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Mayan Calendar 2020 (one is for.............)

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posted on Apr, 18 2020 @ 11:47 PM
It was the equated to the end of time. It was not the end of humanity but the transformation of consciousness

a reply to: icceivenin

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
It was the equated to the end of time. It was not the end of humanity but the transformation of consciousness

a reply to: icceivenin

(thinking) (see notes)


Earth's current precessional rate is 5028.796195 arcseconds per century (or 1° / 71.588081947392839 years)
Mayan Calendar Measurement Length 5128 Years

The Mayan Calendar Predicts the Position of Ophiuchus from "NOVEMBER = First Baktun" to its final position in "DECEMBER" = Last Baktun (and as a single month "november to december" where Ophiuchus currently rests, in the zodiac (s))

(Mayan Calendar as a "ROOT CALCULATION" for Earth, that is designed to denote a transition in another astrological sequence, is the principal we are illustrating .......... this is to say, that Earth is ROOT DESCRIPTION, but not the planet it describes as the conclusion. PROOF OF PURPOSE) (End of Background)

(Guess this will have to do) (Jupiter Triangle)

14,000 B.C. Halley's Comet Crossed Jupiter's Plane (1404 B.C. Halley's Comet before Exodus)
(13 Cycles of 144000 Days for Mayan Calendar Sequence) (Planet Earth's Sun)
144 Years From Fatima 1917 to Halley's Comet in 2061 A.D. (12/21/2020 A.D. "Saturn/Jupiter", 41 Years before Halley's Comet) w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS_f2rjPToAhVrU98KHQzdDe0Q6AEwAHoECAoQKQ#v=onepage&q=14000%20B.C.%20jupiter&f=false

Its called "Jupiter Triangle", when you see Jupiter with two other bright stars in this case earth's pole star 14,000 B.C. should fit the definition...............the "OFFICIAL", beginning and ending of the mayan calender not presented is one viable conclusion (based on the bible's claim of Matthew 1:17, the ages of mankind are divisible by the figure of "14x" (where x is a number digits).

(Planet Jupiter is the Natural Beginning and Ending of the Mayan Calendar...............the current argument that survived history denotes the homosapien's appearance...............the first Generation God judged was the "generations without sin" the Pyramid Builders, and that was a parable for both figurative angel activity, and literal activity (the traditional claim of 10,000 B.C. is not a astrological answer in so much that jupiter is the more accurate choice)


The antichrist very soon annihilates the three,
twenty-seven years his war will last.
The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled;
with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.

(Jupiter Strike by Comet Shoemaker in 1994 to 2021 (Flight 370 + 1290 and 1335 of Daniel = 5/21/2021)
(1993 Twin Tower Terrorism to 12/21/2020 (153 days before end of length on 5/21/2021)

God isn't judging this earth, so the more correct answer would be Planet Jupiter as stated inthe New Testament.
Secondarily, God uses Moses to rebuke those population statistices, so both answer are correct.


(its only a rape/suicide gospel with moses ............ no polygamy is present .............. beyond me, I mean moses whoever he is, being considered a poor slave that is beat for pleasure, anything they have to say is false, i saw a few pictures, spilled coffee on myself, and they are still put to death. lots of redesigning the gospel's law for pleasure doesn't cut it.............

I believe, because of "abraham's covenant" for god to provide the wife, whoever god had in view, was targeted along with moses for their pleasure, and with the hope that these unknown personalities may hate themselves for god's sake, of absent love, for no other reason their their pleasure, as false witnesses ................. for that reason, I've entertained the ideal in theology only, the rest is their natural murder/suicide, and that continues until they die and until we reach the next the same time...........god's reservations of wives, that will be resolved, motivates the frequency in which they die, and are cut off ............ traditionally, God has used "polygamy" as a picture of a church that is healed, and this earth just "dead flesh" and accusation against god .............. you can see how this comes together)

