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Iran flags 50 new coronavirus cases per hour one dies every 10 minutes

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posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 05:51 AM
If this is true it does not really surprise me as when the faithful pray they put their face either on a prayer mat or the floor.

Iran is witnessing Covid-19 infection rates of 50 new cases per hour, while deaths are occurring every 10 minutes, a spokesman for the country’s health ministry announced in a tweet on Thursday.

“According to the latest data, 50 people in Iran are infected with Covid-19 almost every hour, and every 10 minutes, one person loses his life as a result of corona,” said Kianush Jahanpur, the head of the ministry’s public relations and information center.

In response to the growing pandemic, four Gulf Arab states have moved to send aid to Tehran, even as its regional rival Saudi Arabia and its vassal state of Bahrain have notably refrained.
Indonesia prayers spread world’s top Covid-19 kill rate

JAKARTA – It is now dawning on the world’s largest Muslim population that it is particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus because of the social intimacy that goes along with mass prayers held five times a day for the faithful and the way extended families interact on a daily basis.

The government’s entreaties for Indonesians to practice “social distancing” is a concept many have found difficult to grasp as the virus spreads across the archipelago through community transmission, bringing an unusually high rate of deaths in its wake.

Confirmed Covid-19 Infections across Indonesia have now risen to 369, still second to Malaysia among Southeast Asian nations. But seven more deaths in the past 24 hours have taken the overall toll to 32, the third highest in Asia after China and South Korea.

This week, The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security put Indonesia’s mortality rate at more than 8%, the highest in the world ahead of even more widely infected Italy, Iran, China, Japan and Spain.

Comparisons are likely meaningless with the world’s fourth most populous country, where 88% of the citizenry is Muslim. But according to the British daily The Independent, up to a quarter of the 55 Britons to have died from the disease have been Muslims, who make up just a 5% minority.

When we see numbers from many countries you have to think if there is no testing going on then the numbers presented are only those who make it to a hospital and are confirmed COVID-19 carriers.
edit on 727stk20 by 727Sky because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 06:13 AM
U.S. to Iran: Coronavirus won't save you from sanctions

“While Iran is an epicenter of this virus outbreak and facing true economic catastrophe ... there will be no relief on sanctions,” said Elizabeth Rosenberg of the Center for a New American Security think tank.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: gosseyn
U.S. to Iran: Coronavirus won't save you from sanctions

“While Iran is an epicenter of this virus outbreak and facing true economic catastrophe ... there will be no relief on sanctions,” said Elizabeth Rosenberg of the Center for a New American Security think tank.

Oh man that's so far below they belt I don't know where to begin...

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: gosseyn
U.S. to Iran: Coronavirus won't save you from sanctions

“While Iran is an epicenter of this virus outbreak and facing true economic catastrophe ... there will be no relief on sanctions,” said Elizabeth Rosenberg of the Center for a New American Security think tank.

Humanitarian aid is not restricted to Iran by the US right now. I just read that, the UN is working to help Iran's people with this, and the US is involved in that help. Strange how we help the people of Iran when they need it and they would never help us if we needed it.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: gosseyn
U.S. to Iran: Coronavirus won't save you from sanctions

“While Iran is an epicenter of this virus outbreak and facing true economic catastrophe ... there will be no relief on sanctions,” said Elizabeth Rosenberg of the Center for a New American Security think tank.

So Ms. Rosenberg, likely Jewish, from a think tank, has what authority exactly? It's kind of like asking Ilian Omar's opinion if we should help Israel or not.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 07:34 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: gosseyn
U.S. to Iran: Coronavirus won't save you from sanctions

“While Iran is an epicenter of this virus outbreak and facing true economic catastrophe ... there will be no relief on sanctions,” said Elizabeth Rosenberg of the Center for a New American Security think tank.

Humanitarian aid is not restricted to Iran by the US right now. I just read that, the UN is working to help Iran's people with this, and the US is involved in that help. Strange how we help the people of Iran when they need it and they would never help us if we needed it.

You are crippling their economy and supporting their enemies. Why exactly should they help you?
US ain't helping jack #, propaganda.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: gosseyn
U.S. to Iran: Coronavirus won't save you from sanctions

“While Iran is an epicenter of this virus outbreak and facing true economic catastrophe ... there will be no relief on sanctions,” said Elizabeth Rosenberg of the Center for a New American Security think tank.

Humanitarian aid is not restricted to Iran by the US right now. I just read that, the UN is working to help Iran's people with this, and the US is involved in that help. Strange how we help the people of Iran when they need it and they would never help us if we needed it.

