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The Grayest Day

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posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 04:53 AM

originally posted by: tetra50
Oh, and by the way, I've read all those published medical reports and understand quite well what a virus seeks to do to survive as a kind of parasite, so that as it mutates, it necessarily wants you to stay alive so it can continue to live in you and replicate in others. Did you know that viruses are necessarily released when old forests are clear cut? Streptococcus, for instance, will thrive when you cut ten year old timber, for a short time....

I get how that all works. But there's more at work here than "nature" in my humble opinion.....and frankly, I've truly begun to doubt that anything in this paradigm is natural at all.

I do know about Strep, and others that exist in the 'wild' like reservoirs, such as Ebola.

What is or isn't natural is relative. Long before cities and states we had developed the brain that we have. By caring for our weaker members and to prolong life, we developed a wonderful technology called 'elders' who can share the lessons and knowledge that they have developed, create a short cut for the next generation. A lot of animals do the same, Orangutangs can differentiate between 200 or 300 plants, some of which are medicinal. Elephants travel miles to just get a lick of salt. This information is passed from mother to child by example, its not inherent.

We took certain paths, made certain choices, those choices and paths have become much more constrained and limiting in some respects, and given the state of the world, they can be seen in retrospect as mistakes in terms of our long term survival. One such major mistake was social stratification. It's very new to us, only about ten or fifteen thousand years or so, there is no evidence to support there being individuals who were accumulators of wealth before then, there is no evidence of women and men receiving different nutrition levels until the introduction of grain farming. It all really goes down hill from there.

We can't simply undo the mistakes we have made, we can't go back to a mythical time before grains. It doesn't exist anymore, we've pretty much destroyed that, but we can rebuild diversity.

There is a lot about the world that isn't 'real' or 'natural', just concentrate for now on what is and one thing that is real are those that will take any opportunity to raise themselves up and profit from the misfortune of others. That's definately something that needs nipping in the bud when we get out of this. That some governments are looking at China and the technology of tracking that they have rolled out in this crisis with unease, while others are doing so covetously isn't a shock for us here on ATS. Corporations such as Lockheed Martin have been touting the benefits of such technologies for years, particularly after 9/11. We do need to be vigilant that we are not swayed by the ends being used to justify the means, I don't dispute that, and that is why it is important that we do appreciate that there are good people in the world, not driven by self-interest, who we should give our support to and our backing.

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 05:01 AM
Great post. Really.
I think the farther away from whatever we can identify as natural, the more dependent on technology and investing in money as value to assert technocracy over nature, the worst it has gotten for us, as a species, and the whole animal world in general.

Perhaps there is some silver lining to what is happening now in regards to that. Although, we could easily feed the entire world, the Sudan, parts of Africa and Zimbabwe that starve and get raped for their resources. This is kind of my point.
We aren't experiencing a natural culling of attrition, or the planet rejecting our treatment of it, really. All that, I firmly believe, is predicated, just as a justification.

But, like you, I do ponder these things, daily, and sincerely appreciate reading like minded souls, who still are in possession of their souls.
As to this:

There is a lot about the world that isn't 'real' or 'natural', just concentrate for now on what is and one thing that is real are those that will take any opportunity to raise themselves up and profit from the misfortune of others. That's definately something that needs nipping in the bud when we get out of this. That some governments are looking at China and the technology of tracking that they have rolled out in this crisis with unease, while others are doing so covetously isn't a shock for us here on ATS. Corporations such as Lockheed Martin have been touting the benefits of such technologies for years, particularly after 9/11. We do need to be vigilant that we are not swayed by the ends being used to justify the means, I don't dispute that, and that is why it is important that we do appreciate that there are good people in the world, not driven by self-interest, who we should give our support to and our backing.

Who are the people who aren't trying to benefit and push their own narrative? Who can you trust? Like you, I consider a post modernistic society where truth is an agreement proposition only.....where are the people who really care, have integrity and strength of character and will sacrifice for their brethren, rather than line their own pockets? There are many collecting and sculpting narratives to do just that, control us and line their pockets. The minute someone tells me I have to stay in my house to be a good human (which, btw, I've done for years anyway, as I'm something of a hermit) it gets really smelly for me.

stay safe and be well
edit on 12-4-2020 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: tetra50

Thanks Tetra. I've got to dash now, but I'll pop back when I can to respond in full. In the meantime, be well, and remember to look for the good stuff.