(their behavior vain and worthless, and there is the promise from god, in terms of raping/murder of the body of moses, its their pleasure only, that is to say, those souls or wives dead or alive, they can't cutoff spiritually, or violate that covenant, so they can't imbue suffering, transfer suffering to that, so no controversy, just a form of suicide, that is properly they are like dead things, perhaps trying to feed off a lack of understanding in how the argument is composed) (the rest is their portion until the testimony is resolved, character assassination, then physical assassination, and with anything teachings/doctrine/testimony ........... this will be transfered into man's own suffering naturally .............. this is good for now, this aids in cutting them off spiritually, and should have confidence in god for that)
edit on 19-4-2020 by icceivenin because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: icceivenin

Whats with all the wacky fronts and colors? I like them and they draw me in.

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 04:40 AM

originally posted by: ColoradoJens
a reply to: icceivenin

Whats with all the wacky fronts and colors? I like them and they draw me in.

(this is behavior over the course of his lifespan for Moses, in terms of god identifying with wife, and those incidences may have more meaning or involve more knowledge about the holy spirit's activities or not)

(it may just be also that, that is how she views the moment she comes back into existence near the planet jupiter, when she pops out onboard..............) (which is more then good, i get to look into this doesn't mean I will wrestle with god over the satisfaction of it)

(this is not a work moses could perform, because, god locks out spirituality arguments ................ however, god does not remove choice so that takes place too)

(there is a major suicide problem, and the best method to cut themoff spiritually, so they can die easy, and not as a real big threat to humanity is over the giving of testimony, all of this will be resolved)

(this is ofcourse a picture of god's mercies for the faithful...........which the best answer for that is to isolate those genetic lines, they don't cooperate, then, those argument some of them will not be in the control of moses, so humanity can still be a snare, and that is the historical way)

(based on that and other information, like recent example, more then that but the whole point is, this progression of suicide, this kind of desperation and need to kill the family of moses that isn't completed, or to simply violate the body of moses the more testimony is articulated, and there is evidences for that ............. corona virus ............. may not last for long, if I did live much longer on earth, sure billions would die of the next phases of that, which there may not be any more phases to that, we must keep watch)
edit on 19-4-2020 by icceivenin because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 04:54 PM
(Reply) (also see notes*)

Difference of Coefficients 584283 and 584285 is about approximately "1 Year, 1 Days"

Difference of Mayan Calendar Length 1871660 and 13 Baktuns of 144000 days (1872000) ==== 340 Days (A DAY FOR A YEAR)

Great Comet of 1680 to 2020 A.D. = 340 Years ........... With Comet ISON its illustration of Jupiter relative to Earth in size, reports this information .......... also ............. can serve as 7 Year Marker for Daniel ................ More accurate position is Flight 370.

(its not necessary to modify the mayan calendar's end dates ..... 12/20/2012 or on the solstice less correct 12/21/2012 ........ for the information to function as "CORE EQUATION TO EARTH WITH SOLUTION FOR ANOTHER PLANET LIKE JUPITER") (i IMPLIED that, we needed to do this for the OP and, realize I should clarify how this is not favorable, this our subsequent conversations)

(See Notes*) (Theory is Polygamy Unfavorable ......... see Rationale Related Details)

(Abraham and Sarai is the Covenant God Acts on .............. multiple wives of Genesis 18 is the "resonance theory")

(God has to make specific payment for sin for the "husband and wife to function" ................ full payment is not issued in the same capacity for the subsequent wives .................. there may be love, but they cannot have the full experience, the arguments do not provide "choice" in that area and that is the conflict)

(God's allowances to wrestle with "spiritual authority" on these issues, do not afford completion, because of this, "abraham and sarai"'s covenant, was written together (based on choice), outside of the gospel's traditional law, God doesn't perform that same kind of work anymore)

(you need to think this way)

everyone women I really loved or cared about, could never love me or care about me the same way................that also means................this is true for the women in question.................and this is something they can both understand, "polygamy" becomes an extension of that "disorder, which is resonance theory for function, incomplete arguments not generated fully from the host (s) .... tied to individual man and wife that is the error".

this isn't a good position and that is why it is abandoned ............... this "force of incompletion, or resonance theory from lacking arguments"...............seems to make the original host of the man the enemy of the women, or the original host of the women the enemy of the man. (as you can see in the video (we) provided).

