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Some general news about the corona virus over time and how much/little we have learned

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posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 08:50 PM
Just some general information.

1. Researchers in Singapore have announced a study that proves that people infected with the new coronavirus spread the virus to others even before symptoms such as fever and cough, stay at home avoiding rally and crowds. It is important that each person's efforts to keep a distance from others is an important measure against infection.
2. A study published by a group of pediatric hospitals and universities in China in an electronic version of a U.S. medical journal found that more than 2,000 children were confirmed or suspected to have the new coronavirus.
3. It has become clear that there is a case where even a young person becomes infected with the new coronavirus. Overseas cases have been reported in which women in their twenties who did not have a chronic illness have been reported.
3. March 12, WHO Secretary-General Tedros states that the corona virus is now an epidemic
4. In early March, a Chinese research team analyzed the gene sequences of more than 100 viruses collected from patients around the world and reported that there are two types of new coronaviruses, "L" and "S". According to this, "S-type" is said to have a gene characteristic closer to coronavirus in bats. In addition, "L-type" is a type that is frequently detected in Europe and other countries, and is considered to be a new virus compared to "S-type".
5. April 2, Avigan, a generic name of Fabipiravir, was originally developed by a Japanese pharmaceutical company six years ago as a treatment for influenza. However, since side effects on the fetus were reported in animal experiments, it is not approved for use in pregnant women etc., and if the government decides to use it for pandemic influenza where other drugs do not work It is to be administered only on a limited basis.
6. March 26, In Italy, where the outbreak of infection continues to expand, the number of infected people has exceeded 70,000 by the 25th, and more than 7,500 people have died, more than double that of China.
7. To date, the Hong Kong government has announced that two dogs owned by persons confirmed to have the new coronavirus test tested positive.
8. According to Deputy Chair of the National Experts' Meeting and the director of the Regional Health Care Organization, Shigeru Omi, who has also been in charge of infectious disease control at the World Health Organization (WHO), the “end” has stopped the chain of infection, It means that there are no infected people.
A "declaration of termination" may be issued if no new infected person is identified for a certain period of time according to WHO standards.
9. On March 1, this was given
The symptoms seen by the infected person are as follows:

Fever 87.9%
Cough 67.7%
Malaise 38.1%
Shortness of breath 18.6%
Sore throat 13.9%
Headache 13.6% etc.
10. On Feb.25 this about "cluster" :
According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, "cluster" refers to a group of infected people.
11. Tokyo April 12 : 743 confirmed infections on the 11th of April, the largest number of new coronaviruses announced per day.

Anyway its raining here in Japan and I thought I'd dig up a little history including today.

As Japan's numbers increase it will only get worse as long as people have to travel by subway and trains. AND THAT IS A FACT
It won't be long now that the 42 day incubation period ends. As a matter of fact it ends this Easter Sunday. So now I've been saying this several times about MIM's street talk. Japan will now be recording between 1 thousand to (anyone's guess ) but I'll stick to what I've mention and that is up to 4000 new cases a day. The only reason why today it isn't there is because WE SIMPLY ARE NOT TESTING THE GENERAL PUBLIC YET

Stay tune for more updates. I want to include more of an international type of update, but will focus on this country ( Japan) also.

Street Talk is this: this will be a 3 year cycle of the "no fun under the sun". This will mean many things depending on what country you live in. We are now seeing more re-infections and questions of : Does this virus really disappear and later reappears.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

In my opinion, we wouldn't have a fraction of these fatalities if we had immediate testing and immediate treatment (you know, treatment before you are on your deathbed in the ICU).

I don't believe we can come close to being normal until they do those 2 things.

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Absolutely. 100% I agree.

My question is 2 things now.

1. why are they letting school children back in school (April 10, 2020 ) here in Japan
2. why are they not testing nationwide here in Japan, just does not make sense (maybe all this talk about "chemtrails" is to destroy ones common sense) ?

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Street Talk is this: this will be a 3 year cycle of the "no fun under the sun". This will mean many things depending on what country you live in. We are now seeing more re-infections and questions of : Does this virus really disappear and later reappears.