Ricky, I'm not so sure about the people of Iran, I believe that many would at least like to help us. Around the time things were heating up between the US and Iran, maybe some 15 or 20 years ago, I was chatting with people in Iran. The younger people I chatted with were college educated, westernized, career oriented and they liked the people of the U.S.

When I broke off contact due to politics, I apologized for how our government was acting toward their country. Many of them really didn't understand or know about the political friction, but it was just starting back then at the time.

It seems I've been allowing our government's policies to be an excuse to limit my communications and self-censor for quite awhile now. Maybe it's time to grow a (new) pair, or find where the woman keeps the old ones.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: XCrycek

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: gosseyn
U.S. to Iran: Coronavirus won't save you from sanctions

“While Iran is an epicenter of this virus outbreak and facing true economic catastrophe ... there will be no relief on sanctions,” said Elizabeth Rosenberg of the Center for a New American Security think tank.

Humanitarian aid is not restricted to Iran by the US right now. I just read that, the UN is working to help Iran's people with this, and the US is involved in that help. Strange how we help the people of Iran when they need it and they would never help us if we needed it.

You are crippling their economy and supporting their enemies. Why exactly should they help you?
US ain't helping jack #, propaganda.

The leader of Iran is definitely not a good person. I think that the leader of Syria was much better for his people. Iran's leader is a warmonger, he employs terrorists to do his bidding. I would bet that the majority of the people supposedly dying from this coronavirus there are actually people who protested against his regime. They can use this disease as a way of getting rid of anyone who opposes their leadership, dragging the protesters into the hospital and burying their opponents. Perfect way to hide this genocide

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: gosseyn
U.S. to Iran: Coronavirus won't save you from sanctions

“While Iran is an epicenter of this virus outbreak and facing true economic catastrophe ... there will be no relief on sanctions,” said Elizabeth Rosenberg of the Center for a New American Security think tank.

Humanitarian aid is not restricted to Iran by the US right now. I just read that, the UN is working to help Iran's people with this, and the US is involved in that help. Strange how we help the people of Iran when they need it and they would never help us if we needed it.

Ricky, I'm not so sure about the people of Iran, I believe that many would at least like to help us. Around the time things were heating up between the US and Iran, maybe some 15 or 20 years ago, I was chatting with people in Iran. The younger people I chatted with were college educated, westernized, career oriented and they liked the people of the U.S.

When I broke off contact due to politics, I apologized for how our government was acting toward their country. Many of them really didn't understand or know about the political friction, but it was just starting back then at the time.

It seems I've been allowing our government's policies to be an excuse to limit my communications and self-censor for quite awhile now. Maybe it's time to grow a (new) pair, or find where the woman keeps the old ones.

I know that the people in Iran are not against us, but the leaders of that country are and they call the shots. I feel a lot of the young you are talking about in Iran are going to be casualties of the coronavirus there. It is definitely not going to be an old person disease risk in Iran.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

They got to be about my age now, mid 50s.

Iran used to be more secular and progressive back during the shah days. That western attitude held for a while after the theocracy rule took over in 1979, I don't have a clue now.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:40 AM

Iran flags 50 new coronavirus cases per hour one dies every 10 minutes

I call horsesh__

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
a reply to: rickymouse

They got to be about my age now, mid 50s.

Iran used to be more secular and progressive back during the shah days. That western attitude held for a while after the theocracy rule took over in 1979, I don't have a clue now.

I knew some people from Israel I met online at a different site. they were really nice people, and they hinted that their leaders were war mongers, but could not come right out and say it because the Israeli government monitors most conversations on the internet. I am sure Iran is like that too, same with many of those countries in the Muslim world.

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse

originally posted by: gosseyn
U.S. to Iran: Coronavirus won't save you from sanctions

“While Iran is an epicenter of this virus outbreak and facing true economic catastrophe ... there will be no relief on sanctions,” said Elizabeth Rosenberg of the Center for a New American Security think tank.

Humanitarian aid is not restricted to Iran by the US right now. I just read that, the UN is working to help Iran's people with this, and the US is involved in that help. Strange how we help the people of Iran when they need it and they would never help us if we needed it.

Um, Iran did help America in the Iraq war by blocking Iraq from expanding, duh.
edit on 21-3-2020 by makemap because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2020 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: gosseyn
U.S. to Iran: Coronavirus won't save you from sanctions

“While Iran is an epicenter of this virus outbreak and facing true economic catastrophe ... there will be no relief on sanctions,” said Elizabeth Rosenberg of the Center for a New American Security think tank.

This is what US will do to the world if China and Russia doesn't exist. Sanctions for anyone who don't trade with US. Sanctions for anyone who won't allow US companies into the country. Oh right, get US companies out of China/Third world countries! Double speaks itself.
edit on 21-3-2020 by makemap because: (no reason given)

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