"polygamy is a function, and a unique family structure" ............... "god's provisions for that, from my understanding is incomplete as a "trial of faith", because of the "spiritual authority" issue of god locking down certain arguments ................ would not be productive for me" ............... there is no choice or favor with man's suicide pleasures or contention with god from me, as best I can understand, in lack of a complete functional facility. (arguments are simple so these are turncoated reproofs).
For everyone else "polygamy" is the general response for these situations of "homosexuality" or etc. some non-standard variants. Following Legal Evidences (scientific), that will likely be the only "non-standard" type allowed on mars, for a reproof and also to play into god's mercies.................because of the "unique arguments for the son of man under joseph" ............... polygamy cannot be viewed favorable.

(reasons why the "generations without sin" would choose unfavorable arguments, they are not the last generation, they choose to wrestle more intimately in the suicide pleasure of mankind's natural state or etc...................those are just not my natural choices, furthermore, that should never be necessary in god's design for the sons of man under joseph..............however today I view this as unprofitable.

due to the nature of the "suicide engines" of the state/usa, with my relatives and me, and also with the divisions of its authorities and me (minorities in the police dept. or etc.), voicing these conclusions, with no profit, and turning that into their suicide probably the only mechanism for rebuff until god resolves the testimony later on. (when they begin to die more exclusively things will become more clear, further down the line,especially in dealing with god's mercies).
Extending the proceeds of these conclusions and limitations with God and the Gospel's Design ............. minorities have no interaction with god's mercies, no place on this earth, where god's mercies are principally presented, and no place on any other planet ............... you have a "resonance theory specifically designed into polygamy, with limitations in function" .................... "those arguments never impact minorities in some complex connections" ................... (god not only limits payment for sin in the gospel's law, but behavior that can be construed into those arguments)

(that is what I wanted you to understand, have confidence)

(for those reasons, god sometimes awards the son of man the power to kill, as an extension of his testimony, without performing a work of anykind towards that, and in these instances, minorities are always targeted and killed, and this becomes the tied to their choices of genocide..............voicing more of the gospel, we'll see what happends from now until 12/21/2020)

(these are otherwise false witnesses with weak minds, just beating on the body is the limit of anything for them)

(there is much to do that doesn't include contending with God...............we don't want to take away any, from the self inflicted suffering that has already begin, possible tied to coronavirus, and will continue as an open rebuke for entertaining "dead flesh" following god's footsteps)
(sometimes an individuals choices or actions, can follow in the footsteps of the "abraham and sarai" conclusion, and those people's walk of faith are completed, God may be willing to dispute that, or pull on that, but because god does not natively do that .................... the "polygamy" argument although correct, does not natively apply to me, only in the unique instance of god resolving the testimony ............... so that position is disadvantageous)

(if this where the new universe, I would say the "thresholds" for the arguments are too far apart to be considered, hampered .............. but clearly the arguments are unfavorable, and designed to be that way ................ may not mean much to the average person, however, for the son of man with the responsibility of "god's mercies", and unique functionalities to those ends, and (covenant) (s), its not very good at all.)

(what you do have is minorities and that state in suicide pleasure with me, maybe pleasuring themselves in suicide with me only, as the testimony is voicing these arguments, associated to that..........................which is good as these people are going to die, they die as less then a person, and then this is revealed further through the medium of god's mercies) (so its good, ending with the son of man's death before god reacts to resolve testimony, further isolating their suicide and completing..)
edit on 19-4-2020 by icceivenin because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 06:06 PM
(Reply) (Mayan's Connection to the Planet Jupiter) (See Notes*) (wrapping up discussion)

K'awiil -- inscriptions that include his name, or images of him -- to also talk about either Saturn or Jupiter when in retrograde. (Retrograde is the part of an object's orbit when it looks like it is moving west to east in comparison with the stars.) There is a theory that has a lot of ideas about what this meant. Two ideas in it wonder if K'awiil was connected somehow to Jupiter -- or perhaps to Saturn and Jupiter's retrograde part of their orbits.
(stated previously) Great Conjunction of "Saturn and Jupiter" on 12/21/2020, reported in Mayan's Account of Jupiter

(resonance theory) The Output from the, son of man and his wife, in the unconsummated marriage. In what is considered testimony, is a very high value, and makes god's limitations, on "polygamy" (which is traditionally a picture of a "healed church", and mankind is not healed) ............... VERY UNFAVORABLE.

