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Another thread claiming they found the source of COVID-19 yet better than most

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posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:17 AM
The thread was stuck on those in between screens when there is a spacing issue before the next new thread page. Anyways.


CCP sucks. And Dont take my word. I drive a truck for crying out loud. I can read and distrust really well is all. You guys should think why are they giving us money and only asking us to chill out

We cant ask for a war we cant win. I said it

Not now, not if we want to win. Peace must prevail. China owes us, and I think they arent doing more than keeping a facade for us common folk and their own average people. We would force them to fight or lose power at home. Like idiots.

I believe this and still want to bloody their nose properly. Imagine the ones who lost big...what they want and will ask of our government in response...

We cant survive that. So dont expect this to come out and be corrected in the "fact checker" websites or in history books.

You remember and tell your kids. Keep a memory and move on. Survive it and rebuild for you and yours.

This will never go anywhere. Its just for us few to know if we choose to believe it.

Or bat soup

You decide.

edit on 4-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: gortex

I've already watched the video and I'm pretty sure he never indicated that he believed the virus was artificial or any such thing, he only said it came from a lab studying the virus and most likely escaped. so why does that change anything? im confused.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: HelloboysImbackguy
a reply to: one4all


Yes this one is /RNA based and surrounded by protein structures and a lipid fat layer.

The lab? Who owns everything in China?

This is the ONEHEALTH cross species vaccine research. You or anyone cant just tell me different. Prove it. Im following.

Mosquitoes...Rift Valley Fever...and....

If I could take you back in time to have you meet the people who gave me an unorthodox education aboard a massive Neutral-Dimension Craft when I was a Kid would have proof...cross-species bull spit....viruses are DEAD and you know that very well.....all we can accurately parse without telling blatant LIES is that the human body produces an Auto-immune reaction which we do not know the cause of which we call a viral reaction....a DEAD THING ends up in our body and the body tries to extricate it....the reaction of our body to this foreign material is normal.... and we call this impact a VIRUS.....what a cart-load of Bull-Spit......what living thing could possibly defecate into your bloodstream?....what livng thing could LOGISTICLLY PHYSICLLY cover great vast distances inside your body "with a little help from its Parasitic Friends" of course.....

A pleomorphic bacteria protected within its armor can survive in the fluidic environment of almost any animals saliva or body based cross-species contamination...not produced within the Animals body mutated then passed on that is horse spit.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:26 AM
The source is a human. Without humans we would not have this virus. We should remove all humans just to be save.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: HelloboysImbackguy

There are four main geographical areas the Pleomorphic Bacteria we discuss operates within...four Spheres of Influence....I call them the 4Bees when I teach kids.....the Belly---Blood--Body--Brain......each area has its own signature template of dynamic indicators...these all must be understood individually because they will eventually overlap and intertwine.... what do you think Ahyawasca does? crosses the blood/brain barrier....and kills Pleomorphic bacterial invasion of one of the 4Bees.

"Viruses" are mostly bacteria fecal matter(our bodies bad reaction to bug poop)..and that is exactly what is injected into people.

A virus is bacteria poop..the bodies reaction to this poop is called a viral infection....then they lie…… an Anti-Humanitarian act that is unspeakable.....virus my hass…...same BS they used to kill us slowly with white table salt that I full of sand and glass particles which etch our arteries up causing our body to send HEALTHY BENEFICIAL CHOLESTEROL to help out that then over repeated actions builds up.....but they tell us the cholesterol is killing us because of our unbalanced diets.....these are acts of Humanitarian Terrorism and must be parsed and treated as such in every way possible for the sake of Human Historical accuracy.

edit on 4-4-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: one4all

What you say is not empirically proven so I do not have a familiarity with that alternate subject.

I would like to only speak in knowns so as to determine what is missing from our understanding.

I do not want to bring more possibility into an already multipronged problem that's still being studied by the true experts we base our layman's understanding on.

Thats not to say we cant offer fresh innocent eyes but we are no authority. What you are talking about in depth seems like its yet to be peer reviewed and scrutinized. Less so would I consider it has weight to direct the goals of the conversation.

We would stray into psuedo science and I think you are familiar with this a little like me, so I think we can limit ourselves to academically Accepted empirical knowledge.

We arent well versed enough to stray into unproven theory. It would do us no good.

edit on 4-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:52 AM
So a virus in essence is a microbot, able to replicate itself?

a reply to: one4all

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:58 AM
The USA is in a dangerously weakened state militarily.
This would be a prime time for China, Russia and their satellites to hit us, not the other way around.

