posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 06:45 PM
Having spent hours investigating an Associated Press article, phoning Washington and New York, reading 5 other articles on the same topic, and talking
to people directly involved, I have still not reached a conclusion. Now, if I had just read the AP article, I would probably not be thinking so hard
about our media, particularly in North America. I think it is clear to most that the media, namely, TV, is the #1 medium through which the Government
can spew its propaganda. I cut my TV cable 7 years ago, but in order to keep with the times, I read the New York Times and Washington Post. However,
I can't help but aknowledge the amount of Policitcal leverage that exists against major Media producers, thus causing them to print certain things.
Do they all get the same stern emails?: "Print Michael Jackson for the next week straight." Having recently jumped on the RSS Feed trend, I now
read headlines from about 10 different publications daily. This has been both good and bad. Good because it slapped me with the realization that
Newspaper articles can and are incredibly biased. Take the story that I investigated as mentioned above. The AP article mentioned witnesses and had
quotes from local Police (Murder) The other articles did not. In fact, both were biased from one particular stand-point. Now the bad: what to
believe? It is great to cross reference, for example, the Washington Post and Democracy Now via RSS, but it leaves me in one of Hitlers 3 categories
I don't want to be in: "I don't believe anything." Well, not always, but the media for me is a web of confusion. Without investigating and
connecting the dots, News stories' true meaning, like in literature, will not be revealed. For example, perhaps Michael Jackson crap is meant purely
for a distraction of the public. The social security in America the same.
My solution is to print a weekly paper that writes articles about articles: major news stories.
Interested to get your input. Do you trust the media? Does one group "own" the American media? What is the solution?