posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 11:02 PM
I don't take so much stock in all these "deployment" stories.
Could the National guard or even the military be moving units into certain "hot spots"(major metro #holes) in response to possible unrest.
Are the locations any surprise to anyone, not really. I mean most the locations seem to be bordering on third world/apocalyptic areas anyway(pre
Is it a good thing? I don't know.
Is it a sign of what's to come nation wide? Hardly.
Everyone knows that if social unrest breaks out, cities will be the hotbeds and of those cities the ones that are teetering on the edge of civility
are the ones that are likely to be the first response for federal action.
There just isn't enough troops to do this on a nationwide scale. 90 percent of america doesn't have to worry about this, and that same 90 percent
understands why these certain areas(costal mega cities) will likely devolve into a warzone at even the slightest bit of social unrest.
Sure, that still may not make it right, but it's wholly logical.