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Other Causes of Pneuomonia

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posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 10:02 AM
It'd be nice to get some information on the status of other causes of pneumonia - for instance, is Streptococcus pneumonia still a big killer, given it was the primary cause of pneumonia before the coronavirus outbreak? It seems an effective way to neutralize conspiracy theories around the coronavirus would be to remind people that other non-coronavirus causes of pneumonia are still killing people.

If we can get information on this, then we can simply show that death-from-pneumonia has indeed gone way, way up, and that plagues and outbreak of viruses do indeed sometimes happen: they do not need to be engineered by the powers-that-be.

So, this thread is not offering any information, but it is asking others to see if they can find any information on this question, cause I've been looking and I have not been able to find anything.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Astrocyte
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) --

Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is a type of lung infection that occurs in people who are on mechanical ventilation breathing machines in hospitals. As such, VAP typically affects critically ill persons that are in an intensive care unit (ICU).[1] VAP is a major source of increased illness and death. Persons with VAP have increased lengths of ICU hospitalization and have up to a 20–30% death rate.

I have not seen anything mentioned about VAP in Covid discussions, but I don't see how it can NOT be a factor.

ETA: And there's this: HUGE! MN Senator and Doctor: Hospitals Get Paid More to List Patients as COVID-19 and Three Times as Much if the Patient Goes on Ventilator

Dr. Jensen also disclosed that hospitals are paid more if they list patients with a COVID-19 diagnosis. And hospitals get paid THREE TIMES AS MUCH if the patient then goes on a ventilator.

edit on 10-4-2020 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2020 by Boadicea because: fixed link

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: Astrocyte

Other Causes of Pneuomonia

edit on 1042020 by Wide-Eyes because: To add quote

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 10:34 AM
The issue is not whether there are causes of pneumonia “other than” CV19; of course there are.

Nor is the issue whether or not these other causes have increased or decreased during the outbreak of CV19.

These arguments are only “straw men” targets for those who are trying to draw attention away from the very real and demonstrated threat of a new, and heretofore unknown virus, which is, itself, yet another vector through which pneumonia may result.

Remember, pneumonia is a condition, not a disease, itself. Pneumonia occurs when the lungs are damaged, usually by a disease (either bacterial or viral), though sometimes by trauma or genetic predisposition.

CV19 is considered so dangerous because, one of its presentations is the instigation of mucus saturation in the lungs, resulting in the victim not being able to oxygenate properly. When that happens, a ventilator is often required.

But as pointed out, putting an already physically compromised patient on a ventilator increases the potential for further damage.

Unfortunately, with some cases, the only choice is to risk the damage or lose the patient.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 10:44 AM
What I have not seen when discussing the disparity of black deaths to others, is the sickle cell trait which is in 1 of 13 of blacks. I think this could help explain the disparity.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: sligtlyskeptical
What I have not seen when discussing the disparity of black deaths to others, is the sickle cell trait which is in 1 of 13 of blacks. I think this could help explain the disparity.

You have not seen sickle cell anemia itself discussed because it is but one of the factors contained within the issue of an historically medically underserved community which is contributing to the higher mortality rate.

As you pointed out, sickle cell disease affects 1 in 13, and even though the condition is all but exclusive to the black community, other conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes (Type 2, predominantly) are far more prevalent factors.

And none of these factors, in their own, address the fact that, despite representing a minority of the general population, blacks are apparently presenting as the majority of the deaths from CV19 in the hardest hit areas of the US.

