posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 03:30 PM
NOT a joke thread, I hasten to say.
Expect some of these movies to arrive at cinemas in late 2021 after a vaccine has been circulated, the numbers of infected and dead have been
correlated, and we know the true extent of this pandemic. It is indeed inevitable, but WHO will star in prominent real-life roles?
My speculations...
President Trump
I wouldn't be surprised if Josh Brolin returned to play another president after his unexpectedly nuanced and thoughtful role as Bush Jr in Oliver
Stone's 'W' (2008). And I wouldn't rule out Stone himself directing a Coronavirus flick since both 'W' and 'World Trade Center' (2006) demonstrated
that his old 'bad boy' antics can be tamed whilst dealing with sensitive material. I even think his 1995 'Nixon' opus would have been a different,
subtler version had he made it twenty years later.
Alec Baldwin may have made a SNL name for himself as Trump, but I doubt he'd be cast in a straight movie, precisely because of that connection -
unless a Comedy Coronavirus movie were to be green-lit, which seems unlikely within a ten-year window from now for reasons of pure taste.
Boris Johnson
With such larger-than-life characters as Donald and Boris treading the world stage, jokey suggestions are tempting, but I'm trying be reasonably
straight in this thread, and the first actor who came to mind was Rhys Ifans, most probably still recognised in the US for his role in 'Notting Hill'
Vladimir Putin
Not a high-profile player in the Coronavirus story at present, but Vlad's inclusion in a Hollywood movie may be inevitable for scenes in which he
frowns and perhaps mocks the USA's approach whilst continuing to shake hands with his Kremlin colleagues.
Daniel Craig may be 52 now and bowing out as 007, but a future career as an occasional Putin is not out of the question.
I've started the ball rolling, but I think that's enough from me.
What say YOU?
edit on 27-3-2020 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)