsh in Spain which may hold a lost city deep under it's mud BUT the one in West Africa that was on recent thread's on this site and with some pretty brilliant video's on the subject by Bright Insight over on Youtube.

However there are many Atlantis type mysteries, many may stem back to the biblical flood also remembered by the Hopi and many other people's around the world and no that was in my humble opinion definitely not the black sea flood that was a tiny thing compared to something that can leave a ship on a mountain top and another to become petrified in Lava Flow's.
These two are NOT the same ship, they are close in geographic term's but quite far apart and at very different altitudes, as some have pointed out also Mt Ararat the volcano is a new mountain geologically speaking while the MOUNTAINS of Ararat are a relatively ancient feature.
("There is nothing NEW under the sun" - perhaps there were other ages, other flood's, other Noah's, human races and judgement day's and our's is all just part of a cycle of harvests and refining of the soul).

Then we have other mysteries.
To get where this is if there has not been a major geological upset of some kind may have taken up to 50.000 years, I rather think that it is much - much younger and that the entire continent of south American tilted in a massive geological event some time during the past 26000 years, perhaps even just 11.600 years ago.
This probably tilted a third to half the land mass of south america permanently under the water, meanwhile a slower tilting (perhaps also at time's cataclysmic) in India has tilted much of southern India below the ocean and you know of the two city's discovered there and many other tales of sunken city's of SriLanka etc.

So Atlantis, well for me Plato's as I say is in Saharan west Africa but I believe that there have been many Atlantis over the ages.

IF on my philosophical approach to how many time's man has walked on this planet, how many world's there have been here is interesting them what if this artifact was real, what if it came from another age of another race of man long ago.
Black Silo, underground installation, ancient artifact perhaps even an ancient nuke sub frozen in time embedded in ancient limestone made from the body's of sea creatures that died and eventually encased it over millions and millions of years before becoming stone?.

How many time's, how many ages before we become as the perfect refined soul's we are supposed to be.

And what if this cycle is our last chance?.

posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 01:26 PM
I can only imagine that any memories of Atlantis would include how damn cold it got in the winter, particularly with the Gulf Stream current being weak or non-existent. It might be fairly warm in the southern archipelago, but up past the central plain and into the northern mountains it would get pretty frosty. Brrrr!

I suppose the inhabitants could cluster around some of the hot springs in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge or lower down in the foothills, but that would only make the devastation worse when the second event happened that sank the plateau. Bad day to be in Atlantis.
edit on 18-4-2020 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
I can only imagine that any memories of Atlantis would include how damn cold it got in the winter, particularly with the Gulf Stream current being weak or non-existent. It might be fairly warm in the southern archipelago, but up past the central plain and into the northern mountains it would get pretty frosty. Brrrr!

I suppose the inhabitants could cluster around some of the hot springs in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge or lower down in the foothills, but that would only make the devastation worse when the second event happened that sank the plateau. Bad day to be in Atlantis.

Oddly enough that was the ice age that followed after the first sinking and once the whole plateau sank, thinks were insanely bad... Humanity became hunter-gatherers, those that survived relocated to what I can only grasp as Egypt and it is why temples had mention of Gods, Great Technology and the story of Atlantis. However, it became forgotten nothing but a story around a campfire and a myth that became a legend, which later became a story told so to speak.

posted on Apr, 20 2020 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

This site has aged a lot and has probably not been updated in like ages but it has some interesting stuff on the Azores location that you may find intriguing, like I say I stick with the large feature in the Sahara called the Eye of the Sahara because it is a perfect match for the ring islands and canal's in Plato's account, the only problem is it's altitude but given that the feature is almost definitely over a thermal plume (Volcanic) the area may have been lifted very fast relatively speaking and also in the past have been up and down many times at rate that modern geologists not only would not accept but would hate as it may thrown many of there cherished theory's into chaos.

So this elderly site is more aimed at those that stick with the Azores and Atlantic ridge theory's.

Let me clarify something on that, I too believe there were land mass there in the past perhaps several time's and perhaps as recently as the end of the last Glacial Maximum (we are still in an ice age called the Quaternary Ice Age and it has periods of Glacial Maximum when ice sheet's grow and period's of glacial minimum when they retreat).

BEWARE the site is a bit quasi mystical at time's but still worth a perusal as you are interested in the subject as are many of us.

To be fair I think they are correct, my only sticking point is that as I say I now believe the eye of the Sahara to have been the site of the CITY of Atlantis but that does not exclude the possibility of other sunken land's either contemporaneous to it or even older, I also believe that a cataclysmic tilting of the south american continental plate may also have had something to do with it as well as the end of the last glacial maxium.

It work's like this, western south america may be riding over what may be the remains of something called a proto continent (these were continent's earlier in the earth's history but eventually sank back into the mantle or were subducted - drawn under - by plate tectonic's when these older continent's and the tectonic plate they were upon slid under a lighter and perhaps younger tectonic plate, this led to an area of thickened ocean plate with a much younger plate lying over it hiding it's true thickness and then as new continent's slid over the top of these - well think about the mechanic's of putting a pry bar under a crate lid to lift one end.

