a reply to:
I have nothing against purchasing a so-called 'smart phone', but I have never found a compelling reason to do so, and there are so many dangers.
I mean, one danger is, that I am 'naturally clumsy'. I have broken more things accidentally by bumping into them or turning around and making them
fall (etc) than I have owned things, probably.
My old, sturdy 'dumb phone' has fallen so many times that I would be bankrupt, had they been smartphones. Thankfully that phone still 'ticks', because
it's cheap but sturdy.
If I had a smartphone, I would lose a FORTUNE replacing it every or every other week because it fell again. I can't own a 'smart'phone. I need to own
a 'sturdy'phone.
The second thing is, I have a portable game system, I have a functional mp3 player, I have a working camera (also very sturdy, and you can guess it,
it has met the ground/floor with accelerating velocity more than a human's head could ever survive - miraculously, it still functions!) - I also
happen to own more than a 'handful' of computers and similar electronic systems.
I have meen wracking my brain, trying to think WHAT I could need such a thing for, but I can't come up with even one reason. Ok, some flimsy ones,
maybe. The GPS system would tell me where I am, but then I can't practice my hobby, which is 'getting lost'. So if someone tells me to 'get lost', I
thank them for appreciating my hobby and obey (not because I obey people, but because it's fun - you really feel alive when you're lost and don't know
which direction is correct! It's difficult to do in modern day, but sometimes I manage to do it).
I don't really have a use for GPS system, especially since I don't like something constantly knowing my location - heck, _I_ don't want to know where
I am most of the time, so why should some device get to know it? Hmph!
Another reason is, 'constantly having camera with me' - it's true, my old camera is big and heavy, and I don't want to lug it everywhere I go. This
kind of thing would be handy, being light enough to bring with me - but I would be so scared of it falling and breaking, I wouldn't dare bring it to
everywhere. I would end up not taking it with me most of the time, kind of defeating the purpose. Besides, I am planning to buy a 'pocket camera'
anyway, it'd be more fun to have a dedicated system for that, and better pic and video quality with proper lens and zoom and such.
I don't have those 'social media' accounts, I never wanted to use FriendFace or Instablah, Twitter doesn't seem worth it, and I can use anything like
that on a computer anyway if I want.
I like to be tech-free when I am in the outside world anyway, since I use tech inside already, so that creates a nice contrast and 'holiday' from tech
- any time I am out, I have 0 tech with me, and when I am inside, I have 100% tech around me. Best of both worlds. With a phone like that, I'd be
constantly with 100% tech, no more holiday. I don't like that.
Besides, when I am somewhere, I want to be there. When I am waiting in some dentist's hallway, I stare at the wall and just 'exist' - you wouldn't
believe the interesting ideas and meditative existential bliss that are possible in such a situation, when you don't 'strive'. But modern people would
probably never understand..
People watch videos and movies from those things, but to me, that's just too SMALL. I also don't like the idea of typing with thumbs - I can do it
with my old phone, but I hate touchscreens anyway, as they have no tactile feel whatsoever. I absolutely adore keyboards, they're just so fun to use,
tactile feel, I can type with many styles, either barely touching the keys and seeing how fast I can go, or just really slamming the keys, having the
time of my life and feeling like a barbarian. How do you do that with just glass surface that doesn't respond to you at all?
Basically, no matter how 'advanced' that tech becomes, it's always going to be a 'toy' to me, because it's just so small and touch-screeny. Give me
good old keyboard and mouse ANY day. Give me good old BIG SCREEN for videos and movies any day!
I have big 4:3 screens, I have other ratios as well, I have vertical and horizontal, I have a really (too) big screen that I got for free.. how can
some tiny thing outdoors where the sunlight makes the screen invisible and glints all over the place compete with that, especially compared to the
peace I have at home vs. the sounds of traffic or whatnot and tiny earplugs insted of proper headphones and audio equipment that can make the whole
building shake if need be?
I don't see the reason for addiction, I don't see why so many zombies just HAVE to have them out AT ALL TIMES, no matter what they're doing - pushing
a kid in a stroller, running for a bus, sitting in a bus, walking on the street, jogging, shopping, eating .. no matter what they do, they have nose
glued to the tiny toy. I just can't understand it.. what are they all even doing? They don't seem to be doing anything important or even interesting,
and yet they can't look away for a second even if a truck is speeding towards them. I think I have saved a couple of lives just by "AHEM"ing really
loud before people walked into traffic.
I think it's gonna be a Xeno's paradox.. when electric cars become more common, cell phone zombies aren't going to hear them anymore, so they WILL
walk into traffic - which will win, will the Tesla break first, or will the zombie die? It's going to be an interesting future..