These individuals complete their walk of faith (the associations are not acted on, its just their answer to god, with preference for resonances, either or this earth or other), God leaves room to pull on those arguments, but that is not an obligation or, is not always considered favorable. That becomes a chapter they closed in their lives.................the resonance theory then becomes negated, confused individuals in an "unconsummated marriage", with or without infidelity, until god resolves the issue, that has been left unanswered.

(the minorities involves in my relatives usages with, including the county and authorities (darby, shooting and the officers involving in trying to solicit me in that, ultimately failed through, this is ongoing)............its man's natural state of suicide, and it clings to any controversies, or unfavorable positions.............this is good for cutting them off, and fully understanding a position, needless to say when they begin to die more frequently they don't die as normal people, generally speaking)
(the son of man in the old testament doesn't seem to require the appointment of the wife for god's mercies, however this becomes a requirement in the new testament, for rebuke, generally speaking .............. its not a specific law or limitation, it is a, attrition based law of accessibility sort to speak.................a "family" is the weapon just by reason of it being, the more so the loving family, that i the moral of the story ............. modifiers to that are not always profitable ................ when these people die, they die in layers/levels as the enemy of god and man, and god's designs..............that also is in view)

(i'm not necessarily branded as a "hero of the people", as of this moment, but I can see how that is inevitable, and probably favorable) (apart of that title, will probably be through man's natural vices, attributed to racism, and eugenics fully understood although helping the disabled/poor/elderly, and isolating the controversy of dead flesh, is probably the real means, although not in all places) (as we continue to see what is necessary)
edit on 19-4-2020 by icceivenin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 11:17 PM
(I Guess this is Correct)

(Black Knight Satellite)

11 Year Solar Cycle
9/2001 - Twin Tower Terrorism
9/2012 - Jupiter Impact Event

December 2009 - Norway Spiral
December 2020 - MABUS of Nostradamus (on Planet Jupiter)

(the relationship is the same)

49 years from Halley's Comet to 2012
41 years of Matthew's Genealogy to 2020 (Jupiter Conjunction)

(Planet Jupiter is about 11 Years Orbit (11.86), and our Sun's Solar Cycle about 11 Years (or the same 11.86 years)
(Alignments for Daniel's Prophecies, involved this earth with a sign, then end on jupiter with an impact)

edit on 7-8-2020 by Anubie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: Anubie


Don't bother.

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: Phage

originally posted by: Anubie


Don't bother.

Transit of Venus = June of 2012
Jupiter Impact Event = September of 2012
Galactic Center Event = December of 2012

-The Value should be the same like this-

They travel very quickly, reaching speeds of up to 41 miles per second as they soar across the night sky.
Halley is the only known short-period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and will next appear in mid-2061

First Mayan Calendar A.D. Date = 41 A.D. ........... The repetition of these interlocking 13- and 20-day cycles therefore takes 260 days to complete (that is, for every possible combination of number/named day to occur once) -wikipedia.

Nibiru = 12/21/2020
Jupiter Impact Event = 12/21/2020
Jupiter Conjunction = 12/21/2020 (and it does)

41 Years from 12/21/2020 to Halley's Comet in 2061

(the main sequence event is for the Jupiter Collision/Impact, and Alignment to take place approximately on 12/21................then we can be a loving family, just moses an his soulmate, this rest is a suicide theory i will present with nostradamus for moses)
edit on 7-8-2020 by Anubie because: (no reason given)

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