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The Reason For Nibiru's Orbit / Proof Of Nibiru?

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posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 08:02 AM
Now, before you post and say, Why did you make a new thread, why didn't you post it in a previous one. Here is my answer. I would rather have this looked and read instead of mindlessly skipped over in a different thread.

Nibiru and it's Oh So Co-Razy Orbit

Why does every other planet (except pluto) have a fairly "normal" orbit around the sun, yet Nibiru has a highly elliptical orbit, was it really caught by the sun's gravitational feild? I say no, and here is why.

Nibiru once had a regular orbit just like all it's brothers and sisters floating around up there. Since it was much larger we would have seen a second moon in our sky. (Sorry just thought of that, it would be beautiful don't you think?...well...probably tiny)

Then all of a sudden, a comet comes bursting through our solar systems at speeds so fast your eye lids would fuse with your eyes and the hair would rip itself out, and slams into this 5th planet. Then the planet takes the hit and since the comet came in on the same angle of the planets orbit, it didn't destroy it, but rather pushed it into what is now it's 3600 year orbit around the sun. Almost as if someone is running in a circle and you run up behind them and push them they go straight, instead of there previous course.

The asteroid belt isn't reminents of when Nibiru collided with earth, it is from when it took a hit from a comet.
And Now For The "Proof"

God cast Satan out of heaven, and down to earth. Agreed?

Satan was said to live on his own planet (I forget the name) and that makes sense just due to the fact that the planets were often named and refered to as Gods themselves.

Now, if God is the sun, and Satan is Nibiru, God cast him out of the sky with his hand - a comet. And he fell upon the earth - meteor shower / asteroids.
If you were in bibical / pre-biblical times. Would you not think a God was thrown out of heaven? So Satan may not be evil, that is just how the sight was interpreted.

God....................................The Sun
God's Hand........................A Comet
Satan Falling To Earth........Meteors / Asteroids

(I do not beleive in the bible, but after reading on Nibiru, my mind clicked in and they seemed to go hand and hand)

Make sense? I know for me and myself it does, but I, he is a wild card, he could go either way.


[edit on 12-3-2005 by Emulous]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 11:00 AM
Considering Nibiru itself is a crock of #, so your explanation must be as well.

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 11:04 AM
I've honestly no idea what you are talking about.

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 11:51 AM
Makes a lot of sense to me but I dont take lightly to the beliefs of non-believers.

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by T_Jesus
Considering Nibiru itself is a crock of #, so your explanation must be as well.

It may not be as big a crock as you think...

Anybody have anymore info on what this thing was as I searched the NASA site and couldn't find anything conclusive on what this 'object' was.

[edit on 12/3/05 by Creative_Seeker]

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 01:33 PM
They threw out that theory when they discovered the Kuiper Belt.

Just because they found something "strange" doesn't make it some proof of an old mythology. What isn't "strange" in our Universe? I've been doing research for a few years and teaching for a year, and I see "strange" things daily.

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 01:39 PM
Wait a second, I just clicked that link you gave - it was Sedna. They've been talking about this for a while now...old news.

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 01:42 PM
ah, thanks for the info, not been on the forums for quite some time as I've been working in Africa and Asia for quite some time recently.

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 03:23 PM
What kind of work? And what parts?

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 04:02 PM
charity work, I'm a civil engineer by trade, and through a project I did to Sri Lanka not so long ago (for the DeLasalle brothers) I made some contacts with people out there running projects to teach youngesters from the slums and shanties the skills necessary to work and live. So I've mainly been teaching with the odd bit of renovation work thrown in. the main concentration of my work was in Columbo (SL) until I heard about some projects in Unganda which I went to help out for a short while.

[edit on 12/3/05 by Creative_Seeker]


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