Sometimes the most obivous answer is the correct one:

Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses include some cases of the common cold (which has other possible causes, predominantly rhinoviruses), while more lethal varieties can cause SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Symptoms in other species vary: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory tract disease, while in cows and pigs they cause diarrhea. There are yet to be vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.

It's rather alarming that when I searched Coronavirus on google two months ago, the wiki link I just gave was the first hit. When I search Coronavirus now, I had to actually type in "Coronavirus Wikipedia" exactly.

Whether we like it or not, the virus is here to stay, it's here to plague us for the rest of humanity, given we keep up with the way we live. Wan to know why? It's the reason for the common cold, and can develop into a serious condition known as SARS, which this COVID - 19, can, a 30% chance, given the medical history of the host. Will the next Coronavirus strain be like this one? Who knows.

Here's the cold hard truth, life is harsh, it's not all rainbows and sun shine, we should have learned this with the Spanish flu, is it worth destroying entire economies tho? Nope, I think this might be a harsh lesson for us all. And so far, mass testing might be needed so we can protect the vulnerable, segregate the infected and let the healthy work and carry on with life.

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 07:43 AM
From what I can see public transit is the biggest factor in disease transmission.

Those cities with the most public transit and dense public transit are the places where the infection rates are the highest.

People wonder why CA cities have less infection than NYC. Easy peasy, most people drive and far far fewer use public transit.

I would love to see a study done on the rate of infection in cities correlated with public transit usage and public transit density.

I think I know the result already with common sense. Just take a look at the cities most effected. They are typically cities that are very dirty and nasty to begin with in their downtown areas. Add to that street density in the downtown areas. This is why NYC is hurting so badly, no one can go anywhere on a normal day without being inches from a stranger's face or being feet from some sort of filth and bodily fluids on the streets.

If public transit is the main mode of transportation in Japan then yes, sending children back to school on public transit could initiate another wave.

edit on 4/12/20 by The2Billies because: grammar

posted on Apr, 12 2020 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

You're right about cities and any institutional settings make it rife as well .
Hospitals schools care homes prisons parliament buildings offices police stations transport hubs mental health facilities community buildings churches public transport those are going to be infected areas of not being decontaminated , everyday.

In this country the government keep being asked when the adequate supply of PPE coming ?
It's not , most probably , there isn't any left to buy . And if there is it's already under export bans. Not wishing to cause dismay , the UK can't suddenly build a domestic production line for ffp3s

posted on Apr, 13 2020 @ 09:53 AM
You forgot the following Corona-related news (video is from March 25, the first results start at 13:48, you may want to skip there shortly after the introduction, but perhaps it's best not to miss the remark about timing at 6:44, the rest is skippable; also, don't miss the keypoint about hospital policy regarding sending home patients with dangerously low oxygen levels at 41:50):

Below is a detailed interview about some of the obstacles* involved with treating Covid-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine/Plaquenil ( + azithromycin/Zpack/Zithromax + zinc; but it's HCQ that is being withheld from patients that could benefit from it). *: regulations, hoarding, bad arguments, selfish motives, inconvenient details about side-effects, dangers vs benefits withheld from the public, use of half-truths to support a biased view or creating a false impression. Issues with arrogance (not spelled out by Dr. Ban but if you evaluate his experiences carefully, you can perhaps see what he's up against). Keypoints at 4:32 - 5:44, 6:04 - 6:39, 7:01 - 21:27 and one final point at 22:59:

2nd part of the interview, keypoints at 1:39 - 2:18 (regarding the effect of hospitals sending corona-patients home again, not admitting them, not quarantining them), 3:00 - 12:31 (especially 8:23 - 11:52 regarding the question: "Why other doctors are touting the devastating effects of these drugs, and why are we seeing so many patients...who are suffering tremendously, ..., they're on ventilators, they're close to death, and they are still not receiving these drugs, which by the way ..., have been approved by our government to be adminstered; so why are they not being dosed?"), 13:11 - 13:56, 16:10 - 24:14.

3rd part, one long keypoint:

Is the hoarding justified? Are the restrictive regulations regarding HCQ justified?

