I'd like to start this transmission by saying how deeply saddened I am
for every human being on mother Earth right now. Every one us just
recently watched their world (an old friend) die. And parallel to a
popular TV series. I fear that right before our eyes and to our horror.
We will see it reanimate from the dead and return as a monster seeking
to devour the living.
I'm one of those who saw this coming from my youth by way of the Spirit
and ancient scriptures. I've always proclaimed they are the truth to all
if the opportunity came up in a conversation or topic. So this in no way is
a surprises to me. And I am not afraid for myself understanding what must
I do hope my ramblings and fist pounding helped at least some who
engaged me to recognize what is unfolding for what is. Because it is
what it is. I'm only mentioning this to construct some backdrop so
please don't try to continue a theological debate in the social forum.
So one of the secular arguments used ad nauseam is "Why would God
allow so much evil and/or suffering in a world if he loves us?" That's
why all of this is happening. This is where a world of evil and suffering
must go to end all of that evil and suffering. Suffice all that to say, I
think it's time to talk to the children. Agree or disagree with me or God
or WTF ever.
The only fear I have gripping and tearing at my heart right now is for
them. Yours mine theirs doesn't matter but we are the adults in the
lives of the innocent. They may be fearful but at least they may not be
terrified. Talking about it helps because the unknown is scary to us
The point is what ever belief or denial you have you can't deny what
has just happened. No matter how you understand it? They may not
even know. Isn't now the perfect time to let them know what is
becoming of their world? That it may not be as nice as it was before?
As frightful as it might be for them they don't deserve to be blindsided
in the near future. No one deserves that.
They all deserve to know what's happening. They deserve some time to
deal with it. Talk to the little ones in your life your preteens your
teenagers. And don't be afraid to admit how ever odd it may seem to
you. There are some mysterious forces we don't quite understand that
seem to be driving this change and uncertainty. Take the time to let
them know that come what may. You'll go thru it together and don't
ever let go of them from this day forward.
I'm so sorry this happening and for those that do pray.
For children
for the world
for our country
For our President
But most of all that Gods will be done.
edit on 22-3-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)
The haughty and proud are not able to escape the coming plague and pestilence. And hope seems a distant possibility.
"They all deserve to know what's happening. They deserve some time to
deal with it. Talk to the little ones in your life your preteens your
teenagers. And don't be afraid to admit how ever odd it may seem to
you. There are some mysterious forces we don't quite understand that
seem to be driving this change and uncertainty. Take the time to let
them know that come what may. You'll go thru it together and don't
ever let go of them from this day forward."
They may well be the survivors, the new world theirs...And what we have taught them might still remain
If you can get their noses out of their phones and devices for a minute or two, maybe you could get them to focus on a conversation for maybe 30
Last week, just as everything was shutting down, we had to make a short trip out of town. We stopped at a restaurant to grab a late breakfast, and
the place was near empty.
An old man and his wife hobbled in with a young preteen girl. I thought to myself, they are probably having to babysit because the schools are
The girl kept her nose in her device with her headphones on during the entire time. The grandmother, or possibly great grandmother, was watching the
child and had the saddest look on her face.
I thought to myself that girl is missing a great opportunity to connect with her grandmother, and actually just look into her eyes and observe her
face. The old woman will die soon and that girl won't even remember what she actually looked like. My heart was breaking for the old woman, while
the young girl stared at a screen oblivious to her elder that would have loved to be having a conversation with her.
I have a 4 year old son and like you, from a very early age, I have had the weight of knowing this was coming on my shoulders. It’s been heavy.
In my mid 20’s, I almost didn’t stay to see it through. I decided to close my eyes to the reality and drift myself to sleep so that I could have a
family and a somewhat normal life- only to wake up in 2016 to the reality that I wasn’t wrong-
It was coming. He was a baby.
Now it’s here. It’s heavy. I wonder what kind of adventures he’ll have.
He doesn’t sit in front of screens and I am glad that if this has to happen in our times, that it’s happening before he got his foot out into
“that” world at all-
He’s due to start preK this fall
Nothing is certain anymore but that what’s always been unseen is making itself more visible.
Thanks for the inspiring post
It’s a whirlwind of emotions right now
I’m always curious about how those who’ve also felt this in their spirit are feeling right now
I don’t know anybody else around me that has
Only ever found them on the internet. Only good thing that’s come of it- was finding out i actually wasnt as alone in my perspective as I
had always believed.
Why are you sorry this is haplenning? Are you at fault?
No more than you are friend. Don't you feel any sorrow for humanity?
For what people are going thru? For the children in your life and what
they may have to endure? Why does being sorry for some one suggest
guilt in your mind?
This is how an evil world dies. With hope and trust it's resurrected corpse
will be vanquished. And a better world will be born thru our children. So
teach your children we;ll. This is happening for them.
Question wasn't addressed to me but I'll take a stab.
I understand the OP's concern. I have young children too. In my younger years, I experienced personal trauma, as I'm sure many of us did, to one
degree or another. This is different though. This is a once in a lifetime (more like once in a century) occurrence. This is a slow-motion, world-wide
car crash that is molding and shaping the lives of children, and not in a positive way. The best we can do is shield our kids from the worst, and try
to put lipstick on the pigs we can't hide from their view.
So am I personally sorry? Nope.
I empathize with the OP and other parents that are doing their best to provide normalcy in kid's lives.
I sympathize with children, and fortunately my kids are generally fine, but many are not.
Beyond that...I think my own emotional response is comprised mostly of anger and irritation with whoever is responsible.