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Would You Like To Be Abducted?

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posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 07:00 PM
Thank you,

Now that I said- "Never returning home", do you suppose some missing persons are abducted by aliens and not returned?

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
They are all friendly. Professional is more the word, though.

So sure are we.... none like us?

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by NoPhobos

Originally posted by EarthSister
They are all friendly. Professional is more the word, though.

So sure are we.... none like us?


There are a few other primitive races in our area but they can't get around space yet either. Not all primitive races are hostile, though.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 07:58 AM
It would be great if the Aliens by mistake abducted one of those suicide bombers so he would blow the ship and we could get some aliens

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 04:41 PM
... That could be the next Roswell.... hehe

Or the next title of Weekly World News.

I can see it now:

"Suicide Bomber Blows Up UFO!-Astonishing Photos Inside!"

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 04:40 PM
U guys are nuts. Being abducted by friendly or evil aliens wont change a thing, u will be freightened to death. Only seeing the alien will result in great emotional stress. We humans fear of the unknown.

[edit on 19-3-2005 by amraam]

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by amraam
Only seeing the alien will result in great emotional stress. We humans fear of the unknown.


The Unknown are only unknown until we get to know them. So if you get the opportunity, stick around for a while and make up your own mind.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Originally posted by amraam
Only seeing the alien will result in great emotional stress. We humans fear of the unknown.


The Unknown are only unknown until we get to know them. So if you get the opportunity, stick around for a while and make up your own mind.

Couldn't have said it better myself. As the old addage says: Curiosity killed the cat. Yes, it might not be good for us, but we humans are some of, if not THE most inquisitive species in the known world. I find it really satisfying to know that there are things that we do not know, since without that, the desire to learn something new would come to an end, which would not be a good thing.

Knowing everything would suck for me.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by TheBorg

Couldn't have said it better myself. As the old addage says: Curiosity killed the cat.

True! People have died courageously throughout all of history as they cleared the way and expanded knowledge of all new things for all of humanity to follow. But if the biggest new thing: THE ALIENS wanted to kill us, they would not wait for us to make up our minds or give them the signal or sign a paper, they could just come get us whether we were curious or not.

As for humanity learning what is actual about other life, this is as inevitable as breathing, and already in progress. But how we are treating the subject within our own minds and societies is earthbound- limited entirely by THE WAY we think and what we know already, which in galactic measures would fit into a thimble.

Our race meeting other races means the answer to many questions on Earth AND the discovery of more and greater questions to come from out there. Space is not the final frontier, it is the ENDLESS frontier. The other races are already there, and we are invited!

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 10:04 AM
Our race meeting other races means the answer to many questions on Earth AND the discovery of more and greater questions to come from out there. Space is not the final frontier, it is the ENDLESS frontier. The other races are already there, and we are invited!

Earthsister, your responses are rational and lucid. I'm glad of that because generally when someone makes the claims that you have, the continued responses tend to degenerate into something less than lucid.
It is my hope that we, as a race in the Universe, can evolve into a more emotionally and spiritually stable race than we now present. I'm asking now, just for my own edification, how can I make contact and become part of the solution that will inevitably move the human race forward at a faster pace.
I'm no different than many of the people that visit these forums. I strongly desire to be part of something greater than myself and your experience certainly seems to be that. If the other races, are being hendered by the powers that be, on our planet, then why are they so cryptic and secretive. When our politicians want to advance one of their goals, they take the issue directly to the people. Complete chaos is not necessary for change. It is often a by-product but it doesn't have to be.
Help me, if you can. I want to make that contact and that commitment to a better way for the human race. I'm not asking for the other races to prove anything, other than to give me a tangible hold on their existance and my possible role in the coming emergence our next step must be. What can i do?

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 10:29 AM
No only NO...but HELL NO.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 02:45 PM

Thank you for your post. Your kind of thoughtful response is too infrequent, though they are what sustains my ambition to fight for my beliefs in the human race.

Originally posted by freddieb

I'm asking now, just for my own edification, how can I make contact and become part of the solution that will inevitably move the human race forward at a faster pace.

There are "many" people- human and alien, and other spiritual beings, involved in helping humanity over this pubescent hump. You can help create public awareness of it by talking sense about it in normal conversation for others around you. You don't need to have personal contact with alien life to think with common sense about the other races. You already apply sense to the subject, as everybody should.

Individual humans who have personal alien contact, always have had it and always will. We are born with it. You can't make the aliens visit you, but you can discover it if they already do. If you find you have contact, you can excel to an advanced kind of interaction and teaching by being a good candidate for it. Think straight- both scientifically and naturally, record all events in detail asap to preserve integrity, be honest and trustworthy, stay independent, deny the personal and professional nay-sayers, and don't ever give up.

Many humans have contact, but few ever get beyond the first step.

If the other races, are being hendered by the powers that be, on our planet, then why are they so cryptic and secretive. When our politicians want to advance one of their goals, they take the issue directly to the people.

The alien races ARE taking the issues directly to the people, because our leading governments will not accept or allow open contact between our worlds. The alien races are cryptic because they have to be, so that no professional 'jerks' on Earth can effectively pose as them. We will be able to tell in hindsight what evidence was actually alien, and what evidence was professionally twisted or fabricated against the aliens.

Think of crop circles and their codes. Sure, today you don't know how to read them because govt and special interest groups control all who have seriously studied them- but all of the authentic messages, are recorded and cataloged for future use, and no Earth authority can replicate them by code or by method. The posers can "tell" you whatever they want you to believe today, but their poor, primitive copies will not always fool everyone on Earth.

The alien races are secretive to avoid attack, and to avoid lending public "evidence" to the abundant propaganda, but especially to protect the identities of their individual human contacts. What my husband and I do is speak publicly, so we are taught the things we need to teach others so that others can have their own insight and opportunity to also work progressively with alien life in their own roles. Most humans who have progressive contact are not to be known publicly for it because, if they were, the pressures of govt and society would directly interfere with their ability to progress.

Help me, if you can. I want to make that contact and that commitment to a better way for the human race. I'm not asking for the other races to prove anything, other than to give me a tangible hold on their existance and my possible role in the coming emergence our next step must be. What can i do?

Even if you don't work directly with alien life, this is as much your world to stand up for as any human beings'. Human's advanced spiritual experiences are not limited to only alien races. All of us have a spiritual heritage and family, and if you want to contribute to the efforts of progressing humanity, there is nothing to stop you.

You know what humans are like, and you know the alien races are here and have been for a very long time. Stand on what you know and keep this perspective as you study the reasons for every way the humans are behaving about the aliens.

There is only one truth- so don't settle for any concession. When you recognize the truth, help others understand it.

[edit on 3/21/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 02:51 PM
I would like to get abducted just so that i would know for sure that aliens existed. Ok so they may experiment on me but i would know they are here.

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