Some of the latest case studies (April 9):

Number of corona-patients being given Didier Raoult's HCQ+Azithromycin protocol: 2494; number of deaths: 10 (fatality rate confirmed and tested cases: 0.4%, Fatality rate confirmed+unconfirmed cases for the whole of France: 10.86%)

Adding zinc would work even better though according to some doctors, some of them say it's actually the key ingredient:

More frontline reports including zinc in the HCQ+Z-Pack protocol (from NY, from late March):

Details why this works and about HCQ already being used in India as a prophylaxis (treatment given or action taken to prevent disease) against Covid-19, also a short summary of what's been going on at the front, alternatives to HCQ if you can't get it, etc.:

You did a fine job of repeating the MSM's talking points though. Notice that none of the above is ever discussed in detail in the MSM or the majority of 'experts' and doctors talking about corona on youtube for example; they're pretty good at downplaying its effectiveness though, exaggerating its (HCQ) side-effects or dangers, as well as the supposed shortages (see 5th video above), and misrepresenting the subject*. As explained in the 2nd till 4th videos above (the interview). *: not talking about zinc or not including zinc in clinical trials and then talking about those not proving effectiveness for example, downplaying the evidence that we do have of its effectiveness by not talking about it, distracting away from and downplaying that evidence by using the term "anecdotal", then quickly switching to talking about the need for proper clinical trials, while failing to recognize botched clinical trials with less relevance than the evidence discussed in the videos above, clinical trials that either do not include zinc or azithromycin, or administered to patients where the disease has already done too much damage while this treatment works best in the early stages of the disease, or prophylactically.

Response to the touted and exaggerated side-effect or danger of HCQ when taken together with Z-Pack (Azythromycin) under very rare conditions that have never been much of an issue before in the decades HCQ has been used for Malaria prophylaxis and treatment, Lupus, Arthritis, Rheuma, and several other autoimmune diseases or irregularities caused by other medication people are on (the latter of which are now also not getting their HCQ because of the restrictive regulations and hoarding by hospitals, see video below that, but not before having seen the video about the supposed shortages to get a better perspective); 'never much of an issue' in the sense of not being enough of a justification to deny these people their medicine by hoarding it in hospitals and discouraging this treatment outside of hospitals (details discussed in the videos so far, especially the interview with Dr. Ban, but the situation is worse in some countries compared to the US he's speaking of there, at least he still gets to prescribe it, in my country a general practicioner who was prescribing it with great success got shut down by the authorities, he had no choice but to stop):

That's the real important news about corona that the MSM won't talk about, nor any politician, nor any but a few doctors or experts.
edit on 13-4-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 04:22 AM
The Dr. Ban's videos I used in my comment can be found here now, get it before it's gone as well:

Dr. Ban's videos

You can download or watch them there, if you download, do try to get it back on youtube if you've got some time on your hands. Perhaps you have an account that can upload videos longer than 15 minutes, otherwise you can chop them up. They contain crucial information, see a list of episodes with the most crucial information in this comment.

posted on May, 26 2020 @ 04:30 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: musicismagic

Street Talk is this: this will be a 3 year cycle of the "no fun under the sun". This will mean many things depending on what country you live in. We are now seeing more re-infections and questions of : Does this virus really disappear and later reappears.

Sometimes the most obivous answer is the correct one:

Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses include some cases of the common cold (which has other possible causes, predominantly rhinoviruses), while more lethal varieties can cause SARS, MERS, and COVID-19. Symptoms in other species vary: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory tract disease, while in cows and pigs they cause diarrhea. There are yet to be vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.

It's rather alarming that when I searched Coronavirus on google two months ago, the wiki link I just gave was the first hit. When I search Coronavirus now, I had to actually type in "Coronavirus Wikipedia" exactly.

Whether we like it or not, the virus is here to stay, it's here to plague us for the rest of humanity, given we keep up with the way we live. Wan to know why? It's the reason for the common cold, and can develop into a serious condition known as SARS, which this COVID - 19, can, a 30% chance, given the medical history of the host. Will the next Coronavirus strain be like this one? Who knows.