Especially when you have CO’s of aircraft carriers broadcasting our weaknesses.

a reply to: HelloboysImbackguy

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: choomsuba

Yeah. Kind of sent the wrong message.

It proves a point. Even our own men have their own survival instincts that kick in and will defy orders to not retaliate instantly or eventually under duress from each other. Out of fear for brothers and family somewhere far off....things would unravel.

Im kind of wondering if I should even delete this crazy isht because what are we doing here really if all this is true

Makes you think. Silently.

edit on 4-4-2020 by HelloboysImbackguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: HelloboysImbackguy
a reply to: one4all

What you say is not empirically proven so I do not have a familiarity with that alternate subject.

I would like to only speak in knowns so as to determine what is missing from our understanding.

I do not want to bring more possibility into an already multipronged problem that's still being studied by the true experts we base our layman's understanding on.

Thats not to say we cant offer fresh innocent eyes but we are no authority. What you are talking about in depth seems like its yet to be peer reviewed and scrutinized. Less so would I consider it has weight to direct the goals of the conversation.

We would stray into psuedo science and I think you are familiar with this a little like me, so I think we can limit ourselves to academically Accepted empirical knowledge.

We arent well versed enough to stray into unproven theory. It would do us no good.

Well spoken...and my coffee is also well stirred.

You are referring to a traditional approach.

Traditional approaches are what the con-jobs acts of Anti-Humanitarian Terrorism are built upon.

We now need to think out of the Box.

I truly wish to see these people in Guantanamo Bay facing the firing squad for suppressing and or bastardising for tactical reasons critical knowledge from all of humanity .No Deals.

Yes you are correct...there is no Peer Approved published work available to support what I am Status Quo approved data...and this is natural and normal....because the base global STATUS QUO has gone on an expedited evolutionary no longer resides within the Peer Approved Published/Old Status Quo zone …. what you are asking me to work with is what we call Fake News today....Fake Academia....Quackademia…..todays Status Quo resides online amongst We the People....sure its a new Paradigm....that's called progress.

So many people as to be uncountable know these truths today....people do NOT look for olde school published papers to validate things....they use their own critical judgement and common sense.....the Worm has Turned......see if someone now comes to me with a hundred published papers from the olde days...I will not read them nor validate them for I know they are inevitably tainted.....I will go online and find the data myself and scalp it down to remove the lies and deceptions.

However for your stated purposes I respectfully bow and turn and leave the room for its just not my style to allow myself to willingly participate in these peripherally connected crimes against humanity supporting a bastardised academic history...that is no slight to you as I see you have an open mind.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 10:15 PM
a reply to: one4all

Before you go, could I just ask if what you are describing is similar to what I recently heard (in only brief terms) was also the assertion made by Rudolf Steiner regarding what a virus actually is? I cannot offer a source as I can't remember where I read it. But his views are obviously more about the spiritual, and that the modern approach is very material (thus flawed).
It just sounded most similar if I understood what you wrote correctly (i.e. that it is more about our own body excreting the toxins than contracting them).

It seems sad that we feel we must constrain discussion to modern constructs, which may or may not be correct. There is much in this modern world that is clearly incorrect because of the abandonment of a more spiritual and non verifiable (scientifically) aspect of life.

posted on Apr, 5 2020 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: saladfingers123456
a reply to: one4all

Before you go, could I just ask if what you are describing is similar to what I recently heard (in only brief terms) was also the assertion made by Rudolf Steiner regarding what a virus actually is? I cannot offer a source as I can't remember where I read it. But his views are obviously more about the spiritual, and that the modern approach is very material (thus flawed).
It just sounded most similar if I understood what you wrote correctly (i.e. that it is more about our own body excreting the toxins than contracting them).

It seems sad that we feel we must constrain discussion to modern constructs, which may or may not be correct. There is much in this modern world that is clearly incorrect because of the abandonment of a more spiritual and non verifiable (scientifically) aspect of life.

I will certainly explain what I know to be true.

What we call a "viraus" is a fraud......somewhere along the line of honest truthful research an observation was made that the body was manifesting physical indicators of an Auto-immune action......for the sake of conversation lets call this a "scab" which the body creates to defend and protect itself......the consistant observation of this "bodily reaction of the Auto-immune System" led to someone somewhere creating a name for this "internal scab" being consistently witnessed......they called it a virus...… not a "reaction" and thEn it was called a VIRUS not a VIRAL AUTO-IMMUNE RESPONSE TP FOREIGN INVASION....WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS.



In the beginning of research they did not know where this reaction was catalysing from...they had no possible explanation of how any foreign bodies could be put into the areas where they were observing the viral auto immune system reactions to the bacteria fecal matter....they knew it was a foreign body....but they had no explanation as to how it got they took a shot at Pinning the Tail on the Donkey.