It's okay to laugh in the face of adversity, in fact I think it one of our super-powers, has a way of strengthening our resolve.

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 06:20 AM
Let this sink in a bit, folks: It is patented. Understand what that means. It's a linking of disease process, vaccinations and medications being used in a financial system, which is what patents are all about.

The recent COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has raised numerous legal issues around the world. In this series of posts, Professor Jorge Contreras of the University of Utah (Salt Lake City, USA) discusses some of the patent and other intellectual property law implications arising from coronavirus and efforts to contain, diagnose and cure it.
As of March 20, 2020, one industry source catalogs no fewer than fifty different vaccines, diagnostics and treatments that are being developed and tested for the COVID-19 coronavirus around the world. Many of these technologies were originally targeted at other diseases including malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis C, influenza, Marburg virus, Ebola, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). As a result, there is already a large body of scientific literature addressing many of the underlying compounds, and many are covered by existing patents and patent applications (collectively “patents”). One recent study by the American Chemical Society identified over 2,000 patents relating to SARS and MERS treatments alone. These patents are held by a range of companies and institutions across North America, Asia and Europe.

Patents and Coronavirus

What this really proves, now, is that disease processes are studied, as to how to give them and cure them for financial and other narrative gain. It's just that simple.

This is where we are. We knew we were labrats long ago. But this is now proof of that particular system in action.
stay safe.

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: tetra50
Let this sink in a bit, folks: It is patented. Understand what that means. It's a linking of disease process, vaccinations and medications being used in a financial system, which is what patents are all about.

The recent COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has raised numerous legal issues around the world. In this series of posts, Professor Jorge Contreras of the University of Utah (Salt Lake City, USA) discusses some of the patent and other intellectual property law implications arising from coronavirus and efforts to contain, diagnose and cure it.
As of March 20, 2020, one industry source catalogs no fewer than fifty different vaccines, diagnostics and treatments that are being developed and tested for the COVID-19 coronavirus around the world. Many of these technologies were originally targeted at other diseases including malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis C, influenza, Marburg virus, Ebola, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). As a result, there is already a large body of scientific literature addressing many of the underlying compounds, and many are covered by existing patents and patent applications (collectively “patents”). One recent study by the American Chemical Society identified over 2,000 patents relating to SARS and MERS treatments alone. These patents are held by a range of companies and institutions across North America, Asia and Europe.

Patents and Coronavirus

What this really proves, now, is that disease processes are studied, as to how to give them and cure them for financial and other narrative gain. It's just that simple.

This is where we are. We knew we were labrats long ago. But this is now proof of that particular system in action.
stay safe.

Its not very comforting knowing these things, I mean what could possibly go wrong...

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: tetra50

It's an odd one. Every so often, particularly at the beginning, I got the feeling that I should pack mine and my son's bags, and head to the hills. I did a painting a year or two ago, not a very good one but a painting none-the-less, and in it there is a pile of red shoes. The painting is about the second world war, the shoes were to represent the Holocaust but also the 'folly' of 'trusting' that things would return to 'normal' and that there is 'no place like home'. So yeah, it smells to me too, but I also know that this is a different kind of 'threat' and that sometimes the reverse is true, and sometimes, no matter hard it is, you have to place your trust in others. Our instincts are not always reliable, and our fears not always justified. But it is okay to have doubt, especially when we have allowed such corruption to invade our existence. The odds though are still in our favour. For evey corrupt individual there are thousands just trying to make the most of the life they were given without having to step on people to get to the top. We're in the majority, we just need to make that majority count for more.

It is my greatest wish that this period will highlight just how little effort it takes on our part to change for the better the world that we live in. It's be nice if children in the cities, now breathing cleaner air than has been recorded in decades, could get the chance to play in it. It's be so nice if this broke our dependency on the car, and that it was realised that flying, in the way that we have been, is not only unsustainable but undesireable. Many people who have been moved to working from home, I hope, will find that they can do their job just as well from there and will go back to that, further reducing unnecessary energy expenditure. We don't need to live in a 24/7 world. The earth will still keep turning without us wheeling and dealing, and is already demonstrating how much better off it is when we slow down, just look at the difference to our environment a mere hundred days has had. Life isn't a race, or it shouldn't be. There is nothing more precious than life, everyone should be allowed to savour it.