Meanwhile on the EASTERN side of south america the Atlantic plates along with many islands (St Peter and Paul rock's halfway between Brazil and Africa are said to have ruins under the water - these two small rocks' are perhaps all that is left of either sunken or drowned island's that were last above water during the last glacial maximum and may have been sizable islands at that time - cargo pilot's taking supply's for the war effort via this shortest air route reported seeing ruin's under the water there) were very young and also very thin, this was made even more interesting by the end of the last glacial maximum, the ocean became heavier as a continent size ice sheet in places over two miles thick melted back into the ocean's so pressure pushing down from that alone on the young Atlantic ocean plates was increased immensely - think about it like a fat person sitting on a weak garden bench and the wood bending under there weight - then to add to this the continent's were the ice had been were now lighter, under the continent's MAGMA was able then to displace back UNDER the now lighter continent's were that ice had been and AWAY from the Atlantic ocean plates so that they were simultaneously hammered by increased downward pressure from the ocean and by reduced upward pressure from the magma that underlay them and which was now able to ooze back under the continent's, this may have precipitated an terrifying event - the entire continent of south america may have tilted in just a few hours throwing a once port city on ocean fjords called today Puma Punku - and Tiwanaku in western south america in the Andes Sky high throwing it up over 4000 feet in an earthquake that throw the huge stones of the site around like a child's play block's while on the Eastern side of the continent huge swathes of land were thrown into what is now the depths' of the ocean also causing the ocean bed itself to sump and taking any islands upon it with it, a huge tidal wave of unimaginable proportions would have races across both the Atlantic and the Pacific scouring coastal civilization from the face of the earth and the already beleaguered survivors would then have had to contend with the environmental change that also came at that time, famine, starvation and perhaps the last desperate attempt's to control resources led to the end of that age.

But this is just a theory, not a proven fact, just how I reckon it could have gone but of course I was not there so?.

This while off the beaten track and more based on rumor and urban legend is also a great read.

Having typed all that I now feel it is probably very wrong but have left it anyway since it remains an interesting what if.

Here are those two rock's that sit about halfway between africa and brazil were WW2 cargo pilot's claimed to see ruins when the sun was just right.

These are just added for interests and as to the reliability of the story I really do not know, best of luck in your search and may it being you to truth, there are many pitfalls on that search along the way though so keep an open mind and never take it as is but think for yourself and always take this as third hand evidence, word of mouth unless you see it yourself, that said there is definitely something to it as far as I am concerned - but that again is just an opinion.

edit on 20-4-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2020 @ 10:56 PM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM
Ever woke up from a dream so real that you realized it wasn't a dream but reality?

So, it turns out that some of us stuck around since the Atlantian times down here!

But... WHY?

Fore scorn and odd years ago but to be precise 11,620 years ago Atlantis sank below the waves caused by what one can only explain as a mass detonation of ice sheets that slid into the oceans of the world. This was no accident but more of a result of war and the hubris that the once advanced nation so proudly was involved in.

The survivors mostly split off to South America and another place that became Egypt, the temple that bared the remembrance upon its walls no longer stands unfortunately. The only things remaining is a library located safely away from human hands...

So why did a few Atlantians remain and chose to reincarnate constantly?

Is it to relive the glory days in hopes that the Gods of Old will return again and Atlantis will be rebuilt?

If you think Atlantis is high tech, then you have to look at the modern world. Atlantians were no high tech then the current world. No space tech = no freedom. If you have not reach the stars and colonize other worlds properly then the tech is useless. There were just as destructive modern tech like the current age on MOAB and nuclear bombs that can just crack Ice sheets if thrown into North Pole.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: WanderingMrM

You who have gathered and spread across the Sphere in this day, combined with those who from worlds beyond the stars have come; be blessed for your purpose is Mighty!

There will come a day when a fair and just King would be appointed by Mankind, as One, if we all so will it.

This day when your Prince shall step forth and proclaim "Behold! For I have been among you, and as you looked upon me, you did not Know me." On this day, Great Love will abound, and tears will flow as oceans across the kingdom.

Yet as great fortune this day holds, great chaos will ensue. At this time, you, oh most beloved and self-less, will sing your songs so that the Word may reach all those who would so chose to turn a blind eye in this fateful time.

For those who would follow Christ know full well their kingdom await; and I would say to all others, fear not, for your king arises.


posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 02:05 PM
Well its redemption or holding on till the right moment when they will be forgiven for the catastrophic mistake that they did, that made their entire civilization to sink under the water... the Egyptians were part of those who survived and tried to rebuild the structure that would reincarnate the dead, and the south Americans tried to recreate the weapon, both of these methods have failed.

The temples have gone but the remnants remain, someone must know where the original temple lay as there is a artifact that I am looking for that lay within the walls of the temple.

If anyone know anything about this please do reply to this post.

posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 02:49 PM
i have a pet notion that present day Greenland is in the preliminary stages of 'breaking up' the way the lands of Atlantis did back during the Canadian meteor bombardment era at the ending of the last ice-age time-frame

ice & fire is transforming Greenland, new lava lands grow,

Atlantis lives in the collective memory of humans

posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 03:21 PM
Let us rejoice and let us sing
And dance and ring in the new
Hail Atlantis!

My antediluvian baby, oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
I wanna see you someday
My antediluvian baby, oh yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah
edit on 1/1/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: sid1314
Well its redemption or holding on till the right moment when they will be forgiven for the catastrophic mistake that they did, that made their entire civilization to sink under the water... the Egyptians were part of those who survived and tried to rebuild the structure that would reincarnate the dead, and the south Americans tried to recreate the weapon, both of these methods have failed.

The temples have gone but the remnants remain, someone must know where the original temple lay as there is a artifact that I am looking for that lay within the walls of the temple.

If anyone know anything about this please do reply to this post.

My friend, it seems to me you may hold a bigger piece of the puzzle than most of us do in regards to this lost memory of ourselves.

Thank you for sharing. ^_^

posted on Apr, 30 2022 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: WanderingMrM

So why did a few Atlantians remain and chose to reincarnate constantly?

We also have "Atlanteans."

One girl has already written 48 chapters with a title "Atlantis as I remember it" -

However, unlike you, she believes that in the coming years the situation on earth will not worsen or improve.

Enrich her with your knowledge of Christ and Antichrist.

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