Here's the cold hard truth, life is harsh, it's not all rainbows and sun shine, we should have learned this with the Spanish flu, is it worth destroying entire economies tho? Nope, I think this might be a harsh lesson for us all. And so far, mass testing might be needed so we can protect the vulnerable, segregate the infected and let the healthy work and carry on with life.

That's about the long and the short of it.

posted on Jun, 8 2020 @ 07:24 AM
Well, I've learned quite a lot from my little detour from my usual wanderings on the Origins&Creationism, Religion&Theology and Philosophy forums. It was an interesting journey. And a nice demonstration of pretty much everything I've been talking about concerning the sciences, religions, politics, 2 Timothy 4:3,4, propaganda, philosophies/ideas, opinions and arguments from people misleading and being misled, their way of reasoning and thinking, etc. since my first comment on ATS back in 2012.

2 Timothy 4:3,4:

For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome* [Or “healthful; beneficial.”] teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled.* [Or “to tell them what they want to hear.”] 4 They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories.

“. . . and it is difficult to explain, because you have become dull in your hearing. . . . you again need someone to teach you from the beginning the elementary things of the sacred pronouncements of God, and you have gone back to needing milk, not solid food. For everyone who continues to feed on milk is unacquainted with the word of righteousness, for he is a young child. But solid food belongs to mature people, to those who through use have their powers of discernment* [Or “their perceptive powers.”] trained to distinguish both right and wrong.” (Hebrews 5:11-14) I.e. true and false, cause those are synonyms for “right and wrong.” “through use . . . trained”, practice makes perfect, ever heard of that one? It counts just as much for your mind and your “powers of discernment” and your “thinking ability”. (Pr 1:4, 2:10-12, 5:1,2)

"Also, they will greedily exploit you with counterfeit words. But their judgment, decided long ago, is not moving slowly, and their destruction is not sleeping." (2 Peter 2:3)

Some of the videos I used in an earlier comment in this thread that have all been removed from youtube, but re-uploaded by me (I haven't done all of them yet, only the most important ones). The timeframes for the key points are a little different now though, I had to chop them up. In the same order of appearance as in my earlier comment:

The keypoint at 41:50 should now be in this part (warning, I'm skipping a part, for that part, see my playlist, it may actually be at the end of that part instead):

Since there are so many key points in the interview below, I'll do all parts (again, the exact timeframes for these points can be calculated using my previous comment about it in this thread, the one where you see all those missing videos; I didn't cut anything out of this interview, so it shouldn't be hard to calculate those timeframes):

From the interview above I've learned the most, originally uploaded back in March. It is also the best interview I've seen by an investigative journalist in ages, perhaps even ever. I'm tipping my hat to both participants.

Is the hoarding justified? Are the restrictive regulations regarding HCQ justified?

2 more parts for that one in the playlist, another excellent one to determin when HCQ was proven effective in the treatment of Covid-19, a.k.a. SARS-CoV-2 (which has the same mechanism of action as SARS-CoV-1, and the same drugs that help defend against this mode of attack on your body, namely HCQ+quality care).

Some of the latest case studies (April 9):

I think that was this one:

1 more part in the playlist.

Dr. Zelenko's video isn't there anymore, also not that important. The video about QT prolongation (related to cardiac arrhythmia, side effects subject) from Dr. Ban with a cardiologist I haven't re-uploaded yet, since the subject of QT prolongation is already responded to in the OAN interview, which covers most things that are important to learn.

Good learning to you!

edit on 8-6-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2020 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: whereislogic
...The timeframes for the key points are a little different now though, I had to chop them up. In the same order of appearance as in my earlier comment:

First key point is at 0:11, results start at 7:14.