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 08:52 PM
Hi. Sorry you're having a rough time, too, Tets. I always think of Rumble Fish when I see the name Tetra ... that is the fighting fish that has to be kept isolated, right? Or have I finally lost what remained of my mind? Anyway, out of all the weirdness I've chased over the many years, these few months take the prize for utterly, deeply weird.

I was isolating before this, due to .. .what? Ptsd? Depression? Yeah, but also simply due to years of coexisting with barely conscious, lost, scared, selfish, though ofttimes wonderful, people. People exactly like myself.

But even so, dire circumstances with inklings of the dark, dark possibilities that could be imposed on us should the dreaded powers that be actually be as bad as some think, make for some bad prognostications.

But for some weird reason, I think it's going to be different but in a good way ... and the start of something much, much better.

I wish I could base my reluctant optimism on something logical or some insider knowlege... but I can't and I can only say that since the mind seems as powerful as some mystics assert, why not force a smile and a deep breath and ponder on how the world could be better?

Isolation does make one confront oneself. Idleness gives one the time to think deeply. Maybe people will see the beauty in nature that a few less car trips engenders? Maybe they'll see that ever expanding consumerism for consumerism's sake is a death wish? Perhaps they'll see that the only thing that matters is other people?

I dunno, and I realize I've, once again, gone all tangential to the thread... but I wanted to cheer us up a little.

posted on Apr, 15 2020 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Hey there, finally: Such a comfort to hear from you for some reason.

I always think of Rumble Fish when I see the name Tetra ... that is the fighting fish that has to be kept isolated, right?

Not sure, there was a Japanese fighting fish I knew of at one time before my brain turned to some odd sponge stuff that evokes that info., but I dunno. I think it's called a BETA, imagine However, you would be right about me, in that regard and in this, I 've shared with you, too:

Anyway, out of all the weirdness I've chased over the many years, these few months take the prize for utterly, deeply weird.

I was isolating before this, due to .. .what? Ptsd? Depression? Yeah, but also simply due to years of coexisting with barely conscious, lost, scared, selfish, though ofttimes wonderful, people. People exactly like myself.

And, most certainly, over the years, we have both shared this concern, in particular:

But even so, dire circumstances with inklings of the dark, dark possibilities that could be imposed on us should the dreaded powers that be actually be as bad as some think, make for some bad prognostications. you, even as I wrote this several days ago and was struggling, my latest struggled night filled with lucid dreaming brought me a message just to remember that everything is not always as it seems, and there certainly exists within risk, opportunities for better things happening, rather than the worst.

As realistic as I consider myself over the course of my life and experiences, and what that necessarily adds up to, I DO entirely believe that times have already been very difficult, almost impossible, for many of us to survive at all, and maybe for the planet, too, as both you and KilgoreTrout have already pointed out. I stopped driving years ago, and though I hated the limitation of seeming "freedom" this caused, I also understood the silver lining to it was I wasn't part of polluting the planet anymore. So there's that, lol.

I am beginning to think some of the things that we may have labelled as controlling, overwhelming mechanisms of humanity through technocracy may have already taken over long ago, and we were already long living through that. Perhaps, there is another opportunity going on here, but I won't either belabor that point, as some things just must reveal themselves as time goes on, if for no other reason, that I won't be blamed for spoiling it for anyone, if that is, indeed, what is at work here.

Regards, and happy to hear from you, my friend. Stay safe.
edit on 15-4-2020 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-4-2020 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2020 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: tetra50

Sorry for the late response, but my "real life" has been a tad complex.

I don't like a complex "real life."

But to add a little to my post, at it's base, I can't help but feel we are on the verge of something... different.

The recent mainstream media UFO stuff coinciding with this possibly manufactured virus has my synapses percolating. Of course, the powers are planning on using hostile aliens for more control and defense dollars, a la the warning from that nazi rocket scientist, but I have this feeling the actual thing behind the less structured/mechanical UFO stuff is stirring... or we are, finally.

I was awakened during a recent period of REM and actually remembered a dream and it astounded me. It was like the most "high def" real, real I had ever experienced, making "real life" dim in comparison. To a degree that has stayed with me some weeks. I have no idea if there's any real import, or even the context of it, but wow.

If I were more of a mystic, I'd say the whole new agey "mass awakening" or "move into 4d" might be true-ish, knowing such a thing would be drawn out and very personal to every individual. Could it be connected to the suspected "other?" Maybe.

But besides that, it's all a dream... so why not make it as good a dream as possible? Nightmares suck.

Glad to "hear" from you as well, btw.

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