A Pleomorphic bacteria is taken into our body via our food chain.....this bacteria will produce fecal matter or by product chemicals from its degredation after death that will cause auto-immune reactions inside our body that will be incorrectly called a "virus"....the virus is made up or created to explain the bodies reaction to the bacteria/ poop/chemicals produced from dead bacteria ....the trick here is that this particular bacteria can assume the size or mass and shape of the dead material we discover when we biopsy these "internal scabs" that our Auto-Immune systems create inside the "internal scab" is always found the same dead material which is really a living bacteria that is hyper-reproducing and defecating like mad as it does this....In short what researchers were calling "dead material" which they named a "virus" ALREADY HAD A NAME and it was PLEOMORPHIC BACTERIA....the bacteria moves throughout the body as it changes shape size and enters us as a bacteria then masquerades as a virus then as a fungus…. …...its a trickster.

I use reverse-extrapolation programs called Intuitive Dynamic Analysis and Intuitive Dynamic Management to asses and create remedial actions to things like learn these Programs called in short IDA and IDM you can go here but its a very very long and coded lesson.

I haven't heard of Rudolf Steiner but poof of my claims is with a 100% certainty out there to be found within the scientific and research fields hidden and or suppressed or bastardised.Steiner could have been suppressed.I will research him and look for commonalities.If he is right they have to exist and his research if honest will always fit into the feedback loop representing this truth.

I am just a is another place where this data is available and where I can expound .
edit on 5-4-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 01:44 AM
The link has a video in Italian but does have English subtitles

PROOF! An Italian News Segment From 2015 PROVES The Chinese Were DEVELOPING The Coronavirus In A Lab

From the Rair Foundation- In 2015, Italian state broadcaster RAI aired Leonardo, a show dedicated to science, which revealed that Chinese scientists had created a pulmonary “supervirus” from bats and mice “for study purposes” that is capable of attacking humans. Salvini and other party leaders are demanding to know if there is a connection with the research featured in the 2015 documentary and the Chinese coronavirus, which has wreaked havoc on Italy. In the scientific documentary, Chinese researchers in a laboratory in Beijing managed to graft a surface protein of a coronavirus found in bats onto a virus that causes SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) in mice. It should be noted that SARS was a “114-day epidemic” which “swept 29 countries, affected a reported 8,098 people, [and] left 774 patients dead…” Chinese military surgeon Jiang Yanyong exposed his government’s cover-up of the outbreak that originated in 2002–2003 in the Guangdong Province of China. According to the documentary, the researchers imagined that the hybrid (a “chimera virus”) was suitable for affecting humans, a hypothesis later confirmed by laboratory results. Furthermore, this specific coronavirus was shown to attach itself to our respiratory cells, triggering the syndrome and thus the organism can infect humans “directly from bats without going through an intermediate species, such as the mouse“.

posted on Apr, 6 2020 @ 07:04 AM

originally posted by: choomsuba
The USA is in a dangerously weakened state militarily.

It was, yes, a few years ago, one of Obama's legacy's...

But I guess you missed the huge rebuilding of our military that has gone on over the last few years...

Especially when you have CO’s of aircraft carriers broadcasting our weaknesses.

Not sure what you mean - he stood up like a man and spoke his mind - then got bitch-slapped. I don't have a problem with either.

posted on Apr, 9 2020 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: choomsuba
The Chinese government and military is a prime example of a miserable, archaic communist/socialist regime.
Xi is like the emperor who has no clothes on and everyone is afraid to him so. This whole “dear leader “ concept is pathetic and backwards.

The Chinese people are amazing, strong resilient people that have been pushed to the breaking point with the leak of this weaponized virus from the bio weapons facility in Wuhan,
The Chinese people with the help of the free world need to rise up and crush this dangerous backward regime once and for all.
The free world needs to help them move in to the 21st century.

Xi and the CCP and PLA must be held accountable for this crime against humanity!

Nope you lost me, if they want it so bad let them fight for it. There is no reason for anyone else to get involved. Otherwise we will breed hatred and resentment against the invading party, or has the constant wars in the middle east taught us nothing? The more we try to involve ourselves and try to "help" the more we will be made out to be the bad guys in the end, fair or not, it's the truth. Better to stay out of it, offer humanitarian and medical aid where possible, but otherwise avoid being drawn in to the fighting if at all possible. At least until the people are organized enough to actually ask for assistance in the matter. Otherwise we risk being seen as enforcing our beliefs on a foreign nation.
edit on 9-4-2020 by looneylupinsrevenge because: Reasons

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