The keypoint at 41:50 should now be in this part (warning, I'm skipping a part, for that part, see my playlist, it may actually be at the end of that part instead):

It's at 5:16 in the video above. Also a very important point at the end, which makes more sense in light of the rest.
edit on 8-6-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2020 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: whereislogic
Details why this works and about HCQ already being used in India as a prophylaxis (treatment given or action taken to prevent disease) against Covid-19, also a short summary of what's been going on at the front, alternatives to HCQ if you can't get it, etc.:

You did a fine job of repeating the MSM's talking points though. Notice that none of the above is ever discussed in detail in the MSM or the majority of 'experts' and doctors talking about corona on youtube for example; they're pretty good at downplaying its effectiveness though, exaggerating its (HCQ) side-effects or dangers, as well as the supposed shortages (see 5th video above), and misrepresenting the subject*. As explained in the 2nd till 4th videos above (the interview). *: not talking about zinc or not including zinc in clinical trials and then talking about those not proving effectiveness for example, downplaying the evidence that we do have of its effectiveness by not talking about it, distracting away from and downplaying that evidence by using the term "anecdotal", then quickly switching to talking about the need for proper clinical trials, while failing to recognize botched clinical trials with less relevance than the evidence discussed in the videos above, clinical trials that either do not include zinc or azithromycin, or administered to patients where the disease has already done too much damage while this treatment works best in the early stages of the disease, or prophylactically.

Response to the touted and exaggerated side-effect or danger of HCQ when taken together with Z-Pack (Azythromycin) under very rare conditions that have never been much of an issue before in the decades HCQ has been used for Malaria prophylaxis and treatment, Lupus, Arthritis, Rheuma, and several other autoimmune diseases or irregularities caused by other medication people are on (the latter of which are now also not getting their HCQ because of the restrictive regulations and hoarding by hospitals, see video below that, but not before having seen the video about the supposed shortages to get a better perspective); 'never much of an issue' in the sense of not being enough of a justification to deny these people their medicine by hoarding it in hospitals and discouraging this treatment outside of hospitals (details discussed in the videos so far, especially the interview with Dr. Ban, but the situation is worse in some countries compared to the US he's speaking of there, at least he still gets to prescribe it, in my country a general practicioner who was prescribing it with great success got shut down by the authorities, he had no choice but to stop):
[..., Dr.Ban's videoresponse concerning Qt prolongation, not re-uploaded yet]

That's the real important news about corona that the MSM won't talk about, nor any politician, nor any but a few doctors or experts.

Note, I called the play back on April 13 (spotted it much sooner, but I was busy doing more research, and re-watching a TV-show, sorry for that). Also note that Drbeen uses the same term "anecdotal" in his video (which is otherwise pretty good), falling exactly for the play described above (after 2:54). Basically why I brought it up after sharing that video.

Also, there's a crucial point made after 17:58 about HCQ gravitating towards the lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen; very important cause it's primarily the lungs and kidneys where corona (the virus) and Covid-19 (the disease) attacks and does the most damage (the lungs is usually the point of the initial assualt on your body with the virus, the disease pretty much hits all those organs I think, but primarily the lungs and kidneys again). I've tried to emphasize this point on ATS when comparing HCQ with supplements like quercetin or other medications that are suggested to distract from the need to absolutely use HCQ as your first and foremost line of defense against corona and Covid-19. I think quercetin for example doesn't gravitate there.

From my research into the subject, I got the impression that CQ and quinine also gravitate towards the same organs, but they are less effective and more toxic overall compared to HCQ, which is much more effective at getting into cells, lysosomes and endosomes, exactly where it needs to increase the Ph to help your immune system fight corona. Not to mention that the increasing Ph function (which quercetin doesn't have) also helps provide anti-inflammatory immuno-modulating (dampening) effects in relation to the cytokine storm. This is one of the things that makes HCQ so effective compared to other antiviral medications or supplements, even CQ and quinine. It's a targeted defense with high efficiency at a very specific task. If you were using CQ/Quinine, you'd have to use way more for the same effect, which means the toxic effect of a Ph-increasing substance, is more of an issue.

Funny, I always remembered the lungs and the kidneys, and because I read an article that only named 3 organs (I think that article was for quinine), I could never quite remember the 3rd (I went with the liver first, then I started doubting and didn't know whether it was the liver or the stomach). Now I'm realizing it was actually 4 and I did see it quite long ago (I thought I remembered it from the article I read).
edit on 9-6-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

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