posted on Apr, 19 2020 @ 12:40 PM
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That alone would affect China greatly. Like you said they are capitalist i’ve even got a nickname I like Capitalommunist . Removing every customer
they have would not only irritate the hell out of them . But it’s hard to project force when you have over 1 billion angry citizens that become
accustom to Western comforts.
They are a authoritarian capitalist state, they work like one giant corporation. It's interesting how economists look to the US and the west for how
to predict what future market systems will look like, yet completely ignore that China has basically achieved such a far advanced capitalist system
they don't even know it. All because of that big bad scary word attached to their nations regime.
We have seen this happen before, it was called the East India Company. Portugal was working like that hundreds of years, controlling almost entirely
the rum and sugar trade between west Africa, Brazil, and mainland Europe, using muscle and economic might to control a market.
What China is doing is nothing really new.
You made a good point tho, the more they allow freedoms and purchasing power to their growing middle class, the more they will become a consumerist
society, if they continue down the same path they are now, we are going to see Hong Kong all over China.
The over the top authoritative socialist society only works if people are working and alienated, and uneducated.
There’s two ways to look at that. The Western world wouldn’t want to do that to the Chinese citizens
Well the way the current anti (insert what ever the US government wants to take down now) propaganda machine is going China seems to be next on the
list to get public opinion create the new face of public enemy number one. I mean, what ever happened to Islamic extremism being a top threat?