posted on Apr, 8 2020 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to:
Good thoughts, and I think it's alot like that. For me there seems to be a third consciousness, not sure where to put it, maybe collective?
There was a poster almost a year ago that had some interesting things to say about some of these issues, but I have "No Clue" what his name was.
ultimately I don't think any is a straw man to none of them. They are all equal, unfortunately we are conditioned, to identify with one only, which
then pushes the others into the darkness, and some think darkness=evil.
These three serve a very important task, which simply put is the process of thesis, antithesis and synthesis.
Unfortunately in our education we are told to identify with the "conscious" part only, we are also taught what the synthesis is and therefore don't
really have the ability nor the necessity to think outside that box, if you do you are labeled crazy, if you tell people how you are discussing with
voices in your head you're either crazy or possessed, depending on "the ones we trust the most"
a completely new awareness arises when you identify with all and establish a balanced exchange between the three of them.
This new awareness seems alien at first because reality becomes so transcendent and most things we took at face value receive a much deeper meaning,
to the point where truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
There seems to be a stream inside the collective consciousness that is very invested in keeping it exactly the way it is. And they will go to great
lengt to keep the other parts locked out of you.
Sincerely NC