That statistic, appears to be more related to the fact that, for decades, this particular population has not been well served by readily available medical resources.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 11:30 AM
I've had pneumonia several times in my life.. in all but one of those times, I knew I was sick and never approached the point where I was gasping for breath, unable to breath..
So, I will talk about the first time I had it back in the 70s. Since what is going around now sounds quite similar. I was feeling fine that day, went to school, came home, was a little tired and went to bed. I didnt feel sick, just tired and it was common for me to just disappear and be found in bed sleeping. If I was tired, I just went to bed. Only, this time, I woke up unable to breathe. I remember yelling to my mom and telling her I couldnt breath, but I have no idea how I got to the hospital. I woke up the next morning in the hospital.. waiting for a room to become available.
But, I can attest, not all pneumonias are the same.. that one laid me up in a hospital for two weeks and kept me out of school for over a month.

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Bhadhidar

So you said "the issue is not", without showing what the issue is.

So what is the issue? Yes ventilator-caused pneumonia can happen, but if you pay attention to statistics - which is what this thread was implicitly based upon - my question is: are the other causes of pneumonia still occurring? The answer to that is, most likely, "yes". The issue I am raising, and which I'm interested in increasing awareness of, is the other causes of pneumonia which hospitals are typically dealing with. Also, I fully understand that pneumonia is a condition - how else can this threads title "other causes of pneumonia" be interpreted?

In which case, the total cases of pneumonia - not covid related as well as covid related, has gone up.

If you haven't noticed, there's a lot of skepticism that covid-19 numbers are being fudged, or that "millions of people" every year already die of pneumonia, and therefore this outbreak is being overblown. People reference these statistics without considering the overall overload that the system as a whole is currently experiencing. Perhaps a reason why this conspiratorial mindset is growing, or not being effectively countered, is because there's been an absence of emphasis that other causes of pneumonia - 60,000 Americans die every year from pneuomonia; 13,000 Italians succumb to pneumonia every year, which means they've exceeded their yearly total of pneumonia deaths in just 3 months by 5,000 - are still killing people. Implicitly, I think many people (who are persuaded that this is a conspiracy, as opposed to being exploited) have allowed themselves to forget, or dissociate, the existence of other causes of pneumonia.

Clearly, an outbreak is happening. And yet, for a motley of different reasons - economic, or just a general fear of the 'global elite', some people are having trouble accepting the non-engineered nature of this pandemic we're going through.

It's clearly related to problems with critical thinking.
edit on 10-4-2020 by Astrocyte because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2020 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Astrocyte

People don't miss a chance to blame Government for their poor choices in their life...

Or objects, they like to put it on objects too, since they can't defense themselves against such accusations... being objects...

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 03:20 AM
a reply to: Astrocyte

My Mum had it a couple of years ago, she has bronchitis every year, that was a particularly bad year. She had to be hospitalized but has since recovered, at least back to the bronchitis level.

Given the recent spate of much younger health workers (with no underlying conditions) succumbing to the virus there appears to be a greater danger in terms of the amount of virus that you are exposed to, however, our health care workers are also working all the hours god sends and exhaustion also seems to be an exacerbating factor - systemically.

edit on 11-4-2020 by KilgoreTrout because: bronchitis not -us

edit on 11-4-2020 by KilgoreTrout because: deary me

posted on Apr, 11 2020 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: Bhadhidar
The issue is not whether there are causes of pneumonia “other than” CV19; of course there are.

Nor is the issue whether or not these other causes have increased or decreased during the outbreak of CV19.

These arguments are only “straw men” targets for those who are trying to draw attention away from the very real and demonstrated threat of a new, and heretofore unknown virus, which is, itself, yet another vector through which pneumonia may result.

Remember, pneumonia is a condition, not a disease, itself. Pneumonia occurs when the lungs are damaged, usually by a disease (either bacterial or viral), though sometimes by trauma or genetic predisposition.

CV19 is considered so dangerous because, one of its presentations is the instigation of mucus saturation in the lungs, resulting in the victim not being able to oxygenate properly. When that happens, a ventilator is often required.

But as pointed out, putting an already physically compromised patient on a ventilator increases the potential for further damage.

Unfortunately, with some cases, the only choice is to risk the damage or lose the patient.

Your last sentence says a lot. And